Boomer Women's World Newsletter January 2007
Dear Dotsie,
"The object of a new
year is not that we should have a new year. It is
that we should have a new soul."
--- G. K. Chesterton
Happy New Year! So, have you managed to stick to
your resolutions? I hope so because from what I can
tell, this is the year of the boomer woman.
Every time I turn around, there's another blog, Web
site, book, or conference for us. It's most exciting!
There are even conferences about marketing to us.
Mary Brown (NABBW member) and Carol Osbourne,
Ph.D. have written a book entitled Boom:
To The Ultimate Power Consumer - The Baby-Boomer
Woman. In fact, there's even a lobbying firm in
for the boomer generation. But none of this comes as
a surprise to me. I know what a powerful and vibrant
generation of women we are. I spend my days
corresponding with journalists, marketing firms, and
none better than all of you to affirm this
My prayer is that you either stay or jump on the
boomer women band wagon in 2007. Feel the spirit.
It's here for the taking. I encourage you to make the
change you've been considering. And please use your
NABBW Member Benefits to help you make the
Yesterday I had a call from a member who joined in
July. She'd never been on the benefits page and
wanted to know how to do so. She commented that
she has so much she wants to do, say, and write,
but has to work and maintain the rest of her life and
hasn't made time for herself. I encouraged her to
take two little hours a week and schedule them on
her calendar to do "me things." You have to begin
somewhere. Right?
I challenge all of us to stick to our resolutions and
choose what we are doing in 2007 to make this our
year of the boomer woman. May we scour this
newsletter and www.nabbw.com and begin
how to make a difference in our lives because if we
don't do it, no one else can do it for us. We need to
be the change we want to see in our own little
worlds. Then of course there is the ripple effect and
everyone else gets the benefits. When boomer
women are fulfilled, so is the world around us.
Onward with grace,
P.S. - Don't forget to join me tomorrow night,
January 16 at 7:00 pm, EST for my teleseminar, A
Talk with the Founder! (Details are below).
Boomer Women Speak Testimonial!
Since joining NABBW I have learned so many
things in such a short time: How to place articles on
the web, get reciprocal links with other members,
find teleseminars and other resources. Dotsie is so
generous with her ideas and so are the NABBW
members. Thanks! Boomer Women rock!
Maggie Castrey
The National Association of Baby Boomer Women is
the only association devoted to addressing issues
concerning 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest,
and best educated generation of women to ever hit
midlife, baby boomer women.
- A membership package that
includes information on self-improvement skills, free
legal and financial advice using e-mail, exclusive
member discounts on a variety of products and
services, easy ways to connect with other boomer
women, and MORE..
- A sense of belonging to a creative, powerful,
encouraging group of women that will leave you
feeling refreshed, revived, and renewed.
- Access to information from an enthusiastic,
energetic, wise, and warm panel of experts who
have written books, founded Web sites, and coached
women on all topics concerning midlife women.
- JOIN before January 31, 2007 and receive a
FREE copy of The Baby Boomer Almanac, by Tim
Brolus - www.nabbw.com


The National Association of Baby Boomer Women, www.nabbw.com is proud and
excited to sponsor the
"What Boomer
Women Want in
Disposable Income, Boomer Women, Spending Power;
that's what all the talk is about! What's the hype?
That businesses need to market to us because we're
the ones in the home with spending power.
That's why the NABBW has chosen to sponsor this
contest. Let's share with everyone exactly what we
want in 2007!
I'm betting the majority of the submissions will have
nothing to do with "buying power," but will include
more ideas about healthy relationships, world peace,
spending time with the grandchildren, learning new
things, and traveling, just to mention a few.
All boomer-age (born 1946-1964) women are invited
to submit their list of the Top Ten Things Boomer
Women Want During 2007 to Dotsie
Bregel, Founder
of the National Association of Baby Boomer Women, www.nabbw.com and the
number one site on most
search engines for "baby boomer women,"
Women Speak, www.boomerwomenspeak.com.
