Boomer Women Speak Forums
Dear Dotsie,
March 13, 2009
"Do what you can, with what you have, wherever you can." Teddy Roosevelt I
don't think the above quote would have spoken to me if I read it a year
ago. The state of the economy certainly changes the way one thinks.
Just a little reminder that we don't need much to make a difference. It
doesn't always take money to do what we can. Sometimes a few kind words
can change one's path or perspective. Why not use our words, after all
they're free, and do what you can to encourage someone today?
Speaking of encouraging words. How about these kind
words from NABBW member Dr. Diana Kirschner, PhD: I
urge you to join the NABBW!! I am a member myself and know first-hand
how terrifically supportive and helpful they are. The NABBW offers
highly useful information for boomer women in their newsletters and
teleseminars--just what you need to learn, exactly when you need it!
Don't miss out on the opportunity to join like-minded women exploring
all the possibilities we have for creating more health, happiness and
love in our lives.
~Dr. Diana Kirschner, author of the bestselling book, Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love. Why not join us at www.nabbw.com!
Have a friend, sister or colleague struggling in this economy?
Then we'd like you to forward this email to as many of them as
possible. We're doing this in an effort to spread the news about our
two part series Boomer Finances: Making sense of it all.
Our first teleseminar, March 24, will be an informational hour,
followed on March 31 with a second one hour call in Q and A. If you
want the latest financial advice, please plan to take advantage of this
offer. Even if you believe you have a handle on your finances, it's
always good to get a second opinion. Hope to hear you on the calls.
More information below and on our sites.
The NABBW is excited
to do our part in educating boomer women about the current economic
status impacting our generation and we'd like you to share it with your
friends. Thank you. Please forward this email! On Wednesday, April 8, I'll be participating in an 8-week FREE teleseminar series, Women Ready For Change, with NABBW member, Dr. Gail Lewis. My topic is "Stirring Your Creative Juices at Midlife" and I'll be discussing the power of creativity and why it's more easily accessible at this time in our lives. The series began on March 11. For a complete listing of the lineup of speakers, click HERE!
continue to hear that members of the NABBW are enjoying their
subscriptions to More magazine, