Dear Dotsie,
August 14, 2008
"To be grateful is to affirm goodness wherever we find it." by Andrew Harvey
your summer going? Mine's been booming with activity. On a personal
note, we just spent a night in Brooklyn, NY at our youngest son's new
pad. We trucked around with him on his commute to Manhattan to see his
place of employment, ate a couple meals and headed home. Last Saturday
night, we went to our oldest son's in Federal Hill, MD for his first
party in the new home. What began as a lovely young adult party with
neat kids, steamed crabs, delicious appetizers and salads, turned into
the likes of a college party. Life goes on. Next weekend, we'll get our
daughter settled in her apartment on campus (she can't wait), and then
venture home to our empty nest. Meantime, we're sneaking in visits to
our dad's to help keep them entertained in their elder years. Does this
sound like a boomer woman's life to you?
Our greatest news is the recent sponsorship of Me Again products
that treat common menopausal symptoms naturally and effectively. Me
Again knows that no two women experience menopause the same way, and
that symptoms vary from woman to woman. To help you identify yours, you
can download their interactive symptom chart (scroll down) which can help you find the natural, effective product best suited for your symptoms. We are very grateful that Me Again has asked us to partner with them and hope that you will visit them today!
The latest news at the NABBW and BWS is the facelift of our forum community , which was preceded by the facelift to both the www.BoomerWomenSpeak.com and www.NABBW.com. Thanks for all the positive feedback about the new looks. The
BWS site is busier than ever, with almost 1.8 million hits last month.
Boomer women who want to be in the know need to browse our forums and join the NABBW to remain connected, educated and supported at midlife.
During the past month I've had fun being a guest
with the following interviews and teleseminars:
Joanie Winberg - Host of the radio show, Fresh Start After
Divorce. This interview was Empowering Women at Midlife,and
happens to be not only part of the NABBW's mission, but one of my
favorite topics. Go to www.freshstartafterdivorce.com/public/238.cfm to
listen to the interview.
WERS' Associated Press award-winning public affairs show, You Are Here.
The show ran Sunday, August 10, 2008 at 7 am on WERS 88.9 Boston,
reaching the Bay State, Rhode Island, southern New Hampshire and parts
of Connecticut. The show took a look at Generation Y and Baby
Boomers, as well as how society plays into culture, how current
terrorism impacts society, and an interview with Scott Ritter, a former
U.N. chief weapons inspector and Dotsie Bregel, founder of the National
Association of Baby Boomer Women.
Coming soon: Friday, August 15th, I will be featured on www.realbeautyis.com. What an honor. Friday, August 15th, at 4:30 PM (EST) I will be live on www.Beyond50Radio.com. Feel free to listen in if you are free during that time. Monday, August 25th, at 12:00 PM (EST) I will be a guest on the Inez Bracy Radio Show as we discuss Living Smart and Well - empowering women body, mind and spirit. You can log in here to listen. Do you live in Connecticut? If so, feel free to visit me at the Boomer Expo being held at the Hilton in Mystic, CT. I'll be delivering the breakfast speech about the Top Ten Baby Boomer Trends. You can learn more at this link.
I've also added being an expert for Joanie
Winberg's site LifeAfterDivorce.com, and writing for
LiveElated.com to my list of partnering.
like to share a friend's boomer business. If you or someone you know
has a great idea, you can turn your good idea into a great
business--and quickly--with the 222-page Ultimate Boomer Business
Start-Up Guide. Includes plannnig CD and $150 in discounts and coupons
from top business start-up service providers. Follow this link
to learn more. Jeff's site was selected by Kiplinger's as the "Best
Entrepreneurial Website For People Over 50", Bizstarters.com offers a
wide variety of free checklists, quizzes and how-to articles, as well
as presenting award-winning business start-up guides and one-on-one
Last, but very important -
Lynn and Julie, Certified
Professional Co-Active Coaches and Co-Authors of Your Life Your Way: The Essential Guide for
have begun coaching six NABBW members approaching fifty years of age or
older who are seriously ready to make a significant change in their
life and are new to the coaching experience. This is a FREE service and
we will keep you apprised of their progress.
