March 2007
Dear Dotsie,
One evening an old
Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes
on inside people.
He said, "My son, the battle
between two 'wolves' inside us all. One is Evil. It is
anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed,
arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies,
false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity,
humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity,
truth, compassion and faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then
asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?" The old
Cherokee simply replied,
"The one you
I know the quote is rather long but it spoke to me so I
thought it may also speak to you. Less negative
thoughts, more positive thinking, less worry, more joy '
sounds like a plan for all of us.
What a month it has been. We were mentioned in
newspapers in Washington, Indiana, Connecticut,
Oklahoma, and Idaho this past month. I was also able
to put a face behind the NABBW by attending the More magazine event in NYC and
the Boomer Summit in Chicago. Feel
free to view the photos of NABBW member and More
magazine model, Connie Maynord at either of these
links, View at NABBW or View at BWS. Two highlights
were meeting Peggy Northrop, Editor-in-Chief of More
magazine, and Gail Sheehy, author of the classic
boomer women's bestseller, Passages, and Sex
and the Seasoned Woman: Pursuing the Passionate
Life among other books. Both women are doing
phenomenal work in leading our generation of women
to live the lives we are called to live.
The first Booming Women Conference
was held in LA a couple weeks ago. Please view the video to join in the
excitement of the event. The next conference is
planned for Chicago in May. I will be speaking at the
Dallas and Fort Lauderdale events. I hope you'll
consider joining us.
NABBW members should be on the lookout for a
special email detailing our new cruise travel
discounts. Without a doubt, the money you save
immediately pays for your NABBW membership.
Details are coming soon.
We are happy to announce that when searching "baby
boomer women" online, www.BoomerWomenSpeak.com
is ranked first on Google, and www.nabbw.com is ranked first
on Yahoo. Why not advertise with us? Email me at
for advertising rates.
Both sites continue to attract tons of traffic. In the last
thirty days, we've had 155 people sign up for this
newsletter with some joining the NABBW.
That's all for this month. I hope you find time to browse
the entire newsletter and share it with your friends,
sisters and colleagues. As always, the columns will
speak to you because they are written for boomer
women by boomer women!
Onward with grace,
Boomer Women
When I discovered the NABBW web site, I just
knew I had to be a part to it. It is so great to have the
support, timely information and resources that Dotsie
provides. Who knew it would be a great career move
as well? I noticed there was not a fitness associate,
so I offered myself and I am so glad I did. The first
article I wrote and submitted was picked up by
national magazine for Boomer women - me*
Magazine. Thanks Dotsie for the opportunity. I am
Mary Pearsall, Lifestyle Fitness Coach
The National Association of Baby Boomer Women is
the only association devoted to addressing issues
concerning 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest,
and best educated generation of women to ever hit
midlife, baby boomer women.
- A membership package
includes information on self-improvement skills, free
legal and financial advice using e-mail, exclusive
member discounts on a variety of products and
services, easy ways to connect with other boomer
women, and MORE..
- A sense of belonging to a creative, powerful,
encouraging group of women that will leave you
feeling refreshed, revived, and renewed.
- Access to information from an enthusiastic,
energetic, wise, and warm panel of experts who
have written books, founded Web sites, and coached
women on all topics concerning midlife women.
- JOIN before March 31, 2007 and receive a
FREE copy of The Baby Boomer Almanac, by Tim
Brolus - www.nabbw.com


ivil/index.html. www.meredithbead.com.
In honor of St. Patrick's Day (and I'm not even Irish!) all
jewelry containing a green stone (all types of jade,
green and moss agate, malachite, unakite,
serpentine, and peridot) are 20% off and include free
shipping until April 15. Happy St. Paddy's month!
For members of the National Association of Baby
Boomer Women: Learn the Truth about Making
Money on the Internet.
FREE! 195 page eBook from Kathleen Gage ($79
Value) Visit the Members Only section at the NABBW and look under Member
Benefits for the link.
Offers NABBW members a 15% discount
on orders of (1-25 books) of Elder Organizer: A
Journal of Information for Family
Elders written by NABBW member, Joanne Hill.
To find out how to order, visit the Member Benefits
page at NABBW.
- The Queen Has a Special Offer For
As a measure of my support and appreciation of
NABBW, every copy of The Queen of My Self
members purchase will come with a gift of a Great
Women Rulers of the World Ruler. Minimum order of
two books. In addition, every order of eight books or
more will be complimented by a 2 oz. vial of The
Queen's Oil of Empowerment. This potion is a Ritual
in a Bottle, a potent blessing ceremony to share with
your book group or circle of sister Queens. www.TheQueenOfMySelf.com
- A Special Offer from AuthorSmart!
AuthorSmart.com, www.AuthorSmart.com a
clearinghouse of tools, information and education for
authors, offers all NABBW members 50% any
purchase from
their site. Visit the Members Only section at www.nabbw.com and look
under Member Benefits, to obtain your discount
- Dr. Karen Stephen, Mental Health
Advisor for NABBW
has a special offer to women who purchase her novel
DEGREES OF OBSESSION. They will receive a FREE
Doctor Flamingo mug with their purchase and
shipping is FREE. Just mention NABBW in the
Instruction Area of the order form. To order go to www.degreesofobsession.com
- Barbara E. Friesner , Eldercare expert
Are you noticing increased forgetfulness in a loved
one or yourself, and worried that it might be
Alzheimer's? Are you struggling to help your loved
one on this journey? Then you'll want this CD, Is It
Simple Forgetfulness or the Real Thing? It's filled
with insights, personal stories and lots & lots of 'how
to's' to help your loved one and yourself. For more
information and to purchase this CD, visit
We have created a user-friendly version of
member benefits on the Members Only page at www.nabbw.com.
Check it out. Email me at
dots@boomerwomenspeak.com if you've
forgotten your password.
Want to send flowers to a friend, or popcorn to a
family or business? NABBW is now offering member
discounts at www.1800flowers.com and www.thepopcornfactory.com

Jill Badonsky, M.Ed.
Jill Badonsky, M.Ed. is a creativity coach, nationally
recognized workshop leader, multimedia artist,
humorist, and author of The Nine Modern Day Muses
(and a Bodyguard): 10 Guides to Creative Inspiration
for Artists, Poets, Lovers and Other Mortals Wanting to
Live a Dazzling Existence .
She is currently writing a book for Running Press
called, The Awe-manac: A Daily Guide To Creative
Brilliance, Agelessness and Soul-fillment. Sign up
for a newsletter related to this topic HERE.
Jill's background is in Mental Health. In 1980, she
began working with troubled adolescents using the
creative process to enhance self esteem, allow for
expression of pent up angst, and the develop
frustration tolerance, etc. After receiving her Masters,
she decided it was time to inadvertently stray into the
wrong career path and so she took a promotion to
hospital management.
Applying her creative skills to marketing and program
development, she reluctantly kept getting promoted
and started getting lost as far as who she was and
what she stood for. She had to view board meetings
as strategic board games in order to pretend to be a
manager when she was really an artist, writer and silly
person. She began to wilt.
When her good sense finally grabbed her by the
shoulder pads and shook some sense into her, she
realized that it was no longer fun to excel in the wrong
environment, stopped trying so hard, and ate
chocolate éclairs. She was climbing a ladder but it
was leaning up against the wrong building. She took
up improvisational comedy on the side.
Jill went back to working in a hospital setting part time
as an Occupational Therapist as she invented a way
back to the her she knew as spontaneous creative
girl. This consisted of inventing a company in 1997
called The Muse is IN where she lead creativity
workshops, did motivational speaking gigs, wrote a
column on the creative process, and invented and
tested out a model of creativity coaching. Her
obsession and emphasis on creativity birthed the
book she published in 2003 which upgraded the nine
Greek Muses into nine modern day Muses which are
personifications of 10 creative principles designed to
overcome our blocks of perfectionism, fear,
procrastination, self sabotage and crankiness. She
now trains creativity coaches with a system called
Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching. Learn more about
her trainings at www.themuseisin.com
TO DREAM . . . The Impossible
March 31,
Entry Fee:
$50.00 cash
New Membership or Renewal to NABBW!
Baby Boomer's Almanac, by Tim Brolus
What Happens Next? A family guide to
nursing home visits and more, by Chloe
We all have them.
DREAMS! Dreams about our lives and how we want to
shape them. Dreams we hope will someday come
true. Some of us have carried those dreams since
childhood. Tell us about yours. Are you living your
dream? Working toward it? Traded it in for a new
dream along the way? What's your story?
For guidelines visit us at BOOMER WOMEN SPEAK
Congratulations goes out to
Vicki Nelson with her
essay, Words that Last a Lifetime, the
winner of
the Boomer Women Speak January Writing Contest.
Her story is now published in the OUR VOICES section at Boomer
Women Speak.

Judith Sherven, PhD (our NABBW Relationship
Expert) and husband, Jim Sniechowski, PhD.
March 20, 2007
At 7:00 PM EST
We've all heard about the 'glass ceiling' that women
can suffer in the workplace. But there's an even more
formidable barrier to women's professional and
romantic success as well as full expression of
their personal power in the world.
And that's the unconscious glass ceiling that best
selling authors and husband and wife, Judith
Sherven, PhD (our NABBW Relationship
Expert) and her husband Jim Sniechowski, PhD call
The Fear of Being Fabulous(tm).
After 20 years of research and observation, they've
seen that it's The Fear of Being Fabulous that is to
blame for so much of women's frustration,
depression, anxiety and general sense that
they're still losing out - no matter the Women's
Liberation Movement and all the worldly progress it
Consequently many Boomer Women can't even
imagine what it's like Beyond the Fear of Being
Judith & Jim will present a 70
minute FREE Teleseminar: BEYOND THE FEAR OF
BEING FABULOUS exclusively for NABBW members.
This teleseminar will answer the following questions,
as well as those asked by NABBW members when
they register:
- What does the Freedom To Be Fabulous really
feel like?
- Who do you become, when Freedom To Be Who
You Really Are guides your every move ' in your
private life, and in the world?
- What does success mean when you live True to
Your Fabulous Self?
- What can you do to progressively move into that
FREEDOM on a daily basis?
- and many, many more!
If you are a NABBW member and would like to
REGISTER for this teleseminar and have a
QUESTION you'd like Judith and Jim to answer during
this Teleseminar, click here www.judithandjim.com/beyond to
do so!

A big THANK YOU to Elinor
Stutz for hosting her Teleseminar, Getting What
You Want in Life by Using the Nice Girl
Philosophy, held Tuesday, February 20, 2007.
In addition to her Teleseminar, Elinor would like to
give the members here at the NABBW a special
report, "How To Easily Write A Book." To download
your copy, go to NABBW and look in the Member
Benefits section.
If you have more questions for Elinor, please visit her
Web site at www.smoothsale.net
If you were unable to attend, the entire Teleseminar
can be heard at NABBW on our Member Benefits
page along with links to all our past teleseminars. If
you prefer to read the Teleseminar at your
leisure, simply click on the PDF version to open or
We are happy to review member's books, products
and services. This is a service that is FREE of
CHARGE to NABBW members. Please email us if you
are interested in seeing a review of your book,
product, or service.
NOTE: Once your book has been
submitted, please allow ample time for the book to be
read and reviewed. Books and products sent for
reviews will not be returned.
The Apron Book: Making , Wearing, and Sharing a
Bit of Cloth and Comfort
By EllynAnne Geisel
The Apron Book
Reviewed by Dotsie Bregel, www.nabbw.com
EllynAnne does a remarkable job of sharing all there
is to know and appreciate about the aprons of
yesteryear. She includes stories about the women
who wore them and some of their mouthwatering
recipes. You're going to wish you could feast at their
The book is beautifully illustrated with aprons that will
take you back to the everyday and holidays of the 50s,
60s and 70s. You'll feel appreciation for the women in
your past who adorned them and will be surprised by
all the nostalgic images that come to surface. I got
carried away with cherished memories while
reminiscing about Mom and my aunts who donned
aprons for hours at a time.
This book is a perfect gift for boomers who love to
cook, the women who waited on us as children, and
younger generations to learn what life was about in
the kitchen before their time.
By p.m. terrell

Reviewed by Georgia Richardson, www.queenjawjaw.com
What happens when you're at the wrong place, at the
wrong time? Murder, mayhem, and a trail that is so full
of high-voltage action there's no time to catch your
breath. Ride with Shelia Carpenter, FBI Academy
student, and her mentor, Steve Moran, as they
ricochet from State to State uncovering
America's worst nightmare; one of murder, identity
theft, and terrorism.
Shelia, the sole witness to attempted mass murder,
accidentally discovers a cryptic note left by her Mother
and against all odds, begins to unravel the complex
story of what really caused her parents death never
suspecting that ultimately, all would lead back to this
trail of terrorism. Stay with Shelia as her final test
becomes . . . to stay alive.
Reviewer's note: Ms. Terrell is
currently writing her next book, an historical
suspense/thriller inspired by the true story of
Mary Neelley, one of her ancestors, who was captured
by Shawnee Indians in 1780 at Fort Nashborough at
the height of the Revolutionary War. This book is
scheduled for release in the fall of 2007.
Our Lady of Weight Loss: Miraculous and
Motivational Musings from the Patron Saint of
Permanent Fat Removal
by Janice Taylor
Reviewed by Dotsie Bregel, www.nabbw.com
Maybe it's because I was raised Catholic, but I thought
this book was off the scale. I've never seen a diet book
quite like it. It's creative, clever, and full of wit and fun.
The illustrations are worth more than the price of the
Janice is an artist and she shares illustrations of her
art work that will make you belly laugh. Her thought on
losing weight is to do something creative when you
think of food. Don't eat every time you think of food,
create instead.