If your list is chosen in its entirety, you win $100.00
in cash and a membership or renewal to the NABBW
for F-R-E-E. Your name and email/Web address will
also be included with future publications of the list. If
one of your items is chosen you win $10.00 There
could be as many as ten winners, so be sure to
All you have to do is follow the guidelines below and
submit your list of the Top
Ten Things Boomer Women Want in 2007 to boomercontest@nabbw.com
Please follow these simple guidelines to submit your
1) Please submit your entry in a WORD document
with your real name, email address, short bio, and
Web site INSIDE the WORD document at the top of
2) Each list, (1-10) should be no more than two
3) In the subject line of your email put "What Women
Want" and submit your entry to boomercontest@nabbw.com
4) Deadline is January 30, 2007.
I continue to witness women encouraging women in
our Virtual Village every day at http://www.boomerwomenspeak.com
/forums/ubbthreads.php. Won't you join us? The
sixty-plus forums connect, encourage and support
baby boomer women at all stages of life!
YOU! to the following for sharing
information about NABBW and
for publishing Dotsie's article "Balancing New
Choices at Mid-Life"
Jane's Stories Press Foundation
for posting NABBW and BWS contests on their
So Boomers are Turning 60. What's All the Hype
for posting my article, So, Boomers are Turning
60. What's All the Hype?
Mary Brown, Imago Creative
for posting our writing contest on her
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
for including our writing contest in her
Jane Carroll www.byforandaboutwomen.com
interviewed Dotsie on her radio show. Click on the
link above to listen in!
Angel Brown
www.womens-business-gallery.com where you'll find Big Ideas for
Small Business,
interviewed and featured Dotsie on her Web site. To
read the full interview, visit HERE!
Sheri McConnell, President & Founder
National Association of Women Writers, www.NAWW.org
Association of Web Entrepreneurs, www.sherimcconnell.net/
interviewed Dotsie for her educational series about Launching Successful
- Charleen Micheles's makes you an
offer you can't refuse!
Editor/Author/Ghost Writer, wearer of many hats.
Charleen is offering NABBW members the first chapter
of your manuscript, up to 50 pages, edited
absolutely free of charge. Visit her now at www.geocities.com/tale2bestseller/ or email Charleen at escspeddlers2@msn.com.
- The Transition Chick has a special
offer for NABBW members!
Here it is - A Life Transition ( a career component is
optional) Assessment & Boomer Woman Coaching
session ($250 value) contact Marcia Merrill, The
Transition Chick, marcia@ecareercorner.com. Sign up for your
FR*EE ebook "5 Secrets to Career/Life Triumphs! " and get my newsletter as a BONUS! www.eCareerCorner.com
- A Special Offer from AuthorSmart!
AuthorSmart.com, www.AuthorSmart.com a
clearinghouse of tools, information and education for
authors, offers all NABBW members 50% any
purchase from
their site. Visit the Members Only section at www.nabbw.com and look
under Member Benefits, to obtain your discount
- Pamela D. Blair's special offer for
NABBW members!
Mention your membership in the NABBW and receive
Pamela D. Blair's new CD "Inspirations for The
Next Fifty Years," based on her book, The
Next Fifty Years: A Guide for Women at Midlife and
Beyond, at a special discount price of $15
(instead of $20) The 45 minute CD contains uplifting
thoughts and guidance for women and includes a
heartwarming guided visualization. Order Info: www.pamblair.com
We have created a user-friendly version of
member benefits on the Members Only page at www.nabbw.com. Check it out. Email me at dots@boomerwomenspeak.com if you've
forgotten your password.
Want to send flowers to a friend, or popcorn to a
family or business? NABBW is now offering member
discounts at www.1800flowers.com and www.thepopcornfactory.com
The Law of Attraction

Kathleen Gage
This month our Featured Author, member of NABBW,
and very active forum member is Kathleen Gage. She
is the co-author of the book she wrote with Lori
Giovannoni, The Law of Achievement: Discover Your
Purpose, Possibility and Potential.
Be sure and visit the forums at BWS in January as
Kathleen answers all our questions about writing,
publishing, and finding meaning and purpose in life!
Described by many as one of the most inspirational
speakers alive, and known as the "Street Smarts"
speaker and author, Kathleen teaches others how to
use instinct, wit, creativity, and spirit to achieve
their fullest potential."
