Boomer Women's World Newsletter December 2006
"Look for God's portion
in all. It is waiting to be recognized."
--- Dotsie Bregel
It's December and that means I become mushy,
reflective, and particularly grateful. Indulge me for a
moment and let me gush with you.
Midlife - I'm embracing it. I'm deciphering the good
from the bad. The older I get, the easier this
becomes. I've learned that relationships are "where
it's at." Some are up close and personal, while others
are virtual. Let me explain.
Five years ago, had someone told me that I'd
connect daily with a slew of virtual hearts as friends,
I wouldn't have known what they were talking about.
But all of that has changed since launching
our "virtual girl's night out," the online neighborhood
at www.boomerwomenspeak.com.
It's become a safe haven for boomer women to share
what's near and dear to our hearts. We give honest
peeks into one another's lives. Instead of hanging
over fences and clotheslines like our mothers before
us, we hang over our keyboards to get the latest
We learn compassion by listening and responding to
our fellow sisters with grace. We try not to judge.
We think before we respond. We put ourselves in one
another's shoes (and some of them are quite fancy).
We receive another perspective from one who
has "been there - done that." We laugh. pray,
forgive, encourage, support, offer virtual hugs, and
celebrate the blessed ties that bind us to one
another. We have more similarities than differences.
You'd be surprised.
This season, I'm remembering that we are here
because we need one another badly. I encourage
you to join us and feel the extended grace where
strength, wisdom, comfort and peace abound. May
we take our eyes off ourselves and recognize that
life's a field trip that needs to be lived in
community...even when it's virtual.
Embrace those you love this season. Enjoy this issue.
Oh, and to use the words of a wise woman in the
forums, May your favorite presents be the ones
that are not found in boxes.
Onward with grace,
dots@nabbw.com 1-877-bboomer
PS---Please join me on Jan
3rd, 2007 for my upcoming appearance on Senior
LifeStyles. The program airs from 3:05 PM to
PM - Weds. To listen, go to www.seniorlifestyles.org and
click on the red button next to Connect to WBZT.
Next click on "Listen Live" in the upper right side of
the page. See you there!
Boomer Women's World is adding advertising
opportunities to our newsletter. Please contact us if
you are interested in seeing your ad in this
newsletter. We have also added a Boomer Review
section where we will continue to review books,
products and services for the NABBW members.

I continue to witness women encouraging women in
our Virtual Village every day at http://www.boomerwomenspeak.com
ubbthreads.php. Won't you join us? The sixty-
plus forums connect, encourage and support baby
boomer women at all stages of life!
- Charleen Micheles's makes you an offer
you can't refuse!
Editor/Author/Ghost Writer, wearer of many hats.
Charleen is offering NABBW members the first chapter
of your manuscript, up to 50 pages, edited
absolutely free of charge. Visit her now at www.geocities.com/tale2bestseller/ or email Charleen at escspeddlers2@msn.com.
- The Transition Chick has a special
offer for NABBW members!
Here it is - A Life Transition ( a career component is
optional) Assessment & Boomer Woman Coaching
session ($250 value) contact Marcia Merrill, The
Transition Chick, marcia@ecareercorner.com. Sign up for your
FR*EE ebook "5 Secrets to Career/Life Triumphs! " and get my newsletter as a BONUS! www.eCareerCorner.com
- A Special Offer from AuthorSmart!
AuthorSmart.com, www.AuthorSmart.com a
clearinghouse of tools, information and education for
authors, offers all NABBW members 50% any
purchase from
their site. Visit the Members Only section at www.nabbw.com and look
under Member Benefits, to obtain your discount
We have created a user-friendly version of
member benefits on the Members Only page at www.nabbw.com. Check it out. Email me at dots@boomerwomenspeak.com if you've
forgotten your password.
Want to send flowers to a friend, or popcorn to a
family or business? NABBW is now offering member
discounts at www.1800flowers.com and www.thepopcornfactory.com

For December, Boomer Women Speak's Featured
Author and very active forum member is Jane Carroll.
