Boomer Women Speak Forums
Dear Dotsie,
December 15, 2008
""Nothing would be done at all if [we] waited until [we] could do it so well that no one could find fault with it." by John Henry Newman, 19th century English Cardinal
above quote reminds me that one of the beauties of midlife is the
knowledge that we don't have to be perfect. Let this be a gentle
reminder as we continue to prepare for, and celebrate the holidays.
that time of year when I begin reflecting about the past year and
planning for the next. I'm taking my mental, physical and spiritual
health into consideration and trying to figure out the best way for
this boomer babe to stay healthy. Sound familiar?
I'm also
wondering how I can be a good wife to my midlife man, parent children
who no longer live at home, spend more time with Dad who is slowing
down, and stay connected to other family members and friends.
of course, there's work. How can I grow the association and offer
superb educational opportunities to help all of you be your best
selves? I hope to cut your learning curve a bit by creating an
educational schedule that will benefit all areas of your lives. Here's
a look at what's to come in 2009. Teleseminar topics will include the
following: finances, retirement, personal development, maintaining
relationships with grown children, going green, fashion, living alone
at midlife, starting over at midlife, health, care giving, making the
most of every day, and living with our children's poor choices. If
these topics are of interest to you, why not join us to learn more.
the grace of God, there are many of you who have helped and will
continue to help us with our mission. Upon reflection, I have much to
be thankful for. And looking at the goals for the NABBW, all of us have
much to look forward to.
May you take some time this month to
reflect, give thanks, plan, and look forward to 2009 with anticipation
and excitement. Have a blessed Christmas season, and if you don't
celebrate Christmas, may you enjoy celebrating life!
Blessings, Dotsie Bregel www.boomerwomenspeak.com www.nabbw.com |
Refer a Friend!
Would you like a little jingle in your purse?---Need extra money for vacation? New Shoes?---Would you like to treat that "special" friend to lunch?
For every person you refer to the NABBW who joins at the $75.00 rate, you'll receive a $25.00 check. No limits on the number of referrals, and it's open to the public! Anyone can refer new members!!! When they fill out the application to join, have them list YOUR NAME in the "referred by" section. Click HERE to have them join!
*The person
joining must be a NEW member and not a returning or "renewing" one.
PASS IT ON: We all know her. She's at midlife. She wants to take care
of herself but can't always squeeze it in because she's so busy caring
for any of the following: her husband, mother, father, children,
grandchildren, in-laws, neighbors, friends, colleagues, etc. Won't you
please help her out by sharing this newsletter and the NABBW with her?
Thank you for connecting, encouraging and supporting boomer women. May we all be enlightened, educated and empowered! __________________________________________________________________________________
TAKE TIME TO VISIT OUR SISTER SITE www.boomerwomenspeak.com
is the # 1 site on search engines for "baby boomer women." Join us in
our forums where you can share from the heart, give and receive advice,
and make new friends.
NABBW Monthly Teleseminars
Coming in 2009!NABBW JANUARY Teleseminar - Open to the public!
GET SMART ABOUT DIGESTIVE HEALTH!For More Detail, click HERE!  Carolyn O'Neil, MSRD Author of The Dish on Eating Healthy and Being Fabulous! www.carolynoneil.com Wednesday, January 21, 2009 3:00 PM (EST)
The "call-in" information for the teleseminar is: Telephone Number: 1 (712) 580-7706 Conference Code: 4825560
Don't forget to record this information for the call! _________________________________________________________________ NABBW February Teleseminar - Members Only!Love in 90 Days: Finding Your Own True Love for
Boomers Dr.Diana Kirschner
February 10, 2009 3:00 pm EST Click HERE for more details! ******************************************************************************* NABBW DECEMBER 2008 TELESEMINAR - I'm Dreaming of a GREEN Christmas - Shopping, Decorating, and Entertaining---To LISTEN click HERE! To READ (PDF) click HERE! |
Member News
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Come join Carolyn Howard-Johnson and Yvonne Perry on January 13 for "Conversation with Editors" at 5 pm Pacific time, 7 pm Central. Carolyn is an editor and author of The Frugal Editor,
and Yvonne has a full service editing business. You do want to know how
to impress agents and publishers with your query letters don't you!?