To learn more about Kathleen, you can visit her Web
site at www.kathleengage.com.

Coming in February!
Katherine Scherer
Gratitude Works:
Open Your Heart to Love
Donna Shepherd

Devotionals by Donna
Parenting Column

Donna continues to write her monthly column for The
Dabbling Mum called The BUSY Parents Devotional.S
he's received positive feedback from parents. With
her children grown, it's been a blessing to reflect and
share ways to incorporate spiritual teaching into the
practical aspects of bringing up children. (Parenting Column)
Donna is pleased to announce the release of a FREE
ebook for children. This ebook follows the adventures
of Chizzy, the monkey on the front of the print book,
Topsy Turvy Land. For more information about
Topsy, visit www.topsyturvyland.com
To download the ebook, click here
Donna's book Topsy Turvy Land was mentioned in
World Magazine. It's an issue highlighting children's
books. She's most flattered to be included! She is on
the same page as Dr. Seuss and Charlotte's Web.
Boy, is she intimidated!
She went to the Mall and picked up the latest
devotional book she contributed to called "Anytime
Prayers for Everyday Moms." Her devotional prayers
are the first 30 in the book. It turned out really nice -
a hardback with a cute cover of a mom with a little
boy. Here's link to see more about it: Anytime Prayers for Everyday
And finally, a bit of wonderful news - She's honored
to be a recipient of a full scholarship courtesy of Cecil Murphey ( 90 Minutes in Heaven ) to the Mount Hermon Writing
Conference. She will be headed to the Spring
Christian Writers Conference in
California March 30-April 3, 2007. Her conference
fees, housing, and meals are all covered. She's so
excited! Who would have thought she'd be awarded
a scholarship at her age?
Donna is honored to be a part of NABBW and would
love to receive feedback and suggestions for
her column!
Allison Bottke
When I decided to make conscious choices
based on turning my dreams into reality, I began to
make a difference - in my life and the lives of
others. You can too! Make the choice now to start
living your dreams today! Whether in the home,
at church, the work place or around the world,
baby boomer women can make a difference. Replace
your list of New Year Resolutions with a list of New
Year Dreams to Come True!
I didn't achieve my dream to be a published author
until I was 45 years old. I'm not sure if it's because I
was too pig-headed to listen to God when He spoke
to me, or if He just waited until He was certain I had
enough sense of head and heart to listen. It is
said, "When the student is ready; the teacher will
appear." We're all students of life and God is our
Teacher - what will we allow Him to teach us this
I'm honored to be the Featured Member of the Month
on the NABBW site. The timing is perfect as this is
the month I'm launching a brand new web site just
for boomer women, along with a new blog, Dream-
zine and a series of Teleseminars for people who
dream of writing. Please visit my new
web site and say hello!
Boomer Babes Rock! Where fun, fashion, focus,
facts, and faith merge to empower and inspire
fabulous women all around the world! www.BoomerBabesRock.com
Sign up for my FREE Dream-zine and receive FREE
stuff (I love getting free stuff, don't
you?) My new Dream-zine is called: Boomer Babes
with Bodacious Dreams. Does that describe you or
the person you want to be? Every year we make New
Year resolutions that "this year" will be the one we
finally accomplish our goal to _____ . But at the end
of the year, what so often do we
have to show for it, but another "next" year?
Proclaim now that this year is going to be different!
God has plans for each and every one of us. He
wants us to succeed, He wants us to have the
desires - the dreams - of our heart.
I hope along with pursuing your dreams, you will also
find more and more reasons to feel happy, laugh
more, love more and like yourself a whole lot more.
I wish all of you a successful New Year as you begin
to turn your dreams, resolutions and wishes into very
real adventures - for adventures they will certainly
be. Never let anyone say we are "too old" or that
it's "too late" to start fulfilling a life long dream. It's
never too late and God is never too busy to give us
the strength we need to achieve the dreams of our
About Allison: Affectionately known as the "God
Allows U-Turns Poster Girl," her story is one
of triumph over tragedy, a true "U-Turn" on the
highway of life. Allison is the Founder of God
Allows U-Turns (registered trademark), an
international outreach that includes non-fiction and
fiction books, tracts, logo merchandise, a speaking
ministry, and a Foundation. The God Allows U-
Turns book series is available around the world
with 21 books available for adults, teens and
children. Allison's first novel (A Stitch in
Time) was released in June 2006, her second
novel (One Little Secret) is scheduled for
June 2007. Her novels are
being called, "Contemporary women's fiction with
an attitude" and both feature baby boomer
women as the lead characters. Her next non-fiction
project will premiere in 2008 from Harvest House,
titled "Parents in Pain, How to Stop Enabling Our
Adult Children,"
and is already being heralded as a ground-breaking
book whose time has come.
