When searching "baby boomer
women" online, www.BoomerWomenSpeak.com and www.nabbw.com are ranked first onmajor search engines. Why not advertise with us? Email me for advertising rates.
NEW! If you have a product for baby boomer women that you would like to see reviewed in this newsletter and on our site, please email me for details.
Boomer Women Speak Forums
May 15, 2009
one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long
at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for
us." - Helen Keller Someone once said that
the only thing that is constant is change. I wonder if they were at
midlife when they said that. Anyone know? Boomer women are in the midst
of change. Whether it has to do with work, children, grands, spouses,
20-somethings, moving, etc. there always seems to be a change amidst
us. I was reminded by the above quote that unless we are hopeful,
optimistic, and a bit PollyAnna-ish, we can get stuck in the past.
Hoping this will be a reminder for all of us to lighten up, look ahead
with hope, and be excited about what's next. People
talk about women going through the midlife change; what about
men? Is you midlife man all of the sudden feeling antsy,
frustrated, or even angry? If so, be certain to join us when Male
Menopause expert, Jed Diamond, joins us to help us better understand
what boomer men are going through at midlife. It's a two part series
and promises to be most educational and entertaining. Details below.
Aprille Janes,
a life coach committed to helping other women get into action and claim
their dreams, has invited me to join her on May 21, at 6:00 PM (EST) in
a special free web event called "In Praise of Bolder Women."
I'll share my story and the resources to help other women live the life
of their dreams. Invite your friends, colleagues, family - in other
words, anyone you know who longs to step out boldly. That may be
different for every woman who attends this free event but one thing I know for sure -- nothing happens until we get into action. "In Praise of Bolder Women" is planned to help you do just that. Register once for all the events.
Once registered, you'll receive joining instructions, and a reminder
before each webcast; plus notices of additional opportunities over the
course of the month.
While you're reading this, I'll be attending
the Targeting Boomers and Beyond conference sponsored by the International
Mature Marketing Network and hosted by the Market Research Global Alliance. The
event is in D.C. and will address the following topics: Hot Trends in Marketing
to the Boomer and Mature Consumer, Breakthrough Strategies, Case Studies, New
Ideas, and Solution to a Recession Economy. I'll report back in next month's
NEW! If you have a product for baby boomer women that you would like to see reviewed in this newsletter and on our site, please email me for details.
WIN A SLEEP NUMBER BED!  Make sure you go to our home page and register to win a Sleep Number Bed. Valued at more than $1200.00, and all you have to do is register to win. Drawing is May 31st.
Blessings, Dotsie Bregel www.boomerwomenspeak.com www.nabbw.com |
PASS IT ON: We all know her. She's at midlife. She wants to take care
of herself but can't always squeeze it in because she's so busy caring
for any of the following: her husband, mother, father, children,
grandchildren, in-laws, neighbors, friends, colleagues, etc. Won't you
please help her out by sharing this newsletter and the NABBW with her?
Thank you for connecting, encouraging and supporting boomer women. May we all be enlightened, educated and empowered! __________________________________________________________________________________
TAKE TIME TO VISIT OUR SISTER SITE www.boomerwomenspeak.com
is the # 1 site on search engines for "baby boomer women." Join us in
our forums where you can share from the heart, give and receive advice,
and make new friends.
Sponsors of the NABBW

Featured Associate
Meet the NABBW Healthy Relationships Expert...
Judith Sherven, PhD Jim Sniechowski, PhD
order to tap into the deepest power of spiritually-based commercial
partnership, what we call soft sell marketing, you must approach what
you are doing with love: ● Love for the people you are serving because they are your partners; ● Love for their needs; ● Love for your product or service; ● Love for the benefits you provide through your product or service; and ● Love for your self as you partner in co-creating sales with your customers. When
your marketing is infused with love, you not only stay far away from
any danger of selling out-either you or your customers-you tap into a
reservoir of clear energy, magnetic energy, an energy of cosmic
persuasion that you cannot reach any other way, and that your customers
can't help but find appealing. Love your customers and they will love you back.
