April 2007
Dear Dotsie,
Don't let your life speed
of control. Live intentionally ---Barbara Johnson
One of the goals of the NABBW is teaching boomer
women to live intentionally and with purpose. Midlife
often allows opportunities to reflect on who we are,
where we've been, and where we're going. Let me
share a tool I've used this past month to do just that.
Coming of Age All Over Again: The Ultimate Midlife
Handbook, www.comingofageagain.com,
by Kate Klimo and Buffy Shutt, was sent
to me for review by Springboard Press. What a gift it's
been. It was such an eye-opening read that we've
chosen to use it as the launch book for the BWS
Book Club which begins this Monday in the hottest forum community for women
at midlife. You're
invited to join us as we discuss, reflect, research, and
consider together, what's next for us.
Another highlight was meeting my good friend and
virtual assistant, Georgia Richardson aka, Queen
Jawjaw, www.queenjawjaw.com. We've
corresponded online and by phone for years and
finally met face-to-face when she flew in for the
weekend to stay with Ross and me. We
carried on like school girls while shopping, laughing,
and catching up. We had fun surprising our Web
designer, Michelle Jakubiak Boschel Creative, when Georgia
appeared unannounced at lunch. Of course, with
Michelle being the on the ball gal that she is, she
recognized Georgia before she even got in the
restaurant. After I entered, and with Georgia
intentionally lagging behind, she looked outside and
said, "Is that Georgia?" How she even knew to look
for Georgia is beyond me. It was the fastest two hour
lunch I've had in a long time, filled with lots of laughs
and a little bit of work.
Another exciting thing happened during the past few
months that I can't forget to mention. A writer for Money magazine contacted me looking for a boomer with
retirement dreams to feature in their April issue. I was
able to connect NABBW member Susan Megge, www.40isbeautiful.com, with the
writer and sure enough, she and her family were
chosen for the feature article. These are the
connections that make me tick. They are also the
connections that come with being a member of the
NABBW. Won't you consider joining us at www.nabbw.com?
Writing this reminds me that life is great and God is
good. May you recognize the blessings in your lives.
Now I encourage you to sit back, relax and grab your
favorite drink while you connect with your boomer
sisters around the world. See you in the forums!
We are happy to announce that when searching "baby
boomer women" online, www.BoomerWomenSpeak.com is ranked first on Google, and www.nabbw.com is ranked first
on Yahoo. Why not advertise with us? Email me at advertising@boomerwomenspeak.com for advertising rates.
Onward with grace,
Boomer Women
I would like to finish my graduate work and begin
my own business -- whatever that may be. The
NABBW is so inspiring because it gives me courage,
determination, and valuable information to pursue my
Susan Schmitz,
Phoenix, Maryland
The National Association of Baby Boomer Women is
the only association devoted to addressing issues
concerning 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest,
and best educated generation of women to ever hit
midlife, baby boomer women.
- A membership package that includes information on self-improvement skills,
free legal and financial advice using e-mail, exclusive
member discounts on a variety of products and
services, easy ways to connect with other boomer
women, and MORE..
- A sense of belonging to a creative, powerful,
encouraging group of women that will leave you
feeling refreshed, revived, and renewed.
- Access to information from an enthusiastic,
energetic, wise, and warm panel of experts who
have written books, founded Web sites, and coached
women on all topics concerning midlife women.
- JOIN before April 30, 2007 and receive a
FREE copy of The Baby Boomer Almanac, by Tim
Brolus - www.nabbw.com


McGraw-Hill's Chase's Calendar of Events declared
May "International Victorious Woman Month." Author
and speaker Annmarie Kelly is offering you a special
Victorious Woman Month Calendar designed to get
you (and your boomer women friends) into your own
Victorious Woman energy. You can download the
calendar free Here.
For members of the National Association of Baby
Boomer Women: Learn the Truth about Making
Money on the Internet.
FREE! 195 page eBook from Kathleen Gage ($79
Value) Visit the Members Only section at the NABBW and look under Member
Benefits for the link.
