Dear Dotsie, "Happiness cannot be
traveled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed.
Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every
minute with love, grace and gratitude." ---
Denis Waitley
![]() Greetings, Happiness, contentment, peace, whatever you choose to call it, is one of my favorite midlife topics. By this life stage, we should know what makes us happy, peaceful women. Hopefully, we've taken time to reflect and consider what causes us stress and discontent, and what causes us to sing with glee. I've learned that time alone rejuvenates me. I need to reflect on the prior day and consider in prayer, what the new day might bring. It brings me more peace, so I do it. It's become a habit. This past month, I finished one book about living a less stressful life and I'm reading two more concerning the same topic. Living as free of stress as possible brings happiness and peace. While reading the articles for this month's edition, I was surprised to see how many women mentioned the importance of reflecting, planning ahead, and using time wisely. I hope you connect with the authors and their messages that educate and empower you to be happy during this thrilling time of life. May you feel called to live an intentionally happy life with love, grace and gratitude. And if you are being robbed of your joy due to some rotten circumstance present in your life, be sure to reach out and get the help you need. You're worth it. We had such great responses to the discounted membership drive last month that we decided to extend the offer through September. For those of you who have been waiting for a special rate to join the NABBW, you may do so for $60.00 instead of the usual $75.00 by using this link: $60.00. This is the only place the link is offered so be sure to use it now before you forget. Onward with grace, Dotsie
Join Dotsie at the IBWC in Washington DC, November 1-4, 2007. She will moderate a panel discussion titled, Boomer Women: Who We Are, Where We've Been, Where We're Going. Panel members will be announced soon. For more information, please visit: , or contact Dotsie at Testimonial! I can't say enough about Boomer Women Speak and the power of advertising with them. Referrals from this site are consistent and Boomer Women Speak continues to be the highest referring site I have each month. Dotsie is so easy to work with, and her rates are more than fair. Lots of bang for the buck for sure! Aside from the benefits of advertising, I love to peruse the boards as often as I can and I have found the forum to be a great resource. Thanks to Dotsie for all of her hard work and providing us all with such a valuable service. Eileen Kisailus, President Lunar Radiance ~ Sleepwear Solutions for Women With Night Sweats
NEWS FOR SEPTEMBER: The National Association of Baby Boomer Women is the only association devoted to addressing issues concerning 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest, and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women. NABBW promises:
The Boomer Women Resource Center,, is once again expanding its resources. Committed to addressing all of your baby boomer needs, we're proud to announce the latest addition to our Cybrary . . . Presented by Jan Cullinane, Retirement Expert for the NABBW, and a regular contributor to Let Life In and Ocean Breeze magazines, Here are just a items included in this teleseminar:
With a B.S. and M.Ed. in Science Education from the University of Maryland, Jan co-author of The New Retirement: The Ultimate Guide to the Rest of Your Life (Rodale). The second edition is being released July 24, 2007. Jan has appeared on TV, nationally and locally, and conducted more than 50 radio, Internet, and television interviews. She's published articles for newspapers and magazines including The Suburban Press, Indianapolis Prime Times, and Living Southern Style. Through her company, Retirement Living from A to Z, Jan conducts retirement seminars and has traveled extensively investigating places to retire and talking to prospective retirees and those who have taken the plunge. Six years of research and travel culminated in the only guide you'll need for a successful, happy retirement. We hope you'll use these comprehensive and growing resources as your learning and educational center and guide. Don't forget, send me any topics you would like us to address or notify me if you are an expert on anything pertaining to boomer women that might be an excellent addition to the cybrary. SHOP NOW! Life and career coach, Elizabeth Cassidy, is offering NABBW members a 20% off their first month of coaching when they sign up for a 3- month coaching commitment. Visit the NABBW MEMBER ONLY section for the details about this offer. They'll also be able to call for quick coaching sessions or email Elizabeth with questions or concerns in between regular coaching sessions. |
- For Baby Boomer Women Everywhere!! ![]() Buy this book! ![]() Here's just a hint about this wonderful book. The main character, Charlie has been drunk so often and disappointed his daughter so many times that she doesn't invite him to her wedding. He even fails at his suicide. Or does he? When his deceased mother returns to love him unconditionally for one more day, he's not quite sure what's going on. You really don't want to miss this one! Any boomer woman wishing to join can do so by simply by visiting and entering the forum community. It's that easy, and you can view many thousands of posts sharing what's on the hearts and minds of boomer women while you're there. Already a member of the forum community? Then to join in and go directly to the Boomer Women Book Club or, to read all the comments this far, click BOOK CLUB.