A frequent guest on radio and TV programs around
the country, the 700 Club featured her life story in
what has become one of their highest rated
programs. She has been the feature cover story on
Writer's Digest, BOND, The Christian Communicator,
O.H. Magazine, and Christian Women Online. Allison
speaks at events, retreats and conferences around
the country and frequently teaches at writer's
events. 2007 will see the launch of Teleseminars
focused on empowering and inspiring baby boomer
women around the world to achieve the dreams of
their heart.
Visit her web sites listed above, or email Allison
at Allison@BoomerBabesRock.com
Snap Your Fingers and It's Gone!
Deadline: January 31,
Entry Fee: none
cash and New Membership or Renewal to NABBW!
Baby Boomer's Almanac, by Tim Brolus
What Happens Next? A family guide to
nursing home visits and more, by Chloe
If there was ONE thing on the
face of the earth you could snap your fingers and it
would be gone, what would that ONE thing be?
Would it be a disease? Your Ex-hubby? Your Ex-
hubby's new girlfriend? Your high school English
teacher? Your bills? And the popular one; WAR? Give
it your best shot! Please read and follow the
guidelines below and good luck!
For guidelines visit us at BOOMER WOMEN SPEAK
Although we took a break in December, we're making
up for it in January with TWO Teleconferences for
your enjoyment! They are:
- A Talk with the Founder! -
Dotsie Bregel
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
7:00 pm EST
Join Dotsie Bregel, founder and CEO of www.nabbw.com and www.boomerwomenspeak.com as she answers questions about these organizations.
While we're together, I'll give you the
history of my organizations including our purpose,
mission, and how to maximize the benefits offered by
both organizations. I'll also address other topics such
as how to use our Web sites, the joy of being a baby
boomer, and how to embrace this time in your life.
Now's the time to ask that all important question!
Join me, won't you?
- Do I Need a Personal
Coach? - Gail Patterson
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
7:00 pm EST
Gail Patterson, CEC www.wisewomansway.com, is a
personal development coach who delights in guiding
Baby Boomer women into the exciting adventure of
the second half of life. Using her skills as a coach
and corporate trainer, she conducts seminars,
teleclasses, online coaching, as well as group and
individual coaching sessions. Join Gail Patterson of www.wisewomansway.com as she helps you prepare for the next phase of your
boomer life. You may contact her at email
We are happy to review member's books, products
and services. This is a service that is FREE of
CHARGE to NABBW members. Please email us if you
are interested in seeing a review of your book,
product, or service.
NOTE: Once
your book has been submitted, please allow ample
time for the book to be read and reviewed. Books
and products sent for reviews will not be
Gratitude Works: Open Your Heart to
By Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodoh
Reviewed by Dotsie Bregel, www.nabbw.com
Gratitude Works: Open Your Heart to
Love It's a new year. Time to make
changes. I can't think of a better way to begin than
to count your blessings and be grateful.
May I suggest that you allow Katherine and Eileen to
help you with your mission? Their book offers 365
opportunities to give thanks. You can read it from
cover to cover as I did and feel an overwhelming
recognition of how blessed you are, or you can read
one reflection a day and focus on that particular
blessing all day long. Any way you do it, you will be
amazed at what gets taken for granted. More
importantly, your focus will become centered on the
positive. You will feel uplifted and more optimistic by
knowing you are blessed day in and day out.
I recommend picking up this little gem. It also makes
a great gift.
