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Boomer Women Speak Forums
Dear Dotsie,
October 15, 2009
Turn your midlife crisis to your own advantage by making it a time for
renewal of your body and mind, rather than stand by helplessly and
watch them decline. ~Jane E. Brody During
interviews, I'm often asked if women from our generation still
experience a midlife crisis. My response it that we definitely go
through changes, but we prefer to refer to them as midlife
opportunities. Instead of getting down and out, feeling like there
isn't a way out, we use our accumulated wisdom to make the positive
changes needed to move forward with some kind of grace. Perhaps that's
why Jane Brody's quote struck me. It is my hope that if anyone is
feeling trapped, they will join the NABBW to receive encouragement and make the positive changes needed to live a midlife filled with purpose.
to those of you who emailed me after last week's update. Dad is home
from the hospital and doing better, and my FIL is having a better week.
As it turns out, my toothache is more than a toothache. I've been
diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia which is most painful, but I am
getting relief as I write through a Percocet cloud. Prednisone is
helping with the inflammation. I'm not standing by helplessly to watch
my body decline (Jane Brody's quote above) but rather doing as most
boomers do, traipsing from doctor to doctor until I get the help needed
to be on the healing path. Fortunately, Ross made the diagnosis this
weekend and my general practitioner agreed yesterday. Next week, it's
on to the neurologist. I've moaned and groaned a bit, but am counting
my blessings because we have competent doctors within a one mile radius
of our home, and I have loving family and friends who are most caring.
is Domestic Violence Month.
Lynn Tolson, author of Beyond the Tears: A True Survivor's Story
is sharing some of her story with us in the articles at these links. Article 1 and Article 2. I'm proud of baby boomer women such as Lynn who are breaking the silence
with their stories. We hope you will take the time to learn more about Domestic
Violence and speak out if you or a loved one is in a situation that requires
Our September Teleseminar was with Sherrie Mathieson, author of STEAL
THIS STYLE: Moms and Daughters Swap Wardrobe Secrets: Looks That Make Hip
Classic and Classic Cool was great fun. Boy does Sherrie know a lot
about the fashion industry. While reading her book and preparing for the
teleseminar, I became jazzed about getting dressed this fall and winter. NABBW
members are invited to listen/read on the Members Only page to learn that boomer
women do not need to feel frustrated while clothes shopping when you know what
to look for.
Our next educational opportunity will be for the writers and wanna-be writers
among us. After hosting the writing contest with Sue Silverman, author of
Fearless Confessions: A Writer's Guide to Memoir, Love Sick: One
Woman's Journey through Sexual Addiction (Norton, and a Lifetime TV movie),
and Because I Remember Terror, Father, I Remember You, we decided to
feature Sue in a teleseminar. A Path to Writing and Publishing
Memoirs with Sue Silverman will be Tuesday, October 20, 2009
at 3:00 p.m. EST. Please see below register for the call.
I'm excited to share an anthology project that I believe in. NABBW member, Phyllis DeMarco is collecting stories for the book, "To Have or
Have Not - I Married the Man of my Dreams and Other Nightmares."
The book will be an honest portrayal of marriage. The purpose is to
depict the reality of marriage and hopefully change the way we enter
into such a serious commitment that affects the outcome of our lives
and our children's lives forever. Submissions should be from women
only, 18 or older, straight or gay, which, if selected, will be
published anonymously. The site is www.tohaveorhavenot.com. Submissions
can be sent to contact@tohaveorhavenot.com.
I encourage you to become a Facebook fan of the NABBW, please click this link
and you'll see where you can do so. I'm getting my feet wet with social
networking and am enjoying it thus far. Now you can follow us on Twitter and connect with me on LinkedIn.
this issue. Sit back, relax and enjoy the articles written by our most capable
associates about all things boomer women! Blessings, Dotsie Bregel www.boomerwomenspeak.com www.nabbw.com |
NABBW Featured Member
Introducing NABBW Member . . .
 Dr.Ingrid Schweiger
Dr. Ingrid Schweiger is
known internationally for her work with women and has more than thirty
years of clinical experience in a variety of settings, including
colleges, hospitals and private practice. The American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy
recognized Ingrid for her innovative programs which are being used in
communities throughout the world. She has served on the faculties of
the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, MA and The New School for Social Research in New York City. Ingrid is the author of Self-Esteem For A Lifetime: Raising A Successful Child From The Inside Out and Teacher Stress and Burnout,
published by the National Education Association. Her media experience
includes hosting a live call-in radio show as well as frequent
appearances on the NBC News.
She is a sought after speaker and seminar leader praised for her warm,
dynamic style. Ingrid maintains a private practice in New York City
where she works with individuals, couples and families. In her free
time, she enjoys spending time with her husband, children and adorable
Ingrid is offering
a unique five part teleclass, "Women and Self-Esteem" to help you
improve all of your personal and professional relationships. So many women are successful on the outside, but struggling on the inside. If this sounds like you, email Ingrid at info@DrIngrid.com for more information about her group sessions and individual coaching.
To learn more, visit:

NABBW Monthly Teleseminars
A Path to Writing and Publishing Memoirs Tuesday October 20, 2009 3:00 pm
(EST) with Sue William Silverman
"A Conversation with Award-Winning Author Sue William Silverman on Writing and Publishing Memoir"
It's been said that everyone has a story to tell.
you interested in writing your own memoir? Does the thought of writing
and publishing your own story seem overwhelming? Maybe you're not sure
where to start, or you lack the confidence and knowledge to find your
authentic voice.