Hot Moon Collection would like to offer members of NABBW a 10%
discount on regular priced items from Hot Moon
- Barbara E. Friesner , Eldercare expert
Is It Simple Forgetfulness or the Real Thing? If you are
dealing with increased forgetfulness in a loved one -
or yourself - and you're concerned that it might be
dementia, you must get this CD. Filled with insights,
personal stories and lots & lots of "how to's", this CD
will help you help your loved one and yourself. To get
more information and order the CD, visit www.agewiseliving.com
We have created a user-friendly version of
member benefits on the Members Only page at www.nabbw.com. Check it out. Email me at dots@boomerwomenspeak.com if you've
forgotten your password.
Want to send flowers to a friend, or popcorn to a
family or business? NABBW is now offering member
discounts at www.1800flowers.com and www.thepopcornfactory.com

Boomer Women
Book Club
- For Baby Boomer Women

word is out and boomer women everywhere are
celebrating! As the result of a wild demand to begin a
book club for boomer women, Boomer Women
Speak, www.boomerwomenspeak.com,
the number one site for "baby boomer women" on
major search engines, is happy to meet the needs.
The forum community, which has been referred to as
across the country, will host the book club beginning
April 16th. Any boomer woman can join
simply by visiting www.boomerwomenspeak.com and entering the forum community. It's that easy, and
you can view many thousands of posts sharing what's
on the hearts and minds of boomer women while
you're there.
CEO and founder Dotsie Bregel is thrilled. "Thanks to
the overwhelming response of boomer women
around the country, we will now offer the premiere
online Book Club for Boomer Women. It's a perfect
The club's first book is Coming of Age . . . All Over
Again: The Ultimate Midlife Handbook, by Kate
Klimo and Buffy Shutt.
Dotsie is tickled to announce that both authors will
frequent the Boomer Women Speak Book Club and
gladly sprinkle their helpful tidbits of advice. Sharon
Stone had this to say about the book, "Charming,
funny, filled with great resources, and written by two
great gals." Won't you please join us at www.boomerwomenspeak.com to chat about coming of age all over again?
As yet another benefit
to you,
Dotsie has made arrangements with Carole Novak,
Cruise Specialist and the world's largest cruise
retailer, CruiseOne, to offer members a program
called Member Cruises. This program is
available to all active members of NABBW and offers significant
savings and other amenities on cruises.
To book a cruise vacation using your Member Cruises
benefits, go to your Member Benefit site at www.nabbw.com. From there you
may view the current special offers and benefits.
Margaret Manning,
A new category of boomer
woman has emerged. Single, independent and
strong, she is in a state of fundamental redefinition,
change and transformation. Margaret Manning is a
three year veteran of singlehood. Catapulted into this
illustrious state by an unexpected divorce, she spent
two years in self imposed exile and recently emerged
proudly single, standing on her own two feet. Solo
and loving it.
Margaret spent many years as a bereavement
counselor working with Elizabeth Kubler Ross and
applied the well known stages of dying to the divorce
recovery process. Her website Ex In The City provides
inspiration and resources for solo women navigating
their lives after a breakup or divorce, helping them to
move through the stages of Exile, Express, Exorcise,
Explore and Exhale. Margaret's successful daily blogs
address the different lifestyle personas that a single
boomer women experiences.
Margaret has many published article and two books, The Hospice Alternative; Living with Dying, and
Seven; Mythology of the Number Seven.
Ex In The City offers resources, positive support, travel
ideas, and practical advice leading to a single
woman's reinvention and renewal. It features over 50
EX Rated City Guides and Expert Blogs.
Contact Margaret at exinthecity@hotmail.com
Toby Devens,
Born in Brooklyn. NY, at age seven, finding Grimm's
fairy tales far too grim, Toby concocted her own stories
where princesses always got the last laugh. Following
graduation from American University, she returned to
New York for an MA in literature while working a series
of glam Manhattan jobs including restaurant reviewer
(fifteen pound weight gain) and senior editor at
Harcourt Brace Publications.
Moving to Baltimore with her husband, she
had a baby and a book, "Mercy Lord! My Husbands
in the Kitchen --and other equal opportunity
conversations with God" (Doubleday). The week it
was published, her young husband passed away after
a long illness. For the next two decades, Toby worked
in public information as her short fiction, poetry and
articles appeared in McCall's, Reader's Digest,
Parents and other magazines. Remarried for twelve
years and widowed a second time as her daughter left
for college, she reinvented herself yet again.
Worldwide travel to medical conferences and her
recent foray into singlehood served as the
springboard for My Favorite Midlife Crisis (yet).
Buy this book!
Says Toby ---
One afternoon my CEO informed me I was being
downsized, sorry and bye. Left in my office to weep, I
danced around the desk. I'd been given what I hadn't
had the courage to give myself: the most precious
For two years I took that time to write and
rewrite, laughing at my characters' antics as I typed,
occasionally sobbing with and for them as they
struggled through the unexpected turns in their lives.
When I finished, I found an agent who landed a
publisher and suddenly there were rave reviews, radio
appearances, book signings and meeting fabulous
women around the country who came to hear my
presentation, "A Novel Approach to the Midlife Crisis."
Today, my life is brand new and better than ever. All
because some glorious force intervened to nudge me
on my way. And because I worked my tail off in
gratitude for the opportunity.
Please visit my websitewww.tobydevens.com . I'd love to hear from you at readers@tobydevens.com.
Mention NABBW and I'll enter your name in a
drawing for a free copy of the book.
My Favorite Memory of the 50s,
60s, or 70s
Deadline: May 31, 2007
Entry Fee: none
$50.00 cash and New Membership or Renewal to NABBW!
Baby Boomer's Almanac, by Tim Brolus
What Happens Next? by Chloe JonPaul
Remember "Hey Jude"
or "American Pie?" Maybe you remember riding
around all week on $2.00 worth of gas. Or, eating
footlongs at the local Dairy Queen? When your
memories stir, does your heart race back to prom
night? Don't let "what happened at Woodstock stay in
Why not share your favorite memory with us and win
prizes? We want to know your favorite memory of the
50s, 60s or 70s. Send us your fav and let us all travel
with you down memory lane. Just think, this time you
don't have to buy gas!
Please read and follow the guidelines below and
good luck!
For guidelines visit us at BOOMER WOMEN SPEAK
Congratulations goes out to Meredith Karen Laskow with her
essay, The Book That Cradles Hearts,
the winner of the Boomer Women Speak FEBRUARY-
MARCH Writing Contest.
Her story is now published in the OUR VOICES section at Boomer
Women Speak.

Preventing Identity Theft:
Protecting Your Assets,
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
7:00 pm EST.
Here are a few things you'll learn during this very
important teleseminar. They are:
- What Identity Theft is and if you are at risk
- The seriousness of the problem
- The three elements of identity information
- How someone steals your identity
- How a thief gets your information
- How to protect your SS#, checking accounts, credit
cards, mail, home papers, telephone, computer, ATM
and passwords.
Jennifer will also offer caller access to an Identity Theft
Quiz and how to adjust your behaviors and minimize
your risk. To visit Jennifer online, please visit her at Jennifer Campion

BEING FABULOUS was given by Judith Sherven, PhD
(our NABBW Relationship Expert) and her husband,
Jim Sniechowski, PhD, www.judithandjim.com/
to a very excited and very large call-in group on March
20, 2007.
If you were unable to attend, the entire Teleseminar
can be heard at NABBW on our Member Benefits
page along with links to all our past teleseminars. If
you prefer to read the Teleseminar at your
leisure, simply click on the PDF version to open or
We are happy to review member's books, products
and services. This is a service that is FREE of
CHARGE to NABBW members. Please email us if you
are interested in seeing a review of your book,
product, or service.
NOTE: Once your book has been
submitted, please allow ample time for the book to be
read and reviewed. Books and products sent for
reviews will not be returned.