The fact that "fried" is her favorite food group
connected us right away. Her reminder for us to wear
thongs when weighing in because they weigh less
than grannie panties made me roar. She shares
graces like this one: We love our bread, we love
our butter, but
most of all we love each other. Thanks for the grub.
You gotta love this woman. When talking about how
important water is for our diets, she labels the
chapter, Our Lady of Holy Water. The illustration is of
Our Lady of Weight Loss holding a bottle of water and
white gloves like we wore to church eons ago. Way too
She offers FaToids throughout which are dashes of fat
trivia, and shares her reader's letters which are often
seeking forgiveness for overeating. She forgives and
tells them to carry on, almost like the priest who
forgave our sins in the confessional.
By now you know this is not a heavy, you must be a
stickler type diet book. However, Janice's attitude
toward dieting definitely made me want to drop a few
pounds. I've lost two so far and I just finished reading
last week.
By Barbara E. Friesner
Talking with aging
loved ones about thorny topics can be fraught with
snags and pitfalls! So thorny, in fact, that many family
members either never try . . . until there's a crisis, or try
and fail and drop the subject . . . until there's a crisis!
Since resolving issues is a lot easier before a crisis,
here are five pitfalls (plus a bonus!) to avoid, to get you
successfully on your way.
The fact is that generational attitudes and emotional
perspectives matter . . . a lot. But too often family
members think that because we come from the same
family we think the same way. That's just not true!
Our parent's generation is very different from ours and
understanding and respecting how they view the world
and feel about it emotionally is critical to your
success. (For more information about our parent's
generational and emotional perspectives, please
check out the October and November '05 newsletters
on my website, www.AgeWiseLiving.com).
Continue reading at this link:
Menopause and Stomach
Cramps: Things to Ponder
By Cathy Taylor
Menopause is a transition
stage in a woman's life when she stops menstruating
for over 12 months continuously. When menopause
sets in, the ovaries stop production of eggs, resulting
in irregular menstrual activity that eventually ceases.
Other hormonal changes occur and symptoms like
stomach cramps, pain in the leg, irritability, mood
swings, hot flashes and decrease in bone density
accompany menopause.
Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 40
and 55, and is a natural event in every woman's life. It
comes with its own string of health issues, be they
physical or emotional, and can be a particularly trying
time for those who suffer side effects of menopausal
symptoms. They are just ways in which our body
reacts to the decrease in production of female
Menopause and Stomach Cramps:
Symptoms Some women (the luckiest of the
lot) may experience few symptoms, while others
complain of mild to severe ones. However, the
reassuring part is that the variation is normal.
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/cathytaylor
Look Before You
By Jennifer Kalita
Many boomer women get so
excited about parlaying their passions into
sustainable businesses that they sometimes forget to
do the legwork needed before jumping into
entrepreneurship. While this process may seem
tedious at first, and something that is simply delaying
your dream, evaluating the marketplace, your skill set,
and how the two fit together proves to be empowering,
illuminating, and undoubtedly saves you lost time,
energy and money.
When you think you've done enough research, do
some more. You simply can't ask enough questions
or do enough digging when it comes to starting a
solid business. Think about what you would expect if
you were your ideal client, and interview yourself.
Then, ask a trusted colleague to do it, as friends and
family may not be as objective or honest as you need
your feedback to be right now.
Continue reading at this link:
Finding Spirit
By Regina Leeds
We freely give our
hearts to them knowing from the outset that the
relationship will be brief. We bring them home to
satisfy our need for companionship only to discover
that they have entered into the secret places in our
hearts and our lives are better for the intrusion. We
learn how to love them. We open our wallets and give
them everything from biscuits to acupuncture. The
one thing we have no idea how to do is say 'good
Miss Katie was a Golden Retriever who came into my
life through the back door and stayed to help me when
lovers broke my heart, when I was diagnosed with
cancer and when I changed professions. Along the
way we walked hundreds of miles, chased countless
squirrels, saved one wounded bird and made new
friends. Katie had a job. She was my muse, sitting
quietly beside me as I wrote my first two books.
Continue reading at this link:
"Practicing What I
By Julie Clark Robinson
"I need some
distraction, oh beautiful release. Memory seeps from
my veins . . . let me be empty and weightless and
maybe I'll find some peace tonight." --Sarah
I'm the one with all the so-called answers about
creating joy for every day ' even the shitty ones. I'm
what the publishing industry is quick to slap the label
of "expert" on in order to sell books. I wrote a book
called "Live in the Moment" and have spoken (and
written) to women's groups everywhere about
overcoming obstacles to our personal joy. But, if I'm to
be honest, I can't find a positive spin to put on what my
family is going through right now. The sudden,
shocking, gut-wrenching death of one of our own ' my
beautiful, barely sixteen year-old niece Sarah
Elizabeth Brown.
