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Boomer Women Speak Forums
Dear Dotsie,
September 15, 2009
EVOLVE! (Don't just improve.) Improve means to do something
better. Evolve, however, means that you permanently &
fundamentally change a part of who you are. ~Janice Taylor Are you evolving at midlife? If so, please tell us what you are doing and we'll consider featuring you in our Voices of Baby Boomer Women blog. Please email us and we'll send you the questionnaire.
If you're interested in evolving, but not sure how to go about it, perhaps membership in the National Association of Baby Boomer Women
is for you. Receiving this newsletter does not necessarily mean you're
a member. There's often confusion about this. Membership in the NABBW
is much more involved and offers many more benefits than a monthly
newsletter. We offer:
- A membership package
that includes information on self-improvement skills, free legal and
financial advice using e-mail, an annual FREE subscription to More
Magazine, exclusive member discounts on a variety of products and
services, easy ways to connect with other boomer women, and MORE.
- A sense of belonging to a creative, powerful, encouraging group of women that will leave you feeling refreshed, revived, and renewed.
- Access to information
from an enthusiastic, energetic, wise, and warm panel of experts who
have written books, founded Web sites, and coached women on a variety
of topics. Go here to learn more.
I don't have anything to wear! I
found myself saying this last Friday when the temperatures quickly
changed and I couldn't run out the door in my sandals and shorts.
Please join us if you are having trouble thinking about your
fall/winter wardrobe. Sherrie Mathieson, a costume designer for film and TV for 28 years, and who has "costumed" celebrity clients such as Susan Sarandon and Brooke Shields
will guide us through the maze of the fashion world, offering tips and
advice on how baby boomer women can be natural and feminine, yet avoid
certain fashion traps. Register here. Being
a midlife woman isn't always an easy task and it may feel like
everything is in an uproar, from our bodies to our kids leaving for
college or pursuing their own lives, our parents aging to little (or
BIG) voices asking "is this all there is?" And in the midst of it all,
what YOU want out of life may be buried under a pile of "shoulds" and
"oughtas" imposed from others. In fact, you, like so many of us, are
probably standing at the intersection of "Same 'Ole Same 'Ole Road" and
"What's Next Lane!"
My friend, MamaRed
(a midlifer facing many of these challenges) created a group coaching
program to help women find their way through all these changes. Her
program "Transform Your Kick-in-the-Butt into a Kick-Butt Life",
focuses on specific tools and techniques for prioritizing the many
things that tug at our sleeves and create a life that suits you...one
baby step, or one big leap, at a time. She has invited all our friends
here to listen in to a no-cost preview call so you can experience what she does and how she works.
Girls Getaway to Charleston, Nov. 13-15 Great news! The Girls Getaway to Charleston registration
is up! Leave your baggage at home and visit this charming
southern city. If you like to travel, but don't want to go alone, this
may be the opportunity for you. Please notify me if you decide to register.
hope you enjoy this issue. Our associates continue to give us the
latest and most helpful tips for baby boomer women. Be sure to sit
back, relax and enjoy their articles.
Dotsie Bregel www.boomerwomenspeak.com www.nabbw.com |
NABBW Featured Associate
Introducing NABBW Associate Weight Loss Coach & Certified Hypnotist Janice Taylor . . .
Q: How can you lead a life you love if you are only half-baked? A: You can't, get fully baked!
Janice Taylor
is the contemporary voice of reinvention and transformation, a
best-selling author, personal coach, guided imagery innovator, speaker
and teacher who provides women with the information, inspiration, and
tools they need to move from half-baked to fully-bak ed,
from living a life of compromise to lives they love. She's worked with
thousands of individuals worldwide, helping them to uncover their
authentic selves and to learn to create balance and success in their
personal and professional lives.
After a successful corporate
career for two decades, Janice left her position to reinvent, rewire,
and revitalize her life ... and that she surely did! Against all odds,
Janice has written two best-selling self-help books, Our Lady of Weight Loss and All Is Forgiven, Move On. She's the creator of the Kick in the Tush Club,
which has generated over 14,000 members, and she has established
herself as one of the country's leading Life & Wellness Coaches and
Weight Loss Experts.
From Janice...
I'd like
to share a bit of my journey with you, as well as my
philosophy. Eight years ago, after a lifetime of yo-yo dieting, I set off
on the road to Sveltesville and permanently removed over 50 pounds. I say 'permanently removed' vs. 'lost
50 pounds,' because it is abundantly clear to me, based on my own experiences
and ... well ... yours - that when one loses weight, they are likely to find it!