Osteopenia and Osteoporosis
Alternative Solutions and Exercises
By Pamela Free
Reviewed by Melinda Cianos,
Pamela Free is a movement therapist who has been
diagnosed with osteoprosis. She has developed this
educational and informative DVD set to aid women in
the fight against, and the prevention of, osteopenia
and osteoporosis. Pamela explains, in terms that are
easy to understand, the causes of these conditions
and then proceeds to outline solutions. She
recommends a comprehensive approach that
includes the use of certain minerals and vitamins,
routine exercises, and a diet rich in essential nutrients
that she carefully explains to the viewer. In a two-part
series, she offers a clear and concise regimen for
optimal health that is followed up with a second DVD
taking one through exercises that can be done by
women of all ages and levels of fitness. The running
time for the set is approximately 2 hours.
I thought Pamela delivered the researched
information in a pleasant and soothing manner. She
remarks that the gathered facts she provides should
perhaps be reviewed in pieces, rather than in one
sitting, as it is an abundance of information. I found
this to be true however, I learned a great deal and
would highly recommend it to women as young as
thirty years old to aid with healthy lifestyle choices that
will affect them into their later years.
Wisdom of the Crone Cards
By Judith, Lani and Melinda,
co-creators of the
Wisdom of the Crone Deck

Buy this book!
Reviewed by Melinda Cianos,
Wouldn't it be lovely if one could have wisdom at their
fingertips? To see your day, your dilemma, your
challenge through the eyes of someone who has
been there and has the insight to offer you solutions?
Now you can. Classic, timeless and elegant, these
wisdom cards are designed in red, black, white and
grey. They feature the images of wise and beautiful
women over the age of fifty, and offer genuine words of
guidance and encouragement with each card
The cards can be used not only
as a daily
devotional, but in times of great need or personal
crisis. The knowledge imparted by women of
generations past can serve to make our lives a little
less rocky, and a great deal lighter-we feel
supported and loved. Wisdom of the Crone: "When
you seek the truth, ask a wise woman" and by doing
this may "you see your future self, a beautiful face
graced with history, a healthy vibrant body and clear
sharp mind."
I loved randomly choosing from the fifty-four cards for
words of encouragement to start my day. I was
surprised how often the insights could be applied to
an issue that was on my mind at that very moment. A
fun and creative way to receive solid and sound advice!
By Barbara E. Friesner
As you know from last
month's column, talking with an aging loved one
about thorny topics can be fraught with snags and
pitfalls! So thorny, in fact, that many family members
will either never try . . . until there's a crisis. Or they will
try and fail and drop the subject . . . until there's a
crisis! Since resolving issues is a lot easier before a
crisis, here are three more pitfalls (plus a bonus!) to
avoid so you can be successful during this prickly
If one of you is the parent, by inference, the other is the
child. The problem with that is that it's then very easy
to start treating and/or talking to your aging loved ones
as if they are children - which they will quite rightfully
resent. No one likes being condescended to . . .
the "verbal pat on the head". Therefore, rather than
approaching a conversation with your aging loved one
as "parenting the parent", approach it as a
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/barbarafriesner.html
Menopause and Tinnitus:
Burning Issues for Women's Health
By Cathy Taylor
Menopause is a point in a
woman's life when she stops menstruating for a full
year and this can be overwrought with many
symptoms, some bearable and some discomforting.
Menopause symptoms like mood swings, loss of
libido, extreme fatigue, hot flashes and weight gain
are a cause of concern for most women. However,
less common symptoms like Tinnitus- ringing or
buzzing in the ear- change of body color and
sometimes a sensation akin to electric shock under
the skin may be worrisome.
Medical opinions associate Tinnitus with menopause.
According to many studies, this ringing in the ears is a
physical condition that can take place due to other
reasons as well. Medicines like Prozac and regular
aspirin may cause Tinnitus and research is underway
to establish the role these medications play in
causing hormonal changes during
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/cathytaylor
7 Tips For Your Writing And
Publishing Success
By Sheri McConnell
1. Create Accountability
I have found that accountability is the key to my
production. Plans are also crucial to my getting large
projects completed on time. Planning helps me
alleviate the overwhelmed feeling that we all
experience. I personally do not get a lot of writing done
if I wait for the muse. I also find that if you "have to"
make money at something, you find a way to
accomplish that goal one way or another. For this
reason, the National Association of Women Writers
(NAWW) created a coaching program for nonfiction
book writers that offers this accountability, plus a
manual that walks writers through the book proposal
2. Think Long-Term
As a publisher, our goal is to build long-term
relationships. This is one reason the NAWW creates a
new printed book for its members every year (it gives
them a tangible reason to renew). Then after they go
out of print, they are available in our eBook Library.
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/sherimcconnell.html
Empty Nester Springs into
Something New
By Natalie Caine
~The real
voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new
landscapes, but in having new eyes. - Marcel
During our third phone consultation, Kate was talking
about how she was doing with her free time
She is single with two kids thousands of miles away
and loosely holds the number 56.
She couldn't see how to have chickens on her
property. She couldn't figure out what to do with all the
eggs if she did have chickens. Long story short and I
imagine you saw this coming . . . drum roll for her . . .
She hooked up with a neighbor that she never knew
before. Chicks, eggs, and making lunches for
teachers using the eggs.
Add on more fun . . . she delivers the extra eggs and
lunches in her pajamas. Why? because it is playful
and she is exploring making one of kind pajamas.
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/nataliecaine.html
Finding Purpose: The Five
By Prill Boyle
We are born to dream.
about it. Where would we be, who would we be,
without our dreams? Most of the great inventions of
the world, much of the forward movement of human
civilization, have been fueled by dreams. So it should
come as no surprise that for many of us, finding
purpose means putting our dreams into
For the past seven years, I've been interviewing
people who later in life have done just that. And in
writing a book about the experience, I realized a
dream of my own.
Analyzing what I've learned in the process and how it
might apply to people of all ages, I've come up with
what I call "The Five Ps of Finding Purpose."
Last month I spoke about these five principles to a
variety of groups in Botswana and discovered that they
pertain to all sorts of other endeavors.
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/
Progress Trumps
By Nan S. Russell
In the late 17th century, Lord Chesterfield, an English
writer and politician, wrote to his son, "Whatever is
worth doing at all is worth doing well." Three hundred
years later, we still heed this advice from the fourth
Earl of Chesterfield. Yet doing it well doesn't mean
doing it perfectly. The 21st century workplace requires
more than doing something well.
More accurately, today's adage should be: "Whatever
is worth doing, is worth doing." That's the secret
people who are winning at working know. It's action,
not inaction, practice not theory, and progress not
perfection that builds success, achieves results and
actualizes dreams.
After hearing me speak at a professional conference,
a young woman sought me out. She was struggling
with this concept of progress over perfection and
asked for advice. "How do you do it?" she asked.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
Easy to Follow Instructions -
Learning to Curse in Any Language
By Georgia Richardson
A friend recently
gave me a sign that says, "The Queen is not accepting
an audience today." And today is one of those days. At
least until my language improves.
(Insert heavy-duty, royal sigh here)
Have you ever bought a product that
required "some light assembly" only to find that the
manufacturer speaks with forked tongue? I want to
date that guy because he obviously doesn't
know "heavy" from "light."
Opening the box, you find an instruction sheet with
pictures (thank the good Lord) but also inside is a bag
of 1,002 MINI pieces. Each piece has an identifying,
corresponding number engraved on them that only a
mosquito could read.
You need a magnifying glass just to find and
separate each piece in the bag and to match them to
the beautifully, detailed illustrations on your "10 Easy
Steps for Assembly" instruction sheet which, by the
way, could double as a tablecloth.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
Mission Possible
By Donna Shepherd
Your eyes saw my
unformed substance; in your book were written, every
one of them, the days that were formed for me, when
as yet there were none of them. - Psalm 139:16
I can finally see my lawn with bright green shoots of
new grass sprouting all over the place. We've had so
much snow this past winter that for a while, I felt like
God had us inside a giant snow globe, and every so
often, He'd give us a good shake.