Baby Boomers Almanac
By Tim Brolus, Pioneer and Leader in Personal Health
and Wealth field, Founder and Spokesman for
the ‘Year of the Boomer Project' and the National
Baby Boomer Day

Reviewed by by Patti Trapp,www.pattiswriting.com
Tim has written a magnificent book! Baby Boomers
Almanac, looks at the key issues facing each Boomer
and addresses each in clear step by step
instructions; how to deal with challenges, loss,
rebuild wealth, simple steps to gain health. This easy
to read manual takes the uncertainty of the future
and breaks it down into manageable sections. Its
interactive guide will enable you to live a full,
challenging and rewarding second half of life.
Some books focus on health, wealth or ambitions;
Baby Boomers Almanac addresses all these and more;
igniting your passion for life, relieving stress,
rediscovering the simple basics of good nutrition and
exercise for longevity, building finances for security
and freedom and how to overcome life's surprises
while gaining happiness.
For anyone who is desiring to maximize their
remaining years, who dreams of starting a new
career, launching into a new venture, picking up an
old passion and making it new again - this book is a
must read. A necessary manual for every bookshelf,
Baby Boomers Almanac is the one to purchase!
No Man's Land
by Diane Hamel
Where the Wisest Women Win
A wickedly funny party-game for women
Reviewed by Georgia Richardson, www.queenjawjaw.com
When women get together you can be
sure of one thing ... F-U-N. Sisters, girlfriends,
sisters AND girlfriends, girls night out, girls night in, it
doesn't matter. You name it, women know how to
connect, how to bond, and they speak the same
language. They are also constantly looking for
different ways and different reasons to get together.
Guess what? We just got another one. Ms. Hamel's
game, No Man's Land is a brand new hilariously fun
and funEE (that's double E) game that women
everywhere are going to want to play.
The objective of the game is to answer as many
questions as possible. For example, "Why do black
widow spiders kill their mates after mating?" Here's
the fun part. The players can either give
the "official" answer which is, "To stop the snoring
before it starts," or have your team give another one
that you feel is funnier!
The game actually includes TWO versions to play;
Penile Code for one, Wit and Wisdom, with 30
Question and Answer cards, as the other. There's an
instruction booklet, notepads, pencils, timer, and
even a party guide with tips and menu ideas. Diane
has thought of everything.
Ideal for groups of women who love to laugh and
want a good excuse to get together, pig out on
some fun foods, and play a game that pokes fun at
the opposite sex. It isn't for the faint of heart,
and I would label it "adult in nature;" however, with
good friends and a light-hearted approach plus a
little creativity, it could very well be one of the best
de-stressors on the market today for women.
By Barbara E. Friesner
In last month's
article we looked at an actual client situation of
mine - family members who were genuinely
concerned about their 93-year old mother. They
wanted their mother to be safe and secure and "well
taken care of" - as did their mother. Conflicts arose,
however, as to how to achieve what was really in
her best interest - so much conflict, in fact, that
their mother had refused to speak to them.
Unfortunately, this kind of impasse often happens
when each "side" stakes their claim to a specific
solution and are unable to conceive of other options
or even shades of gray.
Once the family reopened the lines of communication
and got their mother to do the exercise "What I
Want For the Third ½ of My Life", the next task was
to help the family see that they actually agreed with
their mother on the core, shared goals - that their
mother be safe and secure and "well taken care of".
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/barbarafriesner.html
Menopause Allergies: All
You Need To Know
By Cathy Taylor
Menopause is said to
have set in when a women stops ovulating and her
period ceases. Menopause allergies are common with
some women. Most women reach menopause
between the age of 45 and 55 years and the average
age for reaching menopause is around 50 years.
However, 1 percent of women reach menopause
before 40.
Referred to as premature
menopause, or premature ovarian failure, menopause
brings with it a host of discomforts, including allergies
from various allergens present in the environment.
The immune system of menopausal women goes into
disarray and many become susceptible to allergies
during menopause.
Menopause Allergies: What Are
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/cathytaylor
We All Have Flaws
By Natalie Caine
It is 2007. Do you
dash, stroll, or crawl with changes you want to reach
for this year?
Some of your kids have gone back to school or
home. Some have gotten on your nerves because
they are still at home and doing it "their way." Other
parents are savoring the best- friend- feeling until
the kids return to life without you.