She is the author of Bertha-Size Your Life!, a member of the NABBW, a Radio Talk-
Show Host, a nurse, and also a Life Balance Coach.
December and chat
with Jane about writing, being a radio host, defining
and balancing your mid-life with coaching assistance,
and what it's like to totally change career paths
during mid-life. To learn more about Jane, you can
visit her Web site at www.berthasize.com.

Coming in January!
Kathleen Gage
The Law
of Attraction,
Meredith Laskow
Poet Laureate, Placentia (California) Library
www.meredithbead.com (jewelry)
members.tripod.com (more
I start from the center and work out.
When I create jewelry, I start from the center - a
beautiful pendant, unique beads, a design template -
and spiral out to the finished product. I add more -
beads, colors, details - until the piece radiates a
calming beauty. I don't always know what an item of
jewelry will look like when I begin assembling
components, but I start from the center and trust
that my aesthetic instinct will follow the path that
the beads need to take.
The set below started with the idea of PYRAMID
made with crystal. I had seen a much simpler
version of the earring design in a gallery, but I
wanted to expand upon the basic shape and add
moveable elements. The earrings took 3 " hours,
and sat on my desk for a full week before I decided
on a design for the matching necklace, which of
course evolved as I worked. The necklace took an
additional 3+ hours - and did I mention that I've
been creating jewelry for forty years and I'm FAST?
Austrian Swarovski crystal; 14 kt. Gold-filled
chain and wire. Earrings $150 Necklace
I start from the center and work out.
When I write poetry or essays, I start from the
center - an emotion, an event, an idea - and let
the words wrap around the core until they say what
I need to. My writing process is similar to creating
jewelry - I'm not afraid to embellish when it furthers
the logical conclusion, and equally not fearful of
removing elements that detract from the intrinsic
I start from the center and work out.
I teach a free weekly exercise class for breast
cancer survivors, as my way of giving back to the
community. Our community is the next layer out
from self.
I start from the center - my heart, my soul - and
work outwards, to create art, to describe my world,
to touch the people around me.
Happy holidays!
Meredith Karen Laskow
Enter our November/December Writing Contest and
win great prizes!
Deadline: December 31,
Entry Fee: none
Baby Boomer's Almanac, by Tim Brolus
What Happens Next? A family guide to
nursing home visits and more, by Chloe
A Boomer Women Speak T-shirt
The holidays are fast
approaching. Tell us what you love or hate about the
holidays. What's your take on the holiday season?
Are you filled with love for your fellow man? Too
many relatives or do you spend this time all alone? Is
Christmas too expensive, or commercialized? Or do
you jump into the season with both shopping feet?
Do you love this season because all the family comes
home? Do you finally stop and count your blessings
or feel smothered by them? What's your holiday
story? Please read and follow the guidelines below
and good luck!
For guidelines visit us at www.boomerwomenspeak.com
Mark Cornwall
An Insider's Guide to Estate Planning was held on Tuesday November 28, and can be heard
on our "MEMBERS BENEFITS" page along with links to
all our past teleseminars at www.nabbw.com.
These are great to listen to while you are working or
playing online. Can we multi-task, or what?
Although we took a break in December, we're making
up for it in January with TWO Teleconferences for
your enjoyment! They are:
- A Talk with the Founder! -
Dotsie Bregel
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
7:00 pm EST
Join Dotsie Bregel, founder and CEO of www.nabbw.com and www.boomerwomenspeak.com as she answers questions about these organizations.
Do I Need a Personal
Coach? - Gail
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
7:00 pm EST
Our second JANUARY Teleseminar will be given by Gail
Patterson of wisewomansway.com/index.php as she helps you prepare for the
next phase of your boomer life.