Love and Marketing Until
the introduction of soft sell marketing, the primary if not exclusive
point of marketing campaigns has been to increase the bottom line. Too
often, on the Internet, the product was flawed, and even inadequate to
the benefits suggested by the promotion. From a marketing point of view
the well-being of the customer was largely incidental-short of damage
that could result in bad word of mouth or even a lawsuit. But
now as you market with consciousness and conscience, you are alert to
rank your customers' well-being as just as important as your own. In
doing this, your key objective is to include your care for your
customers-and that's called love. It's not romantic love. It's not the love you feel for your family. But it is a dimensional love: ● A form of self-love when you identify with your potential customer and you can see how you would want to be treated; ● Love of your potential or actual customer as you market to them with care and respect, authenticity and transparency. So the heartbeat of soft sell marketing is love. Now What to Do 1) How often do you express to your potential customers your authentic and transparent passion for what you have to offer? 2) How often do you share your excitement about the success stories that come back from your buyers? 3)
How often do you reveal the deep calling that brought you to do what
you do, so your customers can feel the heart of your commitment to
them? You may not think of sharing your passion,
your success stories, and your professional calling as love, but it is.
Because, when you do, you show yourself-emotionally and spiritually-and
open the truth of who you are, which is the basis of your connection
with those who do business with you. And that is love. We're
not getting woo-woo here. Not at all. We're simply calling you to share
more of yourself with your buyers, so they can feel who you are, so
they can identify with you, so they can feel safe buying from you, and
trust that they will get what you say they will get. It all starts with letting yourself be known. Practice
expressing your care for your buyers and potential customers through
your sales copy, through other writing whether articles, special
reports or books, through radio and/or television appearances. In other
words, in the context of your business, open the window to a new degree
of intimacy in your communication. From Our Hearts to Yours... We
trust that, as you've been reading this book, you can feel our love for
soft sell marketing. We've openly communicated our care for you and for
your customers page after pa ge, suggestion after suggestion. This
book isn't just a platform statement. It's not just a teaching tool.
It's our way of sharing an orientation toward sales and marketing that
we know benefits you, your readers and customers, and benefits the well
being of the entire world through the vehicle of soft sell, heart-based
commercial transactions. So as you express more of your
love through the marketing you do to build your business, not only will
you increase your sales and help attract more and more list members, it
will also feed your soul-day after day after day. And to help feed your soul and grow your business, be sure to read our new book The Heart of Marketing: Love Your Customers and They Will Love You Back (Morgan James Publishing, May 2009)
Featured Member

Connie Maynord (yes, that's with an "O" not an a ) was born
in Southwest Kentucky, and after high school graduation, moved to
Lansing, MI. There she landed her first job as a bank teller while
attending Joan Jewett Modeling School at night. Soon married, and after
the birth of her first son, Connie returned to Kentucky, now a single
mom, to pursue her college degree. This began Connie's career in school
and hospital dietetics. After marrying again, and giving birth to
another wonderful baby boy, she settled into the role of "mom" for the
next 30 years.
With an empty nest plus encouragement and understanding from her husband, Connie began to pursue her dream career - modeling and acting.
Fate stepped in and Connie was chosen by MORE magazine to go to
New York City and be photographed for two MORE magazine ads. Last
fall Connie appeared as a principal actor in a feature film set in
Texas and is currently engrossed in several films in Tennessee, acting
classes, commercial workshops and age related modeling.
her words . . . "I do this because I enjoy it and feel ALIVE!
This has given me self-confidence, motivation and "something for me". I
am rejuvenated and I love my new Baby Boomer Career!"
the names Connie Maynord and Renaissance Woman may not rhyme, they do
tell the same story. Esteemed writer, Joseph Campbell exhorted us to
"follow our bliss...seek our own path...experience the rebirth that is
inherent in life's quest, time and again, as we seek our bliss, no
matter the age". Connie is the fashion model and actress who mentors to
countless young women who have followed in her footsteps down the
runway as aspiring models and upcoming, soon to be discovered,
actresses. Even today Connie models and acts in film and motion
picture, an example of unadulterated ambition and passionate seeker of
life's bliss. Her motto is "play to your faults"......meaning, our
burdens in life can be our blessings. Look for the trials that life has
dealt, collect them, collate them, and build your persona around them.