Empty Nest shows up, again, and the pressure of
setting goals and getting it "right" this New Year
weighs on your back or lifts you to "I'm ready. I am
sick of_________."
Doesn't it seem we are always trying to change
something, or figure something out about our
behaviors that aren't working? What about time for
reflection. What about re-grouping after the holiday
of care-taking others?
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/nataliecaine.html
Eating an
By Prill Boyle
How do you eat an
elephant? One bite at a time. Or so quips former
Arkansas state senator Jim Bob Duggar to a Learning
Channel (TLC) crew as he explains how he plans to
erect a 7,000-square foot house from the ground up -
even though he has no prior construction experience.
At the time Duggar makes the remark, he and his
thirty-nine year old wife Michelle and their fifteen -
yes, fifteen - biological children are living in a modest,
three-bedroom rental. He envisions the family
working together to build an all-steel, ten-bathroom
home complete with a commercial kitchen and private
laundromat. (No coins required!)
The Duggars thought the project would take a year.
It took three. They hoped it would be finished by
the time child number sixteen arrived. It wasn't. But
you know what? They finally attained their goal. And
in sharing the process with TLC viewers, they've
shown the rest of us something about how to
achieve our own impossible dreams.
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/
By Nan S. Russell
I had just finished commenting
to my husband how much I liked the use of copper in
the Parade of Homes' kitchen we were touring, when
I overheard another woman telling her husband how
much she disliked the look. It made me laugh. It's
funny how we see things differently.
Work is like that too. It's fraught with differences of
opinion. One of the more confusing areas can involve
your performance. Early in my career, my boss told
me my communication skills needed improvement.
Five months later, a new boss heralded the same skill-
set as a significant strength. While one might
conclude I'd focused on developing skills in a weak
area, that wasn't the case. The difference was their
But opinion is not fact.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
Friends Don't Let Friends Have
Yard Sales
By Georgia Richardson
It's been said the
pain of child birth fades over time. And so it goes
with having a yard sale. I forgot the pain. Did my
friends remind me? Try to stop me? Negative. They
probably took great joy in watching me sweat
preparing for this sale, and witnessing my grief over
parting with my jun - ah, treasures. Some of these
friends went so far as to call me a pack rat. Me, a
pack rat? I think not! And as soon as I find the
phone, I'm going to call and tell them, too.
For a solid week I pulled from corner cabinets,
closets, the attic, and even took things off
shelves leaving nothing but dust rings. It looked like
I'd been robbed. I worked my rear end off! (I heard
that). My sister came to help but vowed never to
return unless I learned the difference
between "trash" and "treasure." Oh sure, like she'd
know? The stuffed, practically genuine, artificial
moose head she took as a "thank you" will look lovely
in her living room.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
Redeeming the Time
By Donna Shepherd
I trust in you, O LORD; I
say, "You are my God." My times are in your
hands. - Psalm 31:14-15a niv
The secretary at my church publishes a monthly
newsletter detailing church events and news from
the members of the congregation. When I expressed
an interest in writing an article to be included, my
suggestion was met with great enthusiasm.
What she didn't know was that she would be dealing
with a procrastinator. Sure, I start putting some
notes together at the beginning of the month, but I
always intend to get them together ‘later.' And next
thing I know - it's the end of the month. Does
anyone else do this? Am I the only one who thinks if
it's worth doing, it will be done better tomorrow?
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
Networking in the
By Judith Sherven, Ph.D. & James Sniechowski,
Most everyone in
business talks about the importance of networking.
But the real power and impact of how "meet and
greet" really works usually remains a closely guarded
secret. You've no doubt attended a conference,
training seminar, or even a singles dance and left
wondering why the heck you bothered to comb your
hair and wear your best shoes . . . right?
If you're like most people, it's happened many, many
times. But that's because you never understood
what you were there to do. If it was a conference
you "knew" you were to sit and listen to the
If it was a singles event, you "knew" you were there
to meet the "right" person. That's it. That's all
you "knew." And so that's all that could happen.
Well, enough of that. Enough of you standing around
waiting to be approached. Enough of you
thinking it's bad form to put yourself out there -
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
Handy Tips to Help You
Find More Time
By Suzanne Falter Barnes
Got time to read a
quick essay about how to find more time?