We are happy to review member's books, products
and services. This is a service that is FREE of
CHARGE to NABBW members. Please email us if you
are interested in seeing a review of your book,
product, or service. NOTE: Once
your book has been submitted, please allow ample
time for the book to be read and reviewed. Books
and products sent for reviews will not be
Trust in the Wind
By Vicki M. Taylor
Reviewed by Georgia Richardson, www.queenjawjaw.com
Trust in the Wind- Chosing single
motherhood in her teens, Joanne lost everything,
including the support and love of her family. Pregnant
and alone, she makes the decision to go forth with
her life. She trust no one and firmly locks the door of
her heart. She vowed to become independent, trust
only the wind, and to never let love break
down the barriers surrounding her heart. That is . . .
until she met Roy. I finished reading Trust in the Wind and realized that
once again Ms Taylor convinced me to "latched on"
to her characters with a vengance. I can honestly
say that if harm had befallen certain ones, she would
not have been forgiven.
Strong characters, suspenseful, and a love scene
that massaged my heart. This was one time where
the romance was beautiful; a gift . . . in a sense. As
I read parts of it, I found myself saying, "I want that
kind of love!" Every scene, every exciting movement,
and yes, even the kisses exchanged, were given to
me in such a way that an artist could not have
painted a better picture for my senses to
Ms. Taylor, we have a winner.
LifeLines: A Collection of Works by Six Women;
Stories of Love, Life, Loss, Family, and Hope
By authors Amy Landa, Linda Levitt, Missy Martin,
Diane Amento Owens, Ann McCoole Rigby, Susan
Reviewed by Lynn C. Tolson,www.beyondthetears.com
LifeLines is a compilation of essays written by six
women. Each author conveys her unique personality
within a main text: women writing about the human
condition in a perfectly female perspective. Each
writer had another career besides that as daughter,
wife, and mother, among them a teacher, astrologer,
accountant, occupational therapist, public
administrator, and mental health administrator. For
these women, who met twice a month to write and
critique their work, a book of well-developed stories
evolved called LifeLines.
The book is divided into 12 categories with clever
titles that reflect the "lifelines" theme: Line-up,
Bloodlines, Sidelines, Mooring lines, Punchlines,
Walking A fine Line, Holiday Lines, Severed Lines,
alignments, Intersecting Lines, Bottom Line. In each
chapter, every author contributes an appropriate
reflection of that category. For example, "Lineup" is
a chapter that defines the "who's who" of the entire
book, describing in each author's voice her own brief
biography in her own specific style. Amy Landa writes
about the intensities of life with a creative prose.
Linda Levitt uses details to describe in totality what
she is conveying. Missy Martin writes clear and
concise. Diane Amento Owens, a mother of four
teenagers, writes with a sharp wit. Ann McCoole
Rigby weaves the bitterness of her arthritis within
her sweet observations of life. Susan Tully writes
with a distinctive sense of humor. With six unique
voices, there is a style to resonate with any
The book offers the reader an analysis of life, love,
and loss. The authors examine relationships, make
confessions, and offer revelations. They cover civil
rights, child-birth, infant death, and divorce. They
explore the lessons learned from parents and as
parents. Prose, poetry, and illustrations enrich the
book and engage the reader.
Each author writes with a generous spirit, and then
the authors give even more. The last chapter,
Bylines, is about the writing process and the support
within writing groups. If a reader is looking for essays
with an honest exploration, then LifeLines is a
reader's choice.
When I Grow Up I Want to Be 60
by Wendy Reid Crisp
Reviewed by Dotsie Bregel, www.nabbw.com
If you're not feeling great about adding
years to your life, then you need to pick up this
book. Wendy instills her light-hearted, optimistic
spirit within you as you browse her words about
embracing growing up. It's a quick read with uplifting
stories, quotes, and observations. Discover why you
too should be celebrating life, relaxing more, and
stressing less. I found reasons to celebrate and I'm
only 48.
How to Make the Holidays
Better for Your Aging Loved One(s), Your Family, and
By Barbara E. Friesner
I've always loved the
holidays - the gathering of family and friends, the
traditions, the presents! But after my father died and
my mother's dementia made it necessary for her to
move into an assisted living community and then a
nursing home, my holidays changed dramatically.