With every snowstorm, as enormous flakes floated to
the ground, I thought about how each flake is unique.
Just like people. Did you know there is no one else
exactly like you? The arrangement of ridges in a
fingerprint is thought to be unique and permanent with
each person. Isn't that amazing? Lenny LeBlane wrote
a song entitled "There Is None Like You." The lyrics
refer to God, but the title could just as easily have
been written about you.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
"How Do You Know It's
By Judith Sherven, Ph.D. & James Sniechowski,
Real love and real
romance, the kind that lasts a lifetime, that's what
most people want.
So why does dating have a bad rap? And why do more
than half of all marriages end up in divorce?
The answer's pretty clear when you look at what most
people settle for, or worse yet, put up with.
But, the fact is, there's a world of deep spiritual
connection, great adventure, and rich unfolding
romance . . . all available when you know what you're
looking for . . . and how to let love lead every
In our twenty years of being together (nineteen
married) we've conducted an informal survey of
couples who obviously have remarkable
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
How to Write a Bio That
Attracts the Media . . . and More!
By Suzanne Falter Barnes
1. Stack the facts up front. Begin with your
most impressive facts. "Mary Louise Green is a
nationally known painter whose work has appeared in
numerous major gallery exhibits." (Mary Louise has, in
fact, only shown in four galleries, but they were in
different parts of the US, so that counts as 'numerous'
and 'national'.)
2. Don't ramble on about passions and
purpose. This bio needs to sell you, not your
philosophy. You can mention it in passing ("which
helped her discover a deep love for teaching art.")
Generally, your bio is a tool for media bookers,
agents, editors, etc., to get a handle on who you are
and how they can sell you to their bosses or clients.
So they just need to know your most impressive
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
By Karen Stephen, Ph.D.
God grant me the serenity . . .
Everyone is familiar with the Serenity Prayer written by
Reinhold Neibuhr, or at least the first stanza which
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
When I recite the first three words, most of the women
whom I see in my psychological practice can recite the
rest of the initial stanza. But they do so with a certain
air of resignation. Oh, yeah . . . THAT!
Intellectually they understand that there are
things they cannot change; they probably wouldn't be
sitting in my office if that were not so.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/karenstephen.html
A Gem of a City
By Carol Sorgen
Antwerp has had a long reputation as one of the
world's great diamond markets, but in recent years,
this Belgian city, just 45 minutes from the capital of
Brussels, has become something of a gem itself.
Once home to artists Peter Paul Rubens and Anthony
Van Dyck, Antwerp has now become a center of
fashion and home design, and a modern city that still
honors its medieval heritage.
In its very early history, Antwerp was a maritime city,
owing its very existence to the river Scheldt. Through
the centuries, the city center and the port eventually
diverged, and today Antwerp's thriving metropolis
spokes outward from the Centraal Station, a railway
station that's as much an architectural masterpiece
as it is a hub for commuters and visitors to the second
largest city in Belgium.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/carolsorgen.html
Use It or Lose It
By Jan Cullinane
We're familiar
with the above expression, and know that "use it or
lose it" applies to the brain as well as the body. Brain
fitness is a hot new topic - as we age, is it possible to
maintain the same level of cognitive ability?
Let's take a look at our three-pound dynamo - our
brain. Comprising about 2 percent of our weight but
consuming close to 20 percent of our energy needs,
this vital organ needs to be kept in the best shape
possible. It had been, for about a century, a basic
tenet in biology that brain cells don't regenerate-that
once the brain matures, we have all the neurons we're
ever going to have, and we can only lose them.
Research done in the last decade, however, has
upended this belief, and we now know that new cell
growth has been observed in the most advanced
parts of the brain involving learning and memory. So,
how do you keep your brain in fighting form?
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/jancullinane.html
By Robin Miller, M.D.