Desperately need more time but you're not sure
where to find it?
First take a nice deep breath, then settle back into
your chair and read. I'm here to share some really
helpful info with you that has radically altered how I
use my time. Now I not only have more time, I'm
more relaxed and when I am working, I'm a lot more
I got some excellent coaching on this from my
business coach, Rich Schefren- some of whose
tips I'm sharing here. Others are ideas I've added
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
What The Scale Misses
By Mary Pearsall
At one time
or another, you have almost certainly stepped on a
scale to check your body weight. But relying on the
scale to tell you if you're at a healthy body weight
can be frustrating. Understanding what the scale
does and does not tell you will help you keep the
scale's information in perspective.
The difference between fat and
A scale simply measures your total body
weight in pounds (or kilograms). It does not
measure how many of those pounds are muscle,
bones, blood, etc. and how many are fat. Exercise
physiologists call this ratio you body composition,
typically referred to as percent body fat.
Focusing on the number on the scale is
problematic because you don't know how many
pounds are from fat and how many are from muscle.
You may have heard that "muscle weighs more than
fat." That's not true. A pound of muscle weighs the
same as a pound of fat: one pound.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
By Karen Stephen, Ph.D.

How do you know if you have Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder or OCD?
You know that you might have OCD if you
spend much of your time and energy trying to fend
off unwelcome, recurrent thoughts (obsessions) or
engaging in repetitive behaviors (compulsions) that
you feel driven to perform. You have the sense that
these thoughts and behaviors are irrational or
excessive, or have been told so by others, but you
have little or no control over them.
Typical obsessions include fear of
contamination (for example, refusing to touch
doorknobs or use public restrooms), fear of acting on
violent or aggressive impulses (for example, worrying
that you may have accidentally run over someone
and not known it), inordinate concerns with having
your household or office arranged in a very particular
manner (for example, being upset with family when
they move an article or leave a dish in the sink), or
fear of having terrible thoughts of a blasphemous or
sexual nature.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/karenstephen.html
Active-Adult Communities
(in Retirement)
By Jan Cullinane
age-restricted, age-targeted, or active-adult - four
different ways of saying "Life is great!" If you're
tired of hearing the pitter-patter of little feet in your
existing community or longing to be surrounded by
like-minded neighbors, you may want to explore living
in an active-adult community. If a more age-
homogeneous lifestyle with facilities and social
activities that allow you to do as much or as little as
you'd like sounds like your cup of tea, there are many
choices, often close to your present home.
Some of these communities have age restrictions,
such as that at least one resident must be 55 or
older and that no one under 19 may live full time in
the community. Other communities are marketed to
people over 50, without age restrictions. There are
about 1,500 active-adult communities in the United
States, and this number is increasing!
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/jancullinane.html
Angel Brown
NABBW Member Angel Brown is excited to announce
the launch of an all-new, free teleseminar series for
women entrepreneurs, hosted by her website, www.womens-business-gallery.com. For details
and registration info, visit: www.womens-business-gallery.com
Kathy Walsh
Wicking Sheet Sale and Winter Clearance!
Save $15 now through January on Wicking
Sheet Sets. You'll sleep in dry comfort with these
special moisture wicking sheets, available in full,
queen and king size.You'll find lots of great bargains
for wicking pj's and nighties in our Clearance Section!
Stop by and say hi! www.rickandjune.com
Mary Hunt
BlogHer offers 30 FREE minutes of Blog
Training. This is a great place to learn about
blogging. You will find more information and links
offered at Mary's blog: Mary's Blog
Charleen Micheles
Editor/Author/Ghost Writer, wearer of many hats is
offering NABBW members the first chapter
of your manuscript, up to 50 pages, edited
absolutely free of charge. To take advantage of this
incredible offer, visit her now at www.geocities.com/tale2bestseller/ or email
Charleen at escspeddlers2@msn.com.
Dr. Karen Stephen
Dr. Karen Stephen is
putting all that good advice she has given midlife
women over the last fifteen years to good use in her
own life. She is breathing, letting go, and pacing
herself as she downsizes to a cottage in preparation
for retirement, recovers from minor surgery (please,
ladies, put on that sun screen!), and keeps up her
commitments to a full time job and her family. She
wishes all the fans of her Doctor Flamingo Online
website, www.doctorflamingo-online.com a joyous and healthy New Year.