I've written the obituary; handled the multitude of press
stories that come when a promising, young honors
student dies in a car crash and then ends up being an
organ donor; and delivered the eulogy. Now what? I'm
sadder than I've ever conceived of. My sister is numbly
waiting for her only daughter to come through the front
door. And I have a column to deliver.
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/
The Empty Nest
By Natalie Caine
the Empty
Nest Quiz~
Before the countdown to your kids leaving home, try
this fun quiz to see how prepared you are for the
empty nest. If you're already an empty nester, this quiz
can help you gauge how you're doing. Choose your
response in each of these scenarios, then add up
your final score at the end.
1. You wake up in the morning and your child
has moved out. You begin the day by:
a. Sobbing uncontrollably
b. Grabbing the next flight to be near
c. Scheduling a massage
2. Your cell phone rings at work and it's your kid
a. You flip open the phone and start talking,
forgetting you are in a conference with the boss
b. You excuse yourself and dash to the
bathroom to talk to him/her
c. You let the message go to voice mail
Continue reading at this link:
Seeing Ourselves With Kind
By Prill Boyle
Most of us are our own
worst critics. Why is that?
I started thinking about this a few years ago when a
friend confided to me that he didn't think he was
particularly successful This man is a partner at a
large law firm and on the board of several civic and
professional organizations. He's constantly sharing
his expertise with colleagues and lending others a
hand. I don't know what benchmark he's measuring
himself against, but if he's not successful, who is?
Another friend is the CEO of a technology company.
He's confident in the business realm, yet considers
himself a failure as a family man. I wish he could see
what I see, which is that until his wife divorced him, he
was trying to be a good husband'not an easy
undertaking when one's job requires constant travel.
He's also an involved and caring father.
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/
By Nan S. Russell
When faced with catching a fly ball, Lucy missed
again. "The past got in my eyes," she told Charlie
Brown, "I thought I had it, but suddenly I remembered
all the others I'd missed."
In two decades in management, I've known hundreds
of workplace Lucys. People who let their past get in
the way of their future; who self-determine what they're
going to do, can do, or might be able to do by what
they didn't do, haven't done, or even failed at. They stay
aligned to their past like a Peanuts comic strip
Past-focused people sabotage themselves with
yesterday's mantras that become today's
expectations: "Yeah, we tried that before and it didn't
work;" "I got rejected once already so I'm not going to
make that mistake again;" or "No one listens to my
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
In Search of the
Perfect 'Do'
By Georgia Richardson
Recently I
received a taping of a speech I gave in another state. I
was mortified. I called Mother immediately and
asked, "Could my hair have looked any worse?" She
said, "Ah, well yes, there was that tim-" Why do people
answer you when you ask these kinds of questions?
I decided it was time to go in search of the perfect DO.
Notice how "hip" I am with the lingo? I use to call
it "hair-do," but learned that noooobody says that
anymore. It's called a DO. No, don't thank me, I enjoy
passing on knowledge as I gain it. I do what I
I began my search in earnest. I went straight to the
local grocery store and began scanning the mags
(what we in the biz call magazines . . . more
knowledge). Buying as many different copies of DO
mags as my cash could stand, I took them home and
began cutting out styles that matched my idea of a
great DO. Just as I was about to close one mag, . . .
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
Your Legacy
By Donna Shepherd
'. . . verily every man at his
best state is altogether vanity.' - Psalm 39:5
This week a celebrity died. She was only 39 years old.
I say 'only' because, as a Boomer Baby, a thirty-
something woman seems very young. This celebrity
did a whole lotta livin' during her short time on earth,
and sad to say, her legacy is already one marked by
confusion and vanity.
Vanity could refer to her obsession with her looks, but
King David referred to vanity in a different light in the
Psalms saying, 'each of us is but a breath' (Psalm
39:5b nlt). We share something in common with this
celebrity ' we are only a breath away from coming
face to face with our Heavenly Father.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
'Is Love Magical? You Bet!'
By Judith Sherven, Ph.D. & James Sniechowski,
He likes to be on time.
She's always late. She's a detail person. He sees the
big picture. He takes the world as it comes. She
needs control. She likes dinner at the table. He's a
grazer. He loves to learn. She wants things as they are
and as they have been and then, they get married.
they make it?
We'll bet your knee-jerk answer was more than
likely "No. They're too different."
Don't feel alone. You're right in there with most people
who think that differences can be attractive, even
exciting, but they don't make for a solid marriage.
That's why one of the most popular dating sites on the
internet advertises a compatibility test. "We'll find
someone just for you." A more appropriate pitch would
be, "We'll find someone just like you."