Since the last two
medical columns were about heart disease and the
risk factors for it, Janet and I decided that it made
sense to talk about those individual risk factors in
detail. I'll begin with high blood pressure, also known
as hypertension. This is another of those health
problems which most often has no symptoms. But
don't let that fool you. Though silent, high blood
pressure can be deadly. According to recent research
40% of postmenopausal women
have "prehypertension". This is a condition where the
blood pressure is not normal but is not quite at the
hypertension level yet. This increases a woman's risk
for cardiovascular death by 58%.
Normal blood pressure is anything below a systolic or
upper pressure of 120mm Hg and a diastolic or lower
pressure of 80 mm g (120/80). High blood pressure is
defined as a systolic pressure of 140 mm Hg or
greater and a diastolic pressure of 90 mm Hg or
greater (140/90).
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/robinmiller.html
Jane Carroll
and host of The Loving Life Radio Show, is happy to
announce that archived shows can now be heard on
demand or downloaded to your mp3 or iPod. Loving
Life is dedicated to providing guests with uplifting
messages, including many of our NABBW members.
Visit the archives at www.lovingliferadioshow.com and click on the More Previous Shows link.
Heather Summerhayes Cariou
I'm a new member of NABBW, a 55 year old writer,
wife, daughter, sister, step-mother, grandmother,
friend, and a member of the International Women's
Writing Guild. I'm also the recently published author
of "Sixtyfive Roses: A Sister's Memoir," a book
about fighting for your life and never giving up. I invite
you to visit my website at www.sixtyfiverosesthebook.com.
Maria Marsala
www.ElevatingYourBusiness.com ,
is proud to announce that Elevating Your
Business.com has partnered with Keiretsu Forum
Seattle. Keiretsu is the largest North American angel
network with 12 chapters and over 500 accredited
investor members. Currently, Elevating Your
Business will provide strategic planning classes and
strategic consulting/coaching to entrepreneurs
considering applying to Keiretsu for funding.
Keiretsu stands for collaboration in Japanese and
you can learn more about this organization at www.k4seattle.com.
Patricia L. Brooks
participated with the AZ Authors event table Sat, April
14th for the AZ Book Festival's 10th annual event in
Phoenix at the Carnegie library. Ms. Brooks was a
featured author because she is a member and also a
winner in the AZ Authors 2006 literary contest non-
fiction category for her book Gifts of Sisterhood.
Patricia spoke this year to the AZ Authors membership
on her marketing plan she uses with the book and is
available for speaking engagements.www.azauthors.com.
Doctor Flamingo, aka Dr. Karen Stephen, www.doctorflamingo-online.com celebrated April Fools Day by inviting friends (no
fooling!), family, and Doctor Flamingo-Online
supporters to visit at her new little retirement
cottage. All the midlife women (even a few married
ones!) loved the idea of creating a perfect one-person
budget-savvy space to bring joy and inspiration to
one's retirement years. She invites NABBW members
to visit her site to see photos of the cottage at www.doctorflamingo-online.com and take advantage of her special offer of a free
Doctor Flamingo mug with every order of her novel
(mention NABBW on the order form instructions) at www.degreesofobsession.com
Barbara E. Friesner
AgeWiseLiving invites you to attend our monthly NO
CHARGE Teleseminar and this month's is the
second part of a 2-part program called WE HAVE
TO TALK ABOUT WHAT? Wednesday, May 9, 2007
from 7:00 to 8:00p EST. To join this FREE
teleseminar, call: (712) 580-7706 ~ Conference Code:
2869145#. For information about this enlightening
and useful program, please go to the Seminar page of
my website, www.AgeWiseLiving.com
Marcia Merrill, founder of eCareerCorner.com
& known as the Transition Chick!, is now Managing
Director of www.womenscommunity.com dedicated to helping women entrepreneurs achieve
their dreams. Transition Academy also helps women
in Transition-who either want to find meaningful work,
recareer or be an entrepreneur! The key is building
Alliances-Power PartnershipsTM. Contact Marcia at Marcia@ecareercorner.com for more info!