ASSOCIATE FEATURED MEMBER LONG TERM CARE PLANNING---THE HOTTEST TOPIC NO ONE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT Sheila A. White, RN, CSA, CLTC ![]() Sheila is Co-founder and President of ProVista Group, Inc. Her specialty as a senior advisor is in working with individuals and businesses to provide them with options, products and resources regarding long term care planning and financial well-being. She has published numerous articles, has appeared on TV and radio, and frequently speaks to consumers, family members, businesses and professional and community organizations. Well respected in her field, she is an advisor to elder law and estate attorneys, financial advisors and accountants. Sheila has earned the designation CSA (Certified Senior Advisor), by the Society of Certified Senior Advisors, one of only 5000 nationwide, and holds a Masters Degree from Columbia University in addition to her Nursing degree. She is an active member of several professional and community organizations and is licensed in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. Congress passed two bills about it; it is very expensive; it will impact everyone in some way. Yet, only 8% of the nation has planned for it & protected against it. It is long term care. While no one wants to envision a day when they,or a loved one, may need ongoing assistance, understanding this critical part of retirement planning is essential to protect yourself financially and emotionally. To speak with a specialist and learn what your particular options are, contact Sheila A. White, RN, CSA, CLTC - 631-893-4040 ![]() Ah, remember the back to school days of youth? How about taking us back with you by writing your favorite back to school memory? You are welcome to write about the anticipation and excitement of beginning another year, or plunking yourself down in a classroom full of strangers wearing brand new clothes all the way down to your underwear. Maybe you loved having all new school supplies, or couldn't wait to get to the playground to catch up with friends you hadn't seen all summer. Whatever it is, take us back to the good old days. Send us your story by entering our contest and win prizes! Deadline: September 30, 2007 Entry Fee: none Prizes include: Share your story with us and win prizes! For guidelines visit us at BOOMER WOMEN SPEAK ******** Winner of the JUNE-JULY Boomer Women Speak Writing Contest was Amy Mullis with her essay, Death by Faulkner. To read about Amy's "aha" moment click HERE! An Honorable Mention went to Linda Oatman High for Lessons of Blessings and Joy , and can be read at HERE. NABBW SEPTEMBER TELESEMINAR -- NOTICE: This is a DAYTIME Teleseminar ![]() ![]() ![]() Thursday, September 27, 2007 2:00 PM EST Dotsie Bregel, along with Jennifer Kalita, President of The Kalita Group, and Author of "The Home Office Parent: How to Raise Kids & Profits Under One Roof", and Georgia Richardson, NABBW Humorist and Virtual Assistant, will be hosting this teleseminar for NABBW members. Topics to be discussed:
NABBW AUGUST TELESEMINAR ![]() hosted our August Teleseminar, Reentering the Dating Scene Tuesday, August 28. If you were unable to attend, you can visit the MEMBER ONLY section at and click to listen to this teleseminar, or any of the other teleseminars offered there for members. If you are unable to attend any of our seminars, or if you prefer to hear them at your leisure, then visit the NABBW and sign in on our Member Benefits page which provides links to all our past teleseminars. As an added benefit for our members, you can now choose to listen to these teleseminars, or to open the PDF version and read the entire Teleseminar. These are great to listen to while you are working or playing online. Just another benefit of NABBW! BOOMER BOOK REVIEWS We are happy to review member's books, products and services. This is a service that is FREE of CHARGE to NABBW members. Please email us if you are interested in seeing a review of your book, product, or service. NOTE: Once your book has been submitted, please allow ample time for the book to be read