Life is nothing except the collection of experience, so play your role
with your head held high. Visit Connie at www.conniebarnesmaynord.com
and view her acting/modeling resume, a movie clip, photos, and enjoy
her philosophies. Says Connie; "life is good." The French knew better
when they coined the phrase...."joi d'vivre," or the joy of living, which is definitely personified by Connie Maynord.
NABBW Monthly Teleseminars
NABBW May, two-part teleseminar ...
Male Menopause, Irritable Male Syndrome, and Midlife Rites of Passages for the Men in Your Life Tuesday May 19, 2009 3:00 pm (EST)Jed Diamond,
PhD Author of Male Menopause and The Irritable Male
With over 40 years as a licensed psychotherapist,
Jed Diamond been a consultant for business executives between the ages of 40 and
60 who want to use the mid-life passage to achieve life-long personal and
professional success.
He is Director of the MenAlive, a health program
that helps men live long and well. Since its inception, Jed has been on the
Board of Advisors of the Men's Health Network. He is also a member of the
International Society for the Study of the Aging Male and serves as a member of
the International Scientific Board of the World Congress on Men's Health.
In this teleseminar, you'll learn:
* The
difference between Male Menopause, a mid-life crisis, and aging * The
Irritable Male Syndrome; what it is and how to cope * Three things every
mid-life man needs to know in order to stay healthy and live well after
40 * The Jekyll and Hyde Syndrome: Why Midlife Men Turn Mean. What is it
and what can you do to help the men in your life move through it? * What
is depression and why it's vital to understand it * The four key causes
of male depression and aggression * Suicide: Why it is a Predominantly
Male Problem * Why Men Die Sooner and Live Sicker: And What You Can Do
About It * How to Bring your irritable man back to life * Are Men
an Endangered Species? * Five mistakes women make and five sure-fire ways
to get through to a man in denial
Register for the call! _____________________________________________________________________PART II Male Menopause, Irritable Male Syndrome, and Midlife Rites of Passages for the Men in Your Life
Question and Answer Session
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
3:00 p.m. EST
Jed Diamond, PhD
Author of Male Menopause and The Irritable Male Syndrome
Jed's teleseminar, Male Menopause, Irritable Male Syndrome, and Midlife - Rites of Passages for the Men in Your Life Question and Answer Session, PART II,
continues on Tuesday, May 26, 2009, at 3:00 PM (EST). Because this subject is so involved, we
felt it would be to your advantage to break this teleseminar in two
This Q&A session is your chance to bring your concerns and
inquiries directly to the male menopause expert Jed Diamond, PhD, and
receive the information you need to make healthy choices for you and
your family.
If you cannot be on the call but would like to have your questions
addressed, feel free to send Dotsie Bregel your question in an Email
and if time allows, Jed will discuss them during this Q&A one-hour
session. Once the Q&A is complete, it will be transcribed and you
will be mailed an audio link, and also a PDF (Word) document link to
download and read at your convenience.
***The call-in information will be emailed to you prior to the teleseminar.***
By registering for this teleseminars, you will receive an email
reminder for the call and be added to our mailing list. You may
unsubscribe at any time. ________________________________________________________________________
Coming in June! NABBW June Teleseminar Suddenly Young Again, with Virginia Ellen, www.virginiaellen.net,
a modern day mystic. Join us as Virginia works with the mind and
emotions. This call will expand the audience to think outside their
previous consciousness. (Outside the box you might say). How one can
think and grow younger, feel and grow younger. She'll help our
listeners expand their minds to the possibilities of physical
rejuvenation and regeneration, and learn how the energy and emotion of
love can change the very cells in their bodies. |
Boomer Reviews
Reviews are a service we provide for NABBW members. Email us for details. NOTE:
Once submitted, please allow ample time for reading/reviewing. Books and other products will not be returned.
Click Book or CD Covers to read reviews
Fun Key Finder
Writing Contest!

The National Association of Baby Boomer Women, is proud and excited to sponsor the...
Entering YOUR Age of Elegance - Writing Contest
Ah, Baby Boomers. Look who's entering the Age of Elegance...
According to author Chloe Jon Paul who wrote, Entering the Age of Elegance - A Rite of Passage & Practical Guide for the Modern Maturing Woman,
this second adulthood reaches us around age forty and if this "rite of
passage" isn't done with style and grace, we can become disoriented and
lose our way.