Sandra Call Sultan
will be hosting "In Full Bloom" a one-day retreat for
midlife women and beyond, will be held on Saturday,
April 28, 2007 from 9am to 4:00pm at the Marriott
Napa Valley Hotel & Spa delivering a message to
women that is simple but transformational: unlike
physical development, the older you become, the
more possible it is for you to achieve your fullest
spiritual and psychological potential. Visit www.call-productions.com/ for
more details.
Phyllis Slater, Slater Solutions LLC
In 2007 I am publishing a book of inspirational stories
and information for caregivers and women facing
physical challenges. Authors and members selling
products interested in becoming part of this project,
no cost to you and FREE marketing of your books,
please visit my website: www.eldercareconcierge.net to
learn more.
Pamela D. Blair, Ph.D.
The inspiring online course entitled The Next 50
Years - A Guide for Women at Mid-life
and Beyond by Pamela D. Blair, Ph.D. and based
on her book, The Next Fifty Years, can now be
sampled for free at www.ecourseforfree.com.
Cindy Norris, RN offers, "Working as a critical
care nurse and raising 4 children, 3 of which are
triplets, I have learned many life lessons. I am now
passionate about educating people on nutrition and
environmental toxins. I enjoy working on the
preventative side of medicine and have some great
information to share. For more information, you can
reach me at 410-241-1775 or nursenorris@comcast.net.
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
presents "Sharing with Writers and Readers," www.sharingwithwriters.blogspot.com a blog for everyone who loves books and wants
to know how to better use what the publishing world
offers them -- to find better reading or to write and
promote their own work more effectively.
YOU! to
following for sharing
information about NABBW and
Maggie Castrey
www.womenspeak.com for
including our Top Ten Things Boomer Women
Want on their site.
Dr. Karen Stephen (aka Doctor Flamingo),
www.doctorflamingo-online.com for always mentioning NABBW and BWS in all her
KC Christensen-Lang www.toolsforpositiveliving.com,
for including the NABBW in her ezine, Vitual
Moment of Joy.
Cindie Alwood, M.A., CRC, LLPC and the
Women's Center of Greater Lansing, Inc.
for including a front page article about
Dotsie Bregel and the NABBW on the cover of their
Margaret Manning of www.exinthecity.com/ for publishing the results of
Dotsie's contest, What Baby Boomers Want on
her blog, www.divorcediva.typepad.com.
Founder Dotsie Bregel was interviewed by
journalist in the following newspapers:
- Arizona Republic
- Chicago Tribune
- Palm Beach Post who included the Top
Ten Things Boomer Women Want in 2007 in their
news article.
- St. Louis Dispact
Founder Dotsie Bregel also had articles
published or was mentioned in the following
- Prince George's Suite Magazine included
an article about NABBW in their March/April issue.
- Central Iowa BOOMER Magazine
for publishing Dotsie's article about Baby Boomer
Women at Midlife and also two book reviews by Dotsie
in their Spring 2007 issue.
Founder Dotsie Bregel also had articles
published in the following online blogs:
While looking at the growing stack of books under my
desk, I realized it's been some time since I shared
what I've been reading lately. I hope you'll consider
researching them at Amazon for your next
Organizer: A Journal of Information for Family
By Joanne Hill, MSW
(Eventually): Thoughts on Faith
Anne Lamontt
Coming of
Age . . . All Over Again: The Ultimate Midlife
By Kate Klimo and Buffy Shutt
PASS IT ON: We all know her. She's at
midlife. She wants to take care of herself but can't
always squeeze it in because she's so busy caring for
any of
the following: her husband, mother, father, children,
grandchildren, in-laws, neighbors, friends,
colleagues, etc. Won't you please help her out by
sharing this newsletter and the NABBW with her?
Thank you for connecting, encouraging and
supporting boomer women. May we all be
enlightened, educated
and empowered!
www.boomerwomenspeak.com is the # 1 site on search engines for "baby boomer
women." Join us in our forums where you can share
from the heart, give and receive advice, and make new
Please email dots@nabbw.com if you no
want to receive this publication.
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August 2006 Boomer
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