Is that what you want? Someone just like you?
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
How to Avoid Marketing
By Suzanne Falter Barnes
OK, who's hitting the
Ben & Jerry's because they can't somehow get all
their marketing tasks done? (That would be me.)
BUT . . . I finally rose and said 'no' to the angst. Here
some ways I've developed to tackle the creeping
1. Realize you don't have to do it ALL. To get known in
the world, you don't have to pursue every last
marketing vehicle, just the right ones. Target like
2. Focus on your market (and know who they are).
Some niches can rely purely on on-line promo,
because that's where their people are. But others
need the 'seal of approval' of major media. Figure out
exactly who your people are and where to find
3. Determine exactly what you need to do. Break your
marketing plan or to-do list down into all the areas
you need to work on.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
10 Lies, Myths & Otherwise
Wrong Information
About Diet & Exercise
By Mary Pearsall

Many, many millions of Americans have spent many,
many millions of dollars trying to lose weight. And let's
face it ' the natural human tendency is to want a quick
fix. The weight loss industry is banking on that and
taking full advantage of it by offering a myriad of pills,
potions and gadgets promising to melt fat off in
record time. It doesn't have to happen anymore. I am
going to name the top ten weight management lies
and give you the truth once and for all. You do not have
to become prey any longer. The truth will set you free!
And the sooner you un-learn these weight
management myths that have been pounded into the
heads of American consumers, the sooner you can
start on the true road to health and fitness. We'll do
this like the Letterman lists ' starting with number 10
and counting down to the number one all-time winner
(or loser).
MYTH 10 Fat makes you fat. Fact:
The only way a human being physiologically can gain
1 pound of fat (aside from a metabolic disorder) is by
eating 3500 calories on top of the calories used for
their basal metabolic rate (BMR) and daily activities. It
is irrelevant whether the calories are from
carbohydrates, protein or fat. It still adds up to the
same thing ' 3500 calories are 3500 calories,
regardless of the source. Continue reading at this
link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
By Karen Stephen, Ph.D.

Letting Go ' Is it giving up or getting more?
A large part of my practice over the past 16
years as a psychologist with the nation's largest HMO
has been working with women in their midlife years'
which I have chosen to define as anything between
forty and death! In earlier columns I have described
how women in this phase of life tend to be too much
in the middle of everything'the much abused and
misused filling in the sandwich generation. They also
tend to meddle in others' lives'out of good
intentions, but meddling nevertheless. As a result,
they end up in a constant muddle'dazed and
confused . . . and very often resentful.
When I suggest that doing less may mean
more . . . more pleasure, more time, and even more
success in those areas of life where they have
meddled the most, women react strongly and usually
Continue reading at this link:
North of the Border
By Carol Sorgen

I have to admit that I was not one of the legions of
readers of the popular 'Anne of Green Gables' books.
Yet somehow, the appeal of Nova Scotia, the setting
for the fictional childhood series, has always
fascinated me. So when I was looking for a quick
getaway recently and found out that nonstop flights
were now available from Dulles International Airport to
the capital city of Halifax, I wasted no time in booking a
flight. Once on the plane, I was across the border in
less than two hours and ready for my Nova Scotian
After picking up my rental car at the very
manageable Halifax International Airport, I made the
easy 30-minute drive into downtown Halifax and
checked into the Prince George Hotel. This
contemporary'yet still somehow Old World-elegant'
hotel is located in downtown Halifax, just several
(steep!) blocks up from the city's lively waterfront. I
dropped off my bags'in my very comfortable room'
but as I was only going to be in N.S. for a long
weekend, there was no time to waste. I headed out on
a 'recce,' as the British would say, to have a look
around and get the lay of the land.
Continue reading at this link:
Retirement Reading
By Jan Cullinane
This month,
I'd like to share with you a list of a dozen books on a
variety of topics.
Although not all are targeted
specifically to retirees or those contemplating the
transition, they all provide food for thought. Happy
reading! (For a complete list of the book references
I'm offering this month with topics on Finances,
Physical Health, Emotional Health/Spirituality,
Psychology, Travel, and End-of-Life Issues, please
click the link below!)
Continue reading at this link:
By Janet Horn, M.D.
Now that it's still early
in the New Year, many of you (me too) are determined
to change your current lifestyle to one that is healthier.
And the first move you may make toward that goal is to
get to the gym/personal trainer/dance class/yoga or
Pilates instructor or to the exercise equipment store.
But hold it just a second ' isn't there something
important you're forgetting?
In last month's
column, Part I concerning your heart, I mentioned that
if you haven't recently or ever had a physical exam, an
EKG, and other cardiac tests your healthcare provider
thinks are necessary ' you need to. The issue I didn't
mention in that column was that of age.