and reviewed. Books and products sent for reviews will not be returned. Hanna G. Ruby Reviewed by by Melinda Cianos Buy this Book ![]() Ruby believes that unless we make a concentrated effort to change damaging views and expectations, we will continue to chase youth for fear of being put-out-to- pasture. Society works to fuel this fire. In Eastern cultures, this is not so: there is a harmonious blending of mind, body and soul that allows women the freedom to "be" as they mature. This book is not for those who may be offended by direct language or slang used in reference to the female anatomy. Ruby uses the terms to stress her point about the way we address our bodies, but it may not for everyone. Ruby is a postmenopausal woman who grew up and lives in Africa, however, I was unable to glean any other credentials. Sex, Age and Menopause is an interesting read. I appreciated her comparison of women viewed by different cultures. Nice Girls Do Get The Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results Elinor Stutz, Reviewed by Lynn C. Tolson, Buy this book! ![]() Stutz certainly has the expertise to write this book. Her credentials are based, in part, on her attention to detail and ability to determine the needs of both the saleswoman and her clients. The author summarizes the key points in each chapter with "Nice Girl Sales Tips" in the form of a list and presents a thorough and useful guide to benefit any working woman. In chapter 2, Stutz tells the story of the beginning of her sales career after spending fifteen years at home raising two children. She explains to the reader what her perception of a sales person was, how that perception evolved, and how her personality fit the career and offers the reader the components of a positive perception of sales. Stutz plowed through a chauvinistic and sexist "good ol' boys network" in her first sales job. She had no sales experience and was given no training. She quickly earned the nickname "The Bulldozer" by, well, working! According to Stutz, the salesperson must sell from the "prospect's view of the world." She has defined the "Nice Girl Philosophy," which includes integrity, respect, and kindness. Although Stutz states what she sees as differences between how men and women sell, she could easily prescribe the same sales techniques to both genders. Stutz offers information on how to use technological data-base contact management systems effectively, as well as how to network face-to-face or on-line. There is also a long list of resources available, an index, and a guide to her line of CDs, e-zine, and other services. I highly recommend Nice Girls Do Get The Sale. Sixty-five Roses: A Sister's Memoir Heather Summerhayes Cariou Reviewed by Georgia Richardson, Buy this Book ![]() While the family tried desperately to live "normal," the effects of this terrible disease touched each family member's life, and they became instant protectors of Pam's very existence, as if saving her meant they could live. Both girls strived daily to live a normal teenage life. But inside Heather, the fear that Pam would die young never left her. As a result, anger became her constant companion. Heather notes: "Looking back, I can see that I was not so much angry as I was drowning in grief, shouting out how I too was afraid to die, afraid of the leaves falling, of the stars going out, of the river drying up. Afraid of being left behind. I was already bereft, alone in the cemetery at midnight. Anger grows from the hard kernel at the centre of grief; the feeling of being utterly powerless." Powerless, yes. But Heather never ran out of courage, and she never left her sister's side. Pam had two rocks in her life. One was an oversized pink granite rock in the front yard that Pam and Heather just knew had magical powers. They would sit on the rock, huddled together planning their dreams. The other rock was Heather. Therein lays the real "magical" power; the power of love. Should one miss this journey of love? Not at all. This memoir is told with complete honesty and with a soft conscience. Get ready to be inspired.