And now, onward with grace!
Blessings, Dotsie Bregel www.boomerwomenspeak.com www.nabbw.com |
Boomer Women Speak Forums
Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women today!
Join Now for $75.00! The National Association of Baby Boomer Women is the only association
devoted to addressing issues concerning 38 million of the healthiest,
wealthiest, and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby
boomer women.
Featured Member
My Journey Begins at Fifty
my best to depart from the frantic pace of my life has been a difficult
change for me. A lifelong pattern of working myself sick, staying so
busy I can hardly breathe has been, I think, an effort to show that I'm
worthy. Worthy of who or whom? That's a puzzle. I think for women, in
particular, we're busy meeting the needs of so many that there's often
little time to consider that somewhere in there, we've lost ourselves.
spent the last two years working so hard that I sometimes don't
remember entire spaces of time. My business as a real estate appraiser
took me nearly 1200 miles a week all over the state of Wyoming. The
days I was home were spent writing up reports, processing orders,
training employees, answering nearly 60 calls a day with little time
for a 'life' of any kind. The business was successful and profitable. I
was paying bills, whittling away debt, and finally able to buy one or
two things I needed. But I was working out of necessity, rather than
joy. I've never found any satisfaction working in the appraisal field.
It paid the bills. That's all it did.
Trying to get a manuscript
completed for a book I'm co-authoring was done in a fly-by-night
fashion, a chapter here or there, all the while reading articles and
books about 'making time to write' and 'you should consider it your
job' etc. Who had that kind of time?
Then the mortgage market
crashed, and although my business didn't completely disappear, suddenly
I had more time on my hands than was comfortable. There was time
to write, time to sit with a cup of tea and enjoy the view in the
mornings (feeling guilty the entire half-hour), time to realize that I
really was missing having a relationship, and that I hadn't had fun in
a very long time.
So, at the age of fifty, I decided to make a
change, to find out what I needed to know, and to gain enough knowledge
to make myself marketable in the field of writing and publishing. I
wasn't going to wait for it to happen, I needed to make it come to pass
myself. I needed to make the changes so obviously needed if I wanted to
be happy. First I changed my residence from a lovely small town in
Wyoming that had little opportunity to offer someone in the way of
support in the 'arts,' to an equally small town with unlimited
possibilities to meet other artists, writers and musicians. I changed
my career deciding to publish a magazine, and get my books written. And
lastly, I let go of a personal relationship that had been unfulfilling
for us both. I had finally learned that even large quantities of love
and forgiveness didn't always solve the problems.
Not one to
ever have anything go smoothly in life, a water main broke in the new
house while I was out of town and two floors had to be gutted and
rebuilt. I lost much of what I owned. The first issue of the magazine
was six months beyond the estimated deadline for numerous reasons, not
the least of which was the loss of my computers, and difficulty with a
printer that didn't have a high regard for women in general. Then two
weeks ago, I fell and broke my leg in multiple places putting me on
crutches for the next six weeks. Did I mention my new house is on a
steep hill, and that I have three sets of stairs to deal with on a
daily basis? Ah life!
But in spite of all that, I'm secure in
the knowledge that I've made the right decisions, difficult as they
were. Even with the obstacles I've overcome, and am still trying to
conquer, I'm steadfast in the belief that I'm finally on the path to
self awareness, fulfillment, and change. I've had tremendous help,
support, and love along the way from my son, old friends, new friends,
family and people who believe in me. I am blessed. (photos take by Amanda Smith, 2007)
NABBW Contest
NABBW Monthly Teleseminars
Achieving Ageless, Youthful, and Modern Personal Style
10 "Forever Cool" Ways Single Baby Boomers Can Dress for (Love) Success
with Sherrie Mathieson
Boomer Book Reviews
Book reviews are a service we provide for NABBW members. Email us for details. NOTE:
Once submitted, please allow ample time for reading/reviewing. Books will not be returned.