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/janethorn.h
Kathy Caprino, MA, personal and professional
coach, psychotherapist, and co-founder of Living
in Harmony'The Center for Emotional Health, in
association with The Esteemed Woman
Foundation, is conducting a national in-depth
research study with professional women age 35 to 55
who have successfully transitioned beyond a
professional crisis or major turning point in their
professional lives.
Are you a professional woman who has navigated
through professional crisis or transition successfully
and reinvented your life and/or work? Do you know of
any women who are/have? If so, I'd love to hear from
you. Email me at
Kimberly Marooney, Ph.D. Get free
Guiding Angels Newsletter and learn to contact your
angels to receive guidance, protection, love and
inspiration. By Kimberly Marooney, Ph.D., a gifted
author, mystic, workshop leader, spiritual counselor,
radio talk show host, and creator of Angel Blessings
Cards. It's free - click here to sign up and get 2
chapters of 'Your Guardian Angel' as my
Jan Cullinane, author of "The New
Retirement: The Ultimate Guide to the Rest of Your
Life" and Retirement Expert for the
NABBW, has been interviewed/quoted in
Cooking Light, Today's Focus, Revue, and The Daily
Baby Boomer Express
You'll find the latest product releases, free offers,
special deals, and information of interest to baby
boomers. No membership fees to use this site; all
information has been compiled for your enjoyment
and we hope you have fun! Thanks everyone for
supporting my website, and thank you in advance for
telling a friend.
Pets by Penny
Want a handmade baby layette? Need a pet blanket to
match your décor? Can't find a sweater in school
colors? Pets By Penny now offers stock and custom-
made products. Mix and match to create unique
designer quality gifts. Come by and check out our line
of products and services at www.petsbypenny.com.
Doctor Flamingo, aka Dr. Karen Stephen, www.doctorflamingo-online.com
hasn't flown to Florida for retirement, but she's found
the next best thing. She's moved into a small cottage
decorated to look just like a cottage in the south of
France, on a property owned with her daughter and
son-in-law to be. When she retires in 18 months, she
hopes to be able to devote more time to developing
her Doctor Flamiingo Online website (see above) for
midlife women, writing a second novel, and studying
the harpsichord.
Silvianne T. Steinbach
Have you visited this brand new online resource for
women over 50 interested in exploring alternative
means to achieve their health, wealth, and wisdom
goals? Go to the website for your FREE copy of Life's
an Amusement Park!, a 'boomer girl's' guide to
the 'Good Rides' by the creator of www.TotallySavvyWoman.com,
Silvianne T. Steinbach. Read what Coach, Inc. CEO
Sandy Vilas has to say about it!
Marcia Merrill, the Transition Chick & NABBW
is co-creator of the Transitions Academy &
Entrepreneurs Academy. These are designed for
boomer women looking to start/develop their
business or change their career!
Contact Marcia at www.eCareerCorner.com for
more info & to register for a FREE teleclass!
Sandra Call Sultan
of Call Productions,
will be hosting 'In Full Bloom' a one-day retreat for
midlife women and beyond, will be held on Saturday,
April 28, 2007 from 9am to 4:00pm at the Marriott
Napa Valley Hotel & Spa. The retreat delivers a
message to women that is simple but
transformational: unlike physical development, the
older you become, the more possible it is for you to
achieve your fullest spiritual and psychological
potential. Visit www.call-productions.com/ for
more details.
Phyllis Slater, Slater Solutions LLC
In 2007 I am publishing a book of inspirational stories
and information for caregivers and women facing
physical challenges. Authors and members selling
products interested in becoming part of this project,
no cost to you and FREE marketing of your books,
please visit my website: www.eldercareconcierge.net to
learn more.
Pamela D. Blair
Author of The Next Fifty Years: A Guide for Women at
Midlife and Beyond, will be presenting a speech
entitled, Trailblazing: Women as Pioneers in a New
Age at the Womens Images conference on March
10, 2007 at Fairfield University in Connecticut.
Sue William Silverman will teach at the
Vermont College Postgraduate Writers' Conference
on August 8-14, 2007, in Montpelier, Vermont. Sue
will teach a workshop in memoir writing. This
conference also offers in-depth workshops on the
novel, short story, and poetry. For a list of other faculty
members and additional information, please visit the
conference website at www.tui.edu/pgwc.