Though initially difficult and emotional, I found that
by changing my mindset (looking at it as creating
new "traditions" rather than dwelling on how
things "used to be") and some advanced planning,
the "new" holidays have created some good
memories, too. And I felt a lot less stressed and
If you have already taken on caregiving
responsibilities, have a loved one in an assisted living
community or nursing home, or are beginning to
realize that your parents are aging and may not be
around for many more holidays and want to preserve
family traditions and make the holidays happier "
read on.
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/barbarafriesner.html
Menopause and Irregular
Menstrual Cycles: Rising Health Problem
By Cathy Taylor
Periods, or menstrual
cycles, typically start to change long before
menstruation finally stops. Irregular menstrual cycles
are a cause of concern for a lot of women. The
changes in menstrual cycles vary. Some women have
their menses occurring like clockwork their entire
lives, while others discover that they can no longer
predict their period date. Still others, who have
always had irregular periods, find that their periods
have started occurring in a timely pattern. Mostly
the time between periods lengthens or shortens.
Many women see similarities between their menstrual
cycles during their forties and during teenage years.
The bleeding can become heavier or spottier or even
some combination of both. These changes before
menopause are all a common part of perimenopause,
the stage before the final step of physical
changeover in a woman's life.
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/cathytaylor
Anticipating The Holidays
By Natalie Caine
May the holidays
first bring comfort, connection, and kindness to you
and then extend towards others.
What helps me is:
1. Doing what I love to do
2. Pacing my energy so I am not depleted
3. Lowering my expectations in order to be present
in the moment.
In my November article on this web, I talked about
how to care for yourself and your kids who are
coming to visit for the holidays. I also talked about
what to do if you are alone which really does
December is a month of celebrations from all types of
spiritual traditions. In the hurriedness of work,
shopping, cooking, decorating, mailing, emotions
rising and falling, we might forget to see the lights
and hear the music all around us. Holidays bring
memories and sign posts that time is moving us
forward from what was to what might be possible.
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/nataliecaine.html
By Prill Boyle
I don't know about you,
but I need all the support I can get-especially when
I'm taking a risk.
Over the years, my girlfriends and I have endlessly
encouraged each other. But as I was gearing up to
launch my first book a few years ago, I needed the
support to be both more specific and more
structured. So even though I'm not much of a joiner,
when my headshot photographer Suzanne Sheridan
suggested in the fall of 2003 that we form a Creative
Women's Business Group with two other local women,
I thought to myself, why not? The four of us have
been meeting ever since.
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/
By Nan S. Russell
He was concerned with the
direction a decision was leaning, Jon said on his voice
mail. Could I meet him for lunch in the cafeteria
before Friday's meeting to talk it through?
As peer managers involved in policy implementation,
our departments would be impacted by any direction
taken. Friday's meeting was with the decision
makers; a discussion of pluses, minuses, timetables
and resources needed for three options under
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
I'm Dreamin' of a Light Christmas!
By Georgia Richardson
One of my closest
and dearest friends told me something yesterday
that gave me food for thought. She said this year
they're having a "light" instead of "white" Christmas.
In other words, less is more. I thought to
myself, "Now there's a plan! This is a woman after
my own, disorganized heart." Then again, I had
admit that this same woman is one of the most
organized people alive. She knows all of her children's
names, birthdates, and even her hubby's golf
handicap. I didn't even know he was disabled. When
someone asked my children's ages nowadays, I
usually stop and think, "I have children?"
Although I've never seen her Christmas "stash," I
would bet a weeks worth of Oreo's her white lights
are neatly placed back in their respective boxes,
untangled, and not held together with duct tape.
Mine resemble a ball of yarn.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
Born to Die
By Donna Shepherd
The other night I heard the
song by Steppenwolf, Born to Be Wild. It brought
back memories of Junior High and High School - that
song had legs! When it came on the radio, my friends
and I turned the volume up, and da-da-da'd through
the verses, and on the chorus belted out, "Born to
be wi-l-d," and played air guitar or in my case,
drums. Oh, were we wild.
Born to be wild. Born to -- you fill in the blank.
Sometimes we watch sports and think someone like
Michael Jordan was born to play basketball. As a wee
child, Julie Andrews opened her mouth, and a voice
with a four-octave range flowed forth. She was born
to sing.