We want to know what the Age of Elegance
means to you. Fulfillment? Exploration? Discovery? Tell us! To enter
this contest, simply follow these short and simple guidelines before
submitting your story.
Using 500 words or less, and using these helpful questions below, tell us;
- What does the "age of elegance" mean to you?
- Have you embraced this time in your life? If so, how?
- Have you used this journey to define yourself as a new woman?
Please submit your entry in a WORD document AS AN ATTACHMENT. Include your name, email address, and short bio (no more than 75 words) INSIDE the WORD document NOT IN THE BODY OF THE EMAIL.
SUBMIT to - contest@nabbw.com with Age of Elegance in the subject line.
DEADLINE - May 31, 2009
PRIZE MONEY - 100.00 and F-R-E-E membership or renewal in the NABBW. Plus your story will be published in the Our Voices section at www.BoomerWomenSpeak.com. Also . . . TWO LUCKY RUNNER-UPS will receive a framed copy of The Litany of Elegance plus easels, compliments of author Chloe Jon Paul!
Member News
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Book Launch: Monday, May 18, at 9:30 AM at the National Stationery Show at
Javits Center, NY, NY. Carolyn will present to the retail trade and sign A Retailer's Guide
to Frugal In-Store Promotions: How To Increase Profits and Spit in the Eyes of
Economic Downturns with Thrifty Events and Sales Techniques. One of Carolyn's
HowToDoItFrugally books, this retail-focused how-to book will be the first in a
Survive and Thrive series utilizing Carolyn's nearly three decades experience as
founder and operator of a chain of gift and home décor stores. Learn more HERE!
Gregory Anne Cox
Certified Coach, Food Expert, Author, Speaker
Join Midlife Mind and Body Tune Up Queen, Gregory Anne Cox along with Patti Milligan MS, RD, a nationally-recognized nutrition expert, as they host a F-R-E-E teleseminar, Woman's Mind and Body Power Hour,
Wednesday, May 20th, 2009, 1 pm PDT, 4 pm EDT, 9 pm UK. Not a
sales pitch for any supplement or program, just an hour-pack
informational teleseminar to help you on supplementing for optimal
health. To register, ask your questions, or for more info, click HERE.
Kathy Vick
Do you know anyone in leadership at the YWCA? I am the author of "Run Like A Girl Igniting Your Next Great Adventure",
a gift book that inspires girls of all ages. I would be interested in
discussing win/win collaborative ideas to benefit our mutual mission to
empower women. For more info, email me, or call me at 503 886 9642.
Elizabeth Cassidy, CC
Elizabeth is currently an on-line columnist for Canvas Magazine and her column, "Life's Simple Solutions" offers expert advice on moving ahead to achieve any goal. She is also a national blogger for skirt!, a women's magazine where her blog, "Planned Palin Parenthood" won second prize in the Best of 2008.
Elizabeth blogs about life and the world at large are written with a
serious tone along with some well placed and much needed humor.
Recently, she became the New York Life Coach expert for www.examiner.com.
p.m. terrell
Internationally acclaimed author p.m.terrell will speak at the New Bern Literary Symposium in New Bern, NC on May 15 and 16. On May 19, she will speak at 7:00 pm at the Nashville Metro Archives in Nashville, TN. On May 20, she'll speak at the Thursday Book Club at 1:00 pm in Columbia, TN and on May 21, she'll speak at the Maury County Public Library at 7:00 pm in Columbia, TN. All events are free and open to the public and are followed by a signing of her latest books. For more information, visit HERE.
Dr. Diana Kirschner
In this dynamic, experiential workshop, you meet with Dr. Diana Kirschner, best-selling author of Love in 90 Days,
as she personally takes you through the full 90-day dating program!
You'll learn: the single most important thing you can do to find love,
how to break Deadly Dating Patterns that ruin any chance of lasting love, how to empower yourself through the Dating Program of Three, the Diamond Self
exercise that overcomes shyness, and how to create irresistible online
dating photos and profiles, plus many more strategies that boomer woman
can use to create love. The dates are Saturday, May 16, 1-6 PM, and
Sunday, May 17, 10-4 PM (lunch break), in NYC; fee is $199 but for NABBW members, $175. For information email Heather.
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