The Boomer Century: 1946-2046
PBS Looks Back At a Generation That Transformed
America'And Leaps Forward To Predict Their Future'
In The Boomer Century: 1946-2046. This visionary
two-hour documentary premieres March 28, 2007 @ 9
p.m. ET/PT on PBS
Mary Pearsall
Did you make a New Year's resolution to lose weight
and get fit? How are you doing with it; are you
struggling? Struggle no more! Join Mary Pearsall,
Lifestyle Fitness Coach and NABBW Associate in a
group coaching class ' 'A Better Boomer Body in
90 Days.' Go to A Better Boomer Body in 90
Days to learn more and sign up, or call Mary at
719-596-1771 and hurry; two classes only limited to 8
participants each.
NOTE: Mary is offering a special
BONUS to NABBW members who sign up. To find out
what that bonus is, visit the Member Benefits page at
YOU! to
following for sharing
information about NABBW and
Hartford Courant
www.courant.com for mentioning
Boomer Women Speak in the article A Web
Community for Women Over 50
The Times-News, Twin Falls, Idaho
www.magicvalley.com for
mentioning Boomer Women Speak in the article A
Web Community for Women Over 50
Dr. Karen Stephen (aka Doctor Flamingo),
for always mentioning NABBW and BWS in all her
Allison Bottke www.boomerbabesrock.com, for
mentioning the NABBW in her February issue of
Families Online Magazine Families Online Magazie, for
including the NABBW contest results, What
Baby Boomers Want, on their Web site.
Fort Wayne, The Journal Gazette, The Journal Gazette, for
mentioning Boomer Women Speak in the article,
BoomerGirl provocative site for those in nifty
Lifetime Fitness Houston 20 Click Here, for
mentioning Dotsie's name and the NABBW in an
article about the Booming Women's Conference.
Carole Cross www.wisewomen.org/ for
including the NABBW contest results, What
Baby Boomers Want, on her Web site and
Regina Lewis, CBS News online and
the Saturday Early Show Saturday Early Show for
mentioning the Boomer Women Speak web site in an
article about Web Sites for Baby Boomers.
The Biz of Knowledge Biz of Knowledge for
mentioning Dotsie's name and the NABBW in an
article about the Booming Women's Conference.
Internet Marketing Internet Marketing for
mentioning Dotsie's name in an article about the
Booming Women's Conference.
Fran Harris for mentioning NABBW
and Boomer Babes Rock in an article titled
Extreme Makeover, published in Tulsa World -
Tulsa,OK,USA, where she was quoted extensively.
The Women's Center of Greater Lansing
www.cacvoices.org for
including Dotsie's article, Baby Boomer Women at
Midlife, in their February newsletter.
Jacqueline Wales for mentioning
Dotsie and NABBW on her blog, Fearless Fifties,
Fearless Fifties.
Women's Health and Fitness Podcast
for publishing Mary Pearsall's, (an NABBW
Associate), article Building Better Boomer
Bodies at
Building Better Boomer Bodies.
Margaret Manning of
www.exinthecity.com/ for publishing the results of
Dotsie's contest, What Baby Boomers Want on
her blog,
Casey Dawes,
for including the NABBW contest results, What
Baby Boomers Want, on her homepage.
Korky Vann for mentioning Boomer Women
Speak in the article A Web Community for Women
Over 50 published in The
Baby Boomer Express for including
the NABBW contest results, What
Baby Boomers Want, on their homepage at Baby Boomer Express
Dr. Nancy O'Reilly
www.womenspeak.com for
adding links to BWS and NABBW.
Marcia Merrill,CCMC, JCTC, the Transition Chick,
www.eCareerCorner.com for
always mentioning NABBW and BWS in all her
www.boomerwatch.ca/ for
the NABBW contest results, What
Baby Boomers Want, on their homepage.
While looking at the growing stack of books under my
desk, I realized it's been some time since I shared
what I've been reading lately. I hope you'll consider
researching them at Amazon for your next
Jesus, His Life
and His Teachings
By Joseph F. Girzone
The Glass
Jeannette Walls
Marketing To The Ultimate Power Consumer - The
Baby Boomer Woman
By Mary Brown and Carol Orsborn, Ph.D.

PASS IT ON: We all know her. She's at
midlife. She wants to take care of herself but can't
always squeeze it in because she's so busy caring for
any of
the following: her husband, mother, father, children,
grandchildren, in-laws, neighbors, friends,
colleagues, etc. Won't you please help her out by
sharing this newsletter and the NABBW with her?
Thank you for connecting, encouraging and
supporting boomer women. May we all be
enlightened, educated
and empowered!
is the # 1 site on search engines for 'baby boomer
women.' Join us in our forums where you can share
from the heart, give and receive advice, and make new
Please email dots@nabbw.com if you no
want to receive this publication.
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National Association of Baby Boomer Women - NABBW | 714 York Road, Suite 955 | Towson | MD | 21204
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