During this Christmas season, I've reflected on Jesus
Christ's mission.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
"The Closer Your
Success . . . "
By Judith Sherven, Ph.D. & James Sniechowski,
Art Garfunkle ran it
right up the charts, singing about how:
"The closer your destination, the more you're
slip-sliding away."
You know the feeling . . .
You set your mind on a goal. Doesn't matter if it's a
career ambition, Getting a date with a particular gal
at the gym, Meeting a deadline which would produce
more cash than you've ever seen, Getting your
cousin to introduce you to her handsome neighbor,
Losing the last 5 pounds after taking off the first
30 . .. .
You name it . . . we all know the experience . . .
As Steven Pressfield says . . .
"The more important a call or action is to our soul's
the more resistance we will feel . . . .."
But, why would we hold back just as we're about to
succeed in tasting the new, more fabulous life
we've so desired?
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
What's in a Name?
By Karen Baar
Those of us
who went through the women's movement in the late
1960s and 1970s remember how outraged we were
by the term "chick." We weren't cute, fuzzy baby
chickens, we were powerful WOMEN. Ditto for being
called "girls." Today, things have loosened. I
personally don't use the word chick (and still dislike
it), but I'm willing to concede that not everyone who
uses it is a raging sexist. And I often talk about
my "girlfriends.'
Much has also been made in recent years about the
politically correct use of language. Examples include
substituting "herstory" for "history," "differently
abled" for "handicapped" or "crippled,"
and "undocumented workers" for "illegal aliens."
But there's another area where language is in
dispute. What do those of us "of a certain age" want
to be called?
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
Why You Don't Write Your
By Suzanne Falter Barnes
the ten years that I've taught people how to get on
with their books and creative projects, I've noticed a
phenomenon that I'll call "Author's Block." Would-be
writers can, indeed, sit down and work when pressed
to it. The problem is that they're not so sure they
want the pressure of being an author. But they do
want it. But they don't. And so on.
Ah, the agony of getting on with your book.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
How to "Live Long and
Prosper" (in Retirement)
By Jan Cullinane
Although "Live
Long and Prosper" is actually an abbreviated version
of a blessing, most of recognize it as Dr. Spock's
greeting on "Star Trek." But, back here on earth, and
in retirement, there really are two secrets to living
longer and healthier " strong social support and an
optimistic outlook on life. Today, I'm going to share
three scientific studies with you about longevity and
better health:
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/jancullinane.html
Integrative Medicine
By Robin Miller, M.D.
Integrative Medicine
is becoming something of great interest to baby
boomers. It offers a wide variety of treatments and
options that are based on health, healing and
prevention. What exactly is Integrative Medicine?
Most people think that Integrative Medicine is
simply the combination of complementary and
traditional medical therapies. However, it is much
more than that. Integrative medicine focuses on
healing and wellness with the knowledge that the
body has an innate ability to heal itself.
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/robinmiller.
Charleen Micheles
Editor/Author/Ghost Writer, wearer of many hats is
offering NABBW members the first chapter
of your manuscript, up to 50 pages, edited
absolutely free of charge. Visit her now at www.geocities.com/tale2bestseller/ or email Charleen at escspeddlers2@msn.com.
EllynAnne Geisel
Two Firsts for apron
archaeologist and writer EllynAnne Geisel! Following
her appearance on November 19th's CBS Sunday
Morning, her first publication, The Apron Book:
Making, Wearing and Sharing a Bit of Cloth and
Comfort (Andrews McMeel 2006), sold out of its first
printing. www.apronmemories.com
Sue Vogan
Sue invites everyone to read her articles and her
book reviews at www.bookpleasures.com and
hear her special weekly guests on In Short Order at www.highway2health.net. Her
website is www.betrayedsoldiers.org.