Yvonne even has a neat service. You sign on and she'll remind you when
to come join us!
Theresa Maria Napa, CPCC
Leadership & Anything Is Possible Coach/Speaker
Is offering a free
40-minute teleseminar Dec 17, 2008, 12:00noon EST. Learn how to use the winter
season to access your powerful innate wisdom to plant seeds in the spring that
bloom closer to your natural leadership landscape, rather than following a path
that doesn't nourish your spirit. Come away with three to five valuable action
steps to delve deeper into your leadership potential. You are meant to lead.
Winter has great energy for awakening to new leadership and success
possibilities. Click here to register and for leadership tips.
Karen Stephen, Mental Health Advisor for NABBW, alias Doctor Flamingo
finding herself in the same dilemma as other women in these financial
times...having to rethink her retirement plans. Having reached official
senior status with her 65th birthday in October, she has cut down her
hours at the HMO where she practices as a psychologist, but will
continue on for a few years rather than retire completely. She has
published the first draft of her new novel on her website for those who want a preview and even a say-so on how it turns out.
Leigh Anne Jasheway-Bryant
can either send you into a tailspin or remind you that the best way to
cope with life's little surprises is by laughing at them. Leigh Anne
Jasheway-Bryant, author of the new book Not Guilty by Reason of Menopause,
has started a new blog (that's 'blog,' not 'blob,' for those of you not
wearing your reading glasses) to help add a few giggles to your life
every week. Read it here!
Anita Mahaffey
Mahaffey, President and Founder of Cool-jams moisture wicking sleepwear
is offering Free Shipping to all NABBW members. Go HERE and type in " holiday " in the coupon box at checkout. Shipping charges
will automatically be deducted from the total. This offer is good
through Dec. 24, 2008. Happy Holidays and blessings in the New Year from Cool-jams.
Chloe JonPaul
Author of "What Happens Next: a Family Guide to Nursing Home Visits,"
and other numerous articles, Chloe Jon Paul has lectured across the
country to professional and family caregiver groups, and she holds the
title of Ms. Maryland Senior America 2003.
After having networked with more than 25 leading women's organizations
across the nation, all look forward to reading Chloe's new book, "Entering the Age of Elegance: a Rite of Passage & Practical Guide for the Maturing Modern Woman."
Rosie Lumetta
This blog covers current topics, retirement issues and Retired Rosie's adventures. It's her dream to help Boomers create a fun-filled, healthy
and rewarding retirement! This Blog is dedicated to helping retirees
make your retirement the best chapter in the "Story of Your Life" by
concentrating on important aspects of retirement life, such as the
emotional, mental, physical, financial, medical and family issues that
you too might face.
the environment while you help rebuild America! Made from recycled
products, our $5.00 eco-friendly totes are convenient and useful bags
for shopping or carrying daily essentials. When the bag wears out, it
too can be recycled! Click HERE!
Meredith Laskow
Laskow is looking for new web customers! Between now and the end
of 2008, if you refer someone to any of my sites -- jewelry, supplies,
books and including gift certificates -- whatever their merchandise
total is, you'll get 10% of that in credit which can be used in any of
my sites. (Of course, they/you have to tell me you referred them, or I
won't know!) You can accumulate credit from several friends to be used
at once, or for several purchases, and shipping to NABBW members is
always free. Click here for Holiday jewelry, and my six other websites are linked from that page.
Val Sharp
Founder and past president of the Canadian Redesigners Association (CRDA), and an approved instructor with Interior Redesign Industry Specialists (IRIS) in the US, Val instructs people in starting their own interior
redesign and home staging business. If you want to become a redesigner
or home stager, or you want more information about Val and her book, "The Art of Redesign - 5 Simple Steps to No-Cost Redecorating," visit HERE!
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