What I learned in spades is that 'this' ('this' meaning
whatever your goal) is a holistic event. Just as 'weight loss' does not solely
live in the food/exercise slice of your "Deep Dish Life Pie," neither does
career change, relationship issues, or anything else for that matter. (see Fill Up on Happiness for your 'free' Deep Dish Life Pie)
Whether our goals are about our weight, careers
or relationships - we must first, in our mind's eye, float high into the sky,
find an inviting puffy cloud to light on and from this unique perch, look down
upon our lives, giving us a clear and broad view. A new holistic perspective.
For example, let's look at manifesting a new career. You land the job of a lifetime. How does that affect your finances?
Relationships? Physical environment? Health? Fun? Creativity? Spirituality? All aspects of life flow
and move and interact with the other. Career does not live alone.
Health does not live alone. Love does not live alone.
What we all seek is increased energy and happiness. It is imperative that we set our
'upward spiral' in motion. It
actually matters not where we start, as long as we do start!
While my 'claim to fame' may be that I've permanently
removed over 50 pounds, and I am an considered by many (Good Housekeeping,
Health & Fitness magazines) as an expert in the field of weight loss, I can
tell you with certainty that 'weight loss' was merely my starting point. What I was really after was complete
reinvention and transformation.
When I work with people who want to lose weight, we work on
multiple levels, looking at all aspects of their
lives. Similarly, when I work with people who want to change
their careers, strengthen their relationships or even move past 'fear of
flying,' we again take in a deep breath, roll up our sleeves and delve into
Which brings me to my philosophy in a
nutshell: "EVOLVE!
(Don't just improve.) Improve
means to do something better. Evolve, however, means that you
permanently and fundamentally change a part of who you are."
If you are interested in evolving, not just
improving - if you are interested in permanent change- if you are interested in
moving toward your compelling future - if you are interested in reinvention and
transformation on any and all levels, then I invite NABBW members to contact me
for a free coaching consult!
My next workshop, "Weight Loss Warrior: Strong. Focused.
Determined." is scheduled for October 18, at Wainwright House, Rye, NY. Please sign up! (Confidentially, it's
more about being strong, focused and determined than weight loss tips!)
NABBW Featured Member
Introducing NABBW Member . . .
  Lori La Bey
Lori La Bey is an expert on senior issues and transitions. She owns Senior Lifestyle Trends, a Minnesota-based company. Lori is a member of the National Speakers Association, as well as a board member of her local Chapter. She is a Speaker, Author, Consultant, Realtor, and Caregiver.
Lori just launched a new resource website called "Alzheimer's Speaks™"
and the goal of the site is to help individuals and professionals
find the resources they need when dealing with memory loss.
like to make a SPECIAL OFFER to our NABBW members who provide services
or products to the memory loss audience. She is giving a FREE DIRECTORY
LISTING on her site. To take advantage of this offer email Lori
and in the subject line write. "ALZ SPEAKS OFFER." In the email, list
your contact information including: a website, or a direct HTTP to a
specific sector on your web, if you prefer. You can attach one PDF to
be connected to your listing. This is a true resource site and totally
free. Lori promises you will not be bothered with an "upgrade sales
pitch" later.
Last, Lori's book, "Alzheimer's Speaks - As the
Cookie Crumbles" is projected to be released the end of 2009. She is
promoting her book through her interactive blog
which focuses on teaching caregivers and staff how to how to
identify stress triggers for both patients and themselves, reduce
combative behaviors, and create remarkable moments with people
diagnosed with memory loss.
NABBW Monthly Teleseminars
This Style!
Thursday September 24, 2009 3:00 pm
(EST) with Sherrie Mathieson
Mathieson, www.sherriemathieson.com, a costume designer for film
and TV for 28 years, and who has "costumed" celebrity clients such as
Susan Sarandon, Brooke Shields, Sugar Ray Leonard, and Lee Iacocca;
just to name a few, who will guide us through the maze of the fashion
world, and offer tips and advice on how women can be natural and
feminine, yet avoid certain fashion traps. Sherrie is the author of Forever Cool, and her new
release, STEAL THIS STYLE: Moms and Daughters Swap Wardrobe
Secret. As always, a Q&A will follow at the end.  Our listeners will
get excited to hear all of the possibilities of getting value for their
clothing purchases, where to shop, and what's 'hot,' and what's 'not,'
plus the styles and accessories real mothers of all backgrounds and
sizes, and their grown daughters, should and shouldn't share.