Betty Dobson
My short story "Baby Angels" is now available on
Amazon.com via their Amazon Shorts program. For
only 49 cents, you get 15 pages of literary fiction full
of twists and turns. You will also find a direct link at http://inkspotter.com/bookstore
Judith Sherven, PhD
Free Stocking Stuffer from Judith Sherven, PhD
You can give this gift of love to everyone you know -
Just go to: www.judithandjim.com/openingtolove
Eileen Bodoh
Receive and give the gift of gratitude. Visit
www.gratitudeworks.com and join us in our 3/30
Campaign to remember a forgotten woman in prison
during this holiday season.
Karla Mohr
With the aging baby boomer population the growing
trend is Wellness. MomExecs/HomeBizExecs is
partnered with a Wellness company that
provides a safe alternative that enhances every
aspect of your life. For more information go to karlamohr.momexecs.com.
Pamela D. Blair
Pamela D. Blair will be a panelist for a program
entitled Managing Menopause being held at the 92nd
Street Y (Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street) on Sun,
Jan 21, 2007 2:30pm. Four leading menopause
experts help you navigate the physical and emotional
health transitions associated with menopause. For
more info: www.92y.org
Meredith Karen Laskow, poet and jewelry
Holiday Shipping Special:
Members of NABBW receive free* regular USPS
shipping (to anywhere in the world) until January 15
for all jewelry orders! This includes items bought by
gift certificate, when the gift certificate is bought by
a NABBW member or for a NABBW member.
*Yak service to the Himalayas is extra.
Marcia Merrill
Wanted-Boomer Women- Help others by
volunteering to be interviewed by phone. Email me at marcia@ecareercorner.com. I'm an NABBW & Life
Transitions/Career Coach!
Sherry Netherland, M.A.,
is a licensed audiologist and a personal trainer
specializing in fitness/balance issues and home care
concerns of the over 50 population. She is available
as a keynote speaker
for your organization and for telephone fitness
coaching. Visit her website at www.ilikefitness.com or e-mail ilikefitness@gmail.com
YOU! to the following for sharing
information about NABBW and
Reta's Blog for Boomers,
Reta's Blog for Boomers"
for writing an article about NABBW called "An
Interesting Boomer Site for Women."
for posting my Article, So, Boomers are
Turning 60. What's All the Hype?
Womensbiz.us Magazine,
for posting my article, Baby Boomers Women at
Jane Carroll www.byforandaboutwomen.com
interviewed Dotsie on her radio show. Click on the
link above to listen in!
Angel Brown
www.womens-business-gallery.com where you'll find Big Ideas for
Small Business,
interviewed and featured Dotsie on her Web site. To
read the full interview, go HERE!
Sheri McConnell, President & Founder
National Association of Women Writers, www.NAWW.org
Association of Web Entrepreneurs, www.sherimcconnell.net/
interviewed Dotsie for her educational series about Launching Successful
While looking at the growing stack of books under my
desk, I realized it's been some time since I shared
what I've been reading lately. I hope you'll consider
researching them at Amazon for your next
been there, done that,
Kept the
Cooper Lawrence
I Feel Bad About My
Neck and Other
Thoughts On Being A Woman
Nora Ephron
Whatever!: A Baby
Boomers Journey into
Middle Age
Beverly Mahone
An Unquiet
Mind: A
Memoir of Moods and
Kay Redfield Jamison
Whose Face is in the
Mirror?: The Story
of One Woman's Journey from the Nightmare of
Domestic Abuse to True Healing
Dianne Schwartz
Inside My Heart:
Choosing to Live With
Passion and Purpose
Robin McGraw
In the Letting Go:
Words to Heal the
Heart on the Death of a Mother
Jonathon Lazear
For one more day
Mitch Albom
www.boomerwomenspeak.com is the
# 1 site on search engines for "baby boomer
women." Join us
in our forums where you can share from the heart,
give and
receive advice, and make new friends.
Feel free to forward this
friends, family and colleagues.
Please email dots@nabbw.com if you no
want to receive this publication.
Contact Information
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10/01/2006 October Boomer Women's World
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08/01/2006 August Boomer
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07/01/2006 July Boomer Women's
06/01/2006 June Boomer Women's
Boomer Women's World Newsletter |