MEMBER COLUMNS BEST TIME TO PLAN & PREPARE FOR AN EMERGENCY By Barbara E. Friesner ![]() Continue reading at this link: More from Barbara The After Effects of the "Summer of Love" By Janet Horn ![]() Continue reading at this link: More from Janet When You are Short on Time, Make it Count! By Mary Pearsall ![]() Do Something Different Continue reading at this link: More from Mary OVERCOMING LIFE'S DISAPPOINTMENTS By Dr. Karen Stephen ![]() Small disappointments occur on a daily, if not hourly basis. Bad hair days; a silent phone when a call from a new love interest was expected; the prime project at work assigned to a co-worker; a much-anticipated event canceled; a higher than usual gas and electric bill that means no dinners out this month; a half- pound gain instead of the expected one-pound loss on the scales. Continue reading at this link: More from Karen Five Things You MUST Do In Order To Sell Your Books By Sheri McConnell ![]() 1. You Must Find YOUR Market Hopefully before you even wrote your book, you sat down and mapped out who your potential customers were. If you didn't, don't waste any more of your time selling books to people who don't want them. Knowing your audience before you write your book creates focus. Figure out who is most likely to read your book. If cat lovers are your market, don't bother wasting your time with all animal lovers. Spend your marketing efforts and budget on cat lovers. Continue reading at this link: More from Sheri EMPTY NESTERS DON'T LIKE By Natalie Caine ![]() When life isn't going our way, or we are sitting in sadness, we don't easily let others know. Empty nesters don't like letting others know they are down, disappointed, and can't see over the mountain, lethargic and lost. Parents are role models. Our whole life might seem to have been about our children. We haven't practiced taking care of our needs. Continue reading at this link: More from Natalie Sage Advice from a Seasoned Late Bloomer By Prill Boyle ![]() Late bloomers come in several varieties. Some take up new careers. Some find love for the first time. And some discover that who they aspire to be, they in some measure, already are. Former sitcom writer Amy Cohen is one of the latter; and she's written a wonderfully warm and witty book about, among other things, the difference between loneliness and being alone. Continue reading at this link: More from Prill THE NEXT ONE By Nan S. Russell ![]() Continue reading at this link: More from Nan Heaven's Sounding Sweeter By Donna Shepherd ![]() The other night on the news, the reporter profiled a man well over one hundred years of age who competed in the Senior Olympics. I looked at my husband and said, "Just think - in fifty years you could be an athlete!" A look crossed his face that I can only describe as one of horror. Still be here in fifty years? No, thanks. Continue reading at this link: More from Donna Workin' It Out Together By Judith Sherven, Ph.D. & James Sniechowski, Ph.D. ![]() There's so much to do, the errands never end, the house always needs work, the kids are demanding, and your love seems to have slipped away. Or has it? Continue reading at this link: More from Judith Where the Jobs Are By Jan Cullinane ![]() Continue reading at this link: More from Jan The Enchanting Emerald Isle By Carol Sorgen ![]() Before I left for a two-week trip to Ireland this fall (my first), my father, who has made three trips there, said, "The friendliest people I've ever met are the Irish." Continue reading at this link: More from Carol The Bathroom: No-Food Zone, Meditation Center, Art Gallery! By Janice Taylor ![]() A Natural No-Food Zone Obsessed with food? Can't stop thinking about it? Go straight to the bathroom! Do not pass go. Generally speaking, you won't find a refrigerator in a bathroom (if yours has one, you better rethink your weight loss strategy and write me for help.) Nor will you be tempted to bring a burger and fries into the shower or bath with you. Think about it! Continue reading at this link: More from Janice I Am My Mother's Daughter After All By Barbara Ifshin for GRAND Magazine ![]() Continue reading at this link: More from GRAND The NABBW is proud to announce its association with . . . Boomer magazine, a quarterly lifestyle publication developed exclusively for today's baby boomer generation. The debut issue will hit the stands October 5. Inside each edition you'll find:
MEMBER NEWS Allison Bottke CALLING ALL WRITERS! for a fantastic opportunity to submit your true short stories for multiple volumes in the acclaimed GOD ALLOWS U-TURNS anthology series. Deadline to submit your true short stories is December 31, 2007. Please visit the Writers' Guidelines at Marie Lugano, Founder & President of the American Menopause Foundation, Inc. offers the upcoming event. The 13th Annual Menopause Symposium - Sexual Health in the Second Half of Life, with 2 experts; Elizabeth Stewart MD & Dr Helen Fisher on September 17th - 5:45 PM - NYC. For specifics: e-mail Helene Taylor is currently featured on where the full text interview can be read. She was also interviewed by Maryanne Comaroto, on Healthy Life Internet Radio and the audio recording can be found at Betty Dobson My short story "The August Gale" is now available for only 49 cents through the Amazon Shorts program at THE AUGUST GALE. My first Short, "Baby Angels", previously hit number 5 on the Amazon Shorts bestseller list. Kathleen Gage FREE 4-Week Teleseminar Series - Turn Your Knowledge into money-making Products and Services, featuring Kathleen Gage. Click here to learn more and register: rtteleseminar.htm. Very limited seating with the 1st session beginning September 4th, running through the 25th. All sessions recorded so even if you don't make it to each one, you can get the link to the recording when you register. Elinor Stutz, CEO Smooth Sale and Author , Great news for Smooth Sale: Our book, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building that Gets Results, published by Sourcebooks has been translated into 3 languages and is selling worldwide; and we will begin teaching seminars for graduate business students at San Francisco State University. Dr. Ingrid Schweiger's is located in New York City. She has been helping people to lead more satisfying lives for the past 30 years. Dr. Schweiger is presently working on a new book about mid-life women and would love to hear from you if you would like to be interviewed. Email her at Dr. Karen Stephen Dr. Karen Stephen, Mental Health Advisor for NABBW, just discovered she has a new talent--radio broadcasting. After taking a class on writing Perspectives for NPR radio, she submitted a humorous piece on Dining Out Alone for single women. Listen to her podcase at KQED radio Podcast and look forward to more sit-down comedy in the future!
THANK YOU! to the following for sharing information about NABBW and BWS: Media Bistro Will Boomer Women Accept Martha? for quoting us in this article. E. Lucas-Taylor for including our writing contest on her blog. Nancy Mills for mentioning the NABBW in her newsletter. Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D. and Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D., for including our writing contest on their blog. NOWwhatJOBS, for adding NABBW and BWS links on their Web site. Jennifer Kalita The Kalita Group, for including the NABBW in her newsletter. Monica B. Morris Thanks for announcing your teleseminar with NABBW to your audience of readers. Mpray Blog about NABBW Thanks for recommending the NABBW on your blog. Sheri McConnell Thanks for featuring Dotsie as Web Entrepreneur of the Week on your blog! Click on the link provided to read about it. RECENT READS While looking at the growing stack of books under my desk, I realized it's been some time since I shared what I've been reading lately. I hope you'll consider researching them at Amazon for your next read. ![]() Jane Fallon Buy this Book ![]() Dr. Kathleen Hall Buy this Book Do you know a special GRANDparent? If so, you can nominate them to be honored as GRAND magazine's 2007 GRANDparent of the Year sponsored by Mattel, Fisher-Price, Humana and KidsPeace and they could win a 7-night Caribbean cruise from Royal Caribbean International. Ten finalists will also be honored. For an entry form, just click HERE! For NABBW members, you can get the latest FREE issue of BeE Magazine using the promo link found at the Members Only section at the NABBW. Want to send flowers to a friend, or popcorn to a family or business? NABBW is now offering member discounts at and ![]()
TAKE TIME TO VISIT OUR SISTER SITE is the # 1 site on search engines for "baby boomer women." Join us in our forums where you can share from the heart, give and receive advice, and make new friends. Please email if you no longer want to receive this publication. Click Below to View other Newsletters 8/01/2007 August Boomer Women's World |
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