Here are just a few discussion topics for the call:
- In the current economy, with people scaling back on spending, where should women invest their money when it comes to clothing?
- Your style philosophy is about bridging timeless, core
pieces with items and accessories that are "in" right now. What are a
few simple ways people can combine classic with modern looks?
- What are the five most common mistakes moms make when it
comes to their wardrobes and what remedies can they borrow from their
grown daughters?
- What retailers do you think offer the best value for the boomer population?
- What do you mean by a "style inheritance?"
Register for the call!
***The call-in information will be emailed to you prior to the teleseminar.***
By registering for this teleseminars, you will receive an email
reminder for the call and be added to our mailing list. You may
unsubscribe at any time. ________________________________________________________________________ Dotsie Bregel and Georgia Richardson -Founder for Top Baby Boomer Sites Shares Secrets To listen, click HERE! To read, click HERE!
Kathi Casey - Avoiding the Limitations of Past Generations,
Removing, Re-training, and
Relaxing To listen, click HERE! To read, click HERE! |
Boomer Reviews
Reviews are a service we provide for NABBW members. Email us for details. NOTE:
Once submitted, please allow ample time for reading/reviewing. Books and other products will not be returned.
Click Book or CD Covers to read reviews 
Member News
Marlene Chism
Ready to Stop Workplace Drama and Increase Productivity? Join the free teleseminar on September 23rd. Register HERE or call Marlene Chism at 1.888.434.9085 for more information.
Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D. and Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D. www.HerMentorCenter.com www.NourishingRelationships.blogspot.com Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D. & Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D. invite you to a VirtualBook Tour at their blog, anytime on Thursday, September 17th. They will be featuring Generational Coach Barbara Friesner who will answer questions about her book, The Ultimate Caregiver's Success Guide, a resource for eldercare providers. Drop by, ask questions and learn from the wisdom of Barbara's answers.
Jan Cullinane www.thenewretirement.net Jan Cullinane's tip about using Skype was
included in the Sunday, August 16th USA Weekend magazine article about how to
"Keep more money in your pocket." Jan is the co-author of The New Retirement: The Ultimate Guide to the Rest of Your Life
Kelly Jackson and Sally Jackson
A Lot of Makeup Goes the Wrong Way: The Midlife Gals were
mentioned in a great article in Magazine Industry News about 'collaboration
content models' (moving more toward the social media format for more viewer
interaction). Check out their video, Diet Reinvention:
HERE. Videos can be viewed using Quicktime format
Carolyn Howard-Johnson www.howtodoitfrugally.com
Carolyn will celebrate her 50th Back to Literature column for MyShelf.com this September with an essay on how the English language uses the pronoun "I" differently than other languages. Check in at BACK TO LITERATURE.
Olivia Slaughter, Ph.D.
"Life As A Mother-In-Law, Roles, Challenges, Solutions" written by NABBW member Olivia Slaughter, Ph.D. and partner, Jean Kubelun, Ph.D., has been awarded the gold medal in the International 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. In addition to their win in Women's Issues, they were finalists in the Self Help
competition. Olivia and Jean are mothers, grandmothers, mothers-in-law
and psychologists, and invite you to visit their web site HERE.
Anne-Marie Aigner, The Boomer Broads
We love "grown up girl
talk", everything from hot flashes to traveling with our girlfriends - but
sometimes Doug, www.dougstephan.com Thursdays from 9 - 10 a.m. EDT, then click on Listen
Live (who is an "honorary boomer broad") will discuss the issues of the
day, e.g., when Senator Kennedy passed away, we opted to discuss his importance
to the baby boomer generation, even though Doug is not a Kennedy fan. We love
suggestions - so please feel free to e-mail your "brainstorms" to Annemarie@theboomerbroads.com or
Janet@theboomerbroads.com - and
check out our website (now being updated).
Natalie Caine M.A., Empty Nest Support Services
Empty Nest Support Services in TIME magazine. Read Article. LIFE IN TRANSITION, NOW WHAT,
presented by Natalie Caine at the same time as top chef winner
Rick Bayless cooks at the resort, Oct. 2009, Rancho La Puerta Spa and
Resort For information, go HERE. NEW SUPPORT GROUPS, email Natalie for info.
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