Then join us as Sue William Silverman, www.suewilliamsilverman.com, author of Fearless Confessions: A Writer's Guide to Memoir, and Love Sick: One Woman's Journey through Sexual Addiction
(Norton, and a Lifetime TV movie) as she guides us through the process
of memoir writing and publishing, and helps us find our "real" voices.
Silverman's first memoir, Because I Remember Terror, Father, I Remember You, won the AWP award in creative nonfiction and she teaches at the low-residency MFA in Writing program at Vermont College of Fine Arts. She has appeared on programs such as The View, Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN; a John Stossel Special on ABC-TV; CNN-Headline News; the Montel Williams Show; the Ricki Lake Show; the Morning Show with Mike and Juliet; and both the U. S. and Canadian Discovery Channels. She was also featured in an episode of "The Secret Lives of Women" on WE-TV.
The teleseminar will address the following:
* The redemptive power of memoir. * How to find the courage to write your story * Tips on bringing your story to life * Where to begin your story * How to know what to include in a memoir * How to find the courage to show your story to friends, family, the world * Do you need an agent to market your story * What are different publishing outlets for your story * Tips for marketing your story * Is it important to find a community of writers
As always, a Q&A will follow at the end.
Register for the call!
***The call-in information will be emailed to you prior to the teleseminar.***
By registering for this teleseminars, you will receive an email
reminder for the call and be added to our mailing list. You may
unsubscribe at any time. _____________________________________________________________________ ****COMING
JOB LOSS TO RE-EMPLOYMENT with Carol Orsborn, Ph.D., and
Amy Hoster For details and to register,
click HERE!_____________________________________________________________________ |
Boomer Reviews
Reviews are a service we provide for NABBW members. Email us for details. NOTE:
Once submitted, please allow ample time for reading/reviewing. Books and other products will not be returned.
Click Book or CD Covers to read reviews
By Virginia Ellen

Member News
Janice Taylor www.janicetaylorliving.com THE HOLIDAY DIET: WAKE UP THINNER on New Year's Day! Contrary
to the agreed upon reality, you do NOT have to gain weight this holiday
season. Join with Janice Taylor, America's #1 Weight Loss Coach,
best-selling author and 50-pound big-time-loser, and together WAKE UP THINNER,
happier and more energized on New Year's Day! A blend of wisdom,
creativity humor and incredible value; but limited seating--Reserve
your place at The Holiday Diet Table, October 31 - January 1 and get your full details HERE!
Jan Cullinane www.thenewretirement.net Jan Cullinane, co-author of The New Retirement: The Ultimate Guide to the Rest of Your Life (Rodale) was quoted in the October issue (print and online) of US News and World Report. Here is a link to the story, "These Retirees Live Well, and Frugally."
Kelly Jackson and Sally Jackson
A Lot of Makeup Goes the Wrong Way: The Midlife Gals were
mentioned in a great article in Magazine Industry News about 'collaboration
content models' (moving more toward the social media format for more viewer
interaction). Check out their video, The Indignities of Middle Age:
HERE. Videos can be viewed using Quicktime format
Carolyn Howard-Johnson www.howtodoitfrugally.com
Carolyn will host the Green Book Pavilion at The Green New Media Life Expo
at the convention center in Ontario, CA. on Oct. 31. She will
also interview participating authors for the videos included with their
expo booth packages. Interested authors may contact Gerry Fisher. Satya Winkelman, M.A., C.P.www.guidetotransformation.com Satya Winkelman, M.A., C.P., is a nationally board certified psychodramatist, group psychotherapist, effectiveness trainer, facilitator of Wise Women Retreats and ceramic artist. THROUGH THE FIRE: A Women's Guide to Transformation
is a beautifully illustrated workbook, a map that helps the reader to
navigate the process of change in present time and place, while
providing a framework with which to examine the stages through which
she has evolved, and provides a glimpse of what lies ahead. Visit the interactive website, play with the artist's sculptures and read an excerpt from the book. Joanie Winberg www.NADWC.comwww.BlogTalkRadio.com/SingleAgainJoanie Winberg just launched the Single Again! Now What High- 5 Club. Imagine a team of 5 Experts, helping you 5 Days a Week, for just 5 Minutes a Day in the comfort of your home, and addressing 5 major Areas of Your Life. All funds from the High- 5 Club support the R & R Day Retreats
for underserved women such as victims of domestic violence, homeless,
single again, cancer survivors and women with children of addiction.
Olivia Slaughter, Ph.D.
"Life As A Mother-In-Law, Roles, Challenges, Solutions" written by NABBW member Olivia Slaughter, Ph.D. and partner, Jean Kubelun, Ph.D., has been awarded the gold medal in the International 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. In addition to their win in Women's Issues, they were finalists in the Self Help
competition. Olivia and Jean are mothers, grandmothers, mothers-in-law
and psychologists, and invite you to visit their web site HERE.
Ann Fry, MSW, The ReInvention HotShot!
Professional Speaker/ Exec. Coach
you've ever thought "I'd love to be speaking professionally" .. but
yet, don't know how to transition into that .... then this class is for
you. Here's the nuts and bolts for creating a speaking business. Read
about Speaker Savvy HERE!
Lynn C. Tolson
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Join author/advocate Lynn C. Tolson as she defines domestic violence, the subtle signs of abuse, and the characteristics of victims/offenders. Author of Beyond the Tears: A True Survivor's Story, Lynn was interviewed by host Eileen Williams on Blog Talk Radio
on October 7, 2009, at 8AM (archived). Women in mid-life are
re-defining their boundaries, refusing to accept any form of domestic
abuse, and learning to put themselves first.
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