Click Book Covers to read reviews
Member News
Christine Kloser www.FreedomFormulaBook.com Do you want to meet Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God, James Twyman, author/producer of The Moses Code and Marianne Williamson, author of Return to Love? Find out how during this special book launch from NABBW member, Christine Kloser, taking place right now. www.freedomformulabook.com
Joanie Winberg www.FreshStartAfterDivorce.com The National Association of Divorce for Women and Children now has a social network just
for women during and after divorce. The Association's mission is to
empower women to regain their confidence, build self-esteem and create
a foundation of life skills to enhance and improve the quality of life
for themselves and their children. To help women be the best they can
be as well as become role models for their children and community.
Visit HERE!
p.m.terrell www.pmterrell.com Internationally acclaimed author p.m.terrell begins her fall book tour for her latest contemporary suspense, Exit 22,
her tenth published book and fourth suspense/thriller. She will appear
in Nashville on September 2, in Columbia, TN on September 3 and 4, in
St Louis on September 6 and in Lumberton, NC on September 18. For
details and to view additional upcoming events, visit HERE.
Inez Bracy www.InezBracy.com Unleash your quintessential woman at the Discover The Genius Within Retreat, September 11-12, 2008, go HERE for more information. Use and expand your current knowledge to redefine, reinvent and rejuvenate your life. This time is for you!
Donna Shepherd www.donnajshepherd.com If in the Cincinnati-Dayton area, your invited to a Day for Writers
workshop taught by Donna Shepherd, an author and speaker, and Mary
Busha, a writer's coach, October 11, 8:30-3:30. These workshops, along
with hands-on training, will motivate you to step up your goal of
becoming a working writer and published author to the next level! Go HERE for info and to register. Donna's newest book, Dotty's Topsy Tale, is now available and encourages children to look beyond the color of a person's (or a hippo's!) skin.
Carolyn Howard-Johnson www.HowToDoItFrugally.com The semi-annual All Tips editions of Sharing with Writers will be issued soon. The weekly editions of this newsletter come to writers at no charge from Authors' Coalition. All are full of tips and features on promotion, poetry, writing craft and more, but the All Tips editions are subscriber favorites. To subscribe send an e-mail with "subscribe" in the subject line to HoJoNews@aol.com.
Anita Mahaffey www.cool-jams.com
Anita Mahaffey and her newest
company Cool-jams.com was featured in me* Magazine's July/August 2008 edition.
You can find her story in Second Act: Remarkable Women Changing the
Direction of Their Lives -
page 34. Check out how she created two companies in a span of 15 years and has
successfully guided her companies to prosperity and most importantly has made
social responsibility a priority. Cool-jams moisture wicking sleepwear can be
found HERE.
Jan Cullinane www.thenewretirement.net
Jan Cullinane was interviewed was
by Mark Miller for his column, Retirement Revised. You can read the
column, "Getting past the hype on where to retire," HERE.
Lelia Heidel www.missiehuber.com
Tormented Souls: One' Family's Struggle Against a Legacy of Drug
Abuse begins with the
author's with recollection of her older brother's overdose on methadone when
she was nineteen. In the years following his death, her father succumbed
to alcohol-related cirrhosis of the liver and her younger brother, Mark,
struggled with heroin addiction. Missie swore she would do everything in
her power to ensure that her children did not follow in their footsteps, then
watched in despair as her son John began abusing alcohol, marijuana, ecstasy,
and cocaine.
Judith Sherven, PhD www.judithandjim.com
Judith Sherven, PhD and her
husband Jim Sniechowski, PhD, announce their upcoming Internet Marketing
conference - "Bridging Heart and Marketing II" September 12-14 in Los Angeles. It's perfect
for the marketing needs of all NAABW caring professionals. Check out the
conference AND your NABBW discount HERE!
PASS IT ON: We all know her. She's at midlife. She wants to take care
of herself but can't always squeeze it in because she's so busy caring
for any of the following: her husband, mother, father, children,
grandchildren, in-laws, neighbors, friends, colleagues, etc. Won't you
please help her out by sharing this newsletter and the NABBW with her?
Thank you for connecting, encouraging and supporting boomer women. May we all be enlightened, educated and empowered!
www.boomerwomenspeak.com is the # 1 site on search engines for "baby boomer women." Join us in
our forums where you can share from the heart, give and receive advice,
and make new friends.
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