KC Christensen-Lang
Joyologist/Success Coach/Author KC Christensen-
Lang offers dynamic life and business and group
coaching, publicity services, stress
reduction/humor/laughter programs, staff training,
keynotes, workshops, teleseminars, books and helpful
resources for the special Baby Boomer who wants to
make 2007 HER year!
There's free PR
sessions, free Virtual Moment of Joy ezine,
free "Powerful Tools For Positive Living" newsletter
and even your own free conference lines as valuable,
life-changing tools for you to benefit from in the new
year. Visit www.ToolsForPositiveLiving.com or www.DynamicDuoPR.com and savor your life and grow your business now!
Donna Henes
CALLING ALL QUEENS! Visit us for upbeat, practical,
and ceremonial inspiration for all women who want to
enjoy the fruits of an influential, passionate and
powerful maturity. Based on the award-winning
landmark book by Mama Donna Henes, one of the
leading spiritual practitioners writing and working
CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT! www.thequeenofmyself.com
Judith Sherven, PhD
You can give this gift of love to everyone you know -
Just go to: www.judithandjim.com/openingtolove
Phyllis Slater, Slater Solutions LLC
January is a time to look forward and decide how to
make this year count. This year I want to offer one
night respite stays at various bed and breakfasts to
caregivers and women facing physical challenges
throughout the U.S. I will not profit from this project
in any way. Please visit my website at: www.eldercareconcierge.net to
find out how you can help me make this successful.
Pamela D. Blair
Pamela D. Blair has just released a 45 minute audio
CD entitled "Inspirations for the Next Fifty Years"
based on The Next Fifty Years: A Guide for Women
at Midlife and Beyond (Hampton Roads 2005).
Recorded by the author, the CD contains uplifting
thoughts and guidance for the woman over 50. It
also includes a heartwarming visualization to help the
listener to feel connected to other women. As the
book does, the CD provides inspiration and ideas to
help the listener discover new meaning and purpose
at midlife and beyond. Order info: www.pamblair.com
Meredith Laskow
for your favorite do-it-yourselfer
Valentines Day is a sweet reminder that we all
deserve love. Chocolates and flowers are the perfect
accompaniment to jewelry, which has no calories and
requires no water.
Send this link to someone who wants/needs to buy
you stuff. Or better yet, treat yourself. Or both,
come to think of it. You deserve it.
Barbara Hollace
Ready to tranform your life? Barbara Hollace, co-
creator, invites you to join the I Will Be
Project, I WILL BE National and International events.
Quark Soup wins the Noble (Not Nobel) Prize! Praised or maligned, the Nobel Prize for Literature is
always news. It selects the best from the world and
therefore misses much of value. Carolyn Howard-
Johnson, Back to Literature columnist for
MyShelf.com, closes the gap (only slightly) with her
an annual Noble Prize for Literature. Magdalena Ball's
book of poetry Quark Soup (Picaro Press, Warners
Bay, Australia) was chosen as one of the 2006
winners for the way it pulls quark and quantum into
the inner space of our lives. More information on
Quark Soup can be found at: www.compulsivereader.com.
Eileen Bodoh
Help women prisoners view their world with new eyes
of gratitude! Our 3/30 Prison Campaign is an
opportunity to change consciousness, one gratitude
at a time.
While looking at the growing stack of books under my
desk, I realized it's been some time since I shared
what I've been reading lately. I hope you'll consider
researching them at Amazon for your next
Never Alone: A
Personal Way To God
Joseph F. Girzone
Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of the Raunch
Ariel Levy
The Law of
Achievement: Discover Your Purpose, Possibility and
Kathleen Gage and Lori Giovannoni
www.boomerwomenspeak.com is the
# 1 site on search engines for "baby boomer
women." Join us
in our forums where you can share from the heart,
give and
receive advice, and make new friends.
Feel free to forward this
friends, family and colleagues.
Please email dots@nabbw.com if you no
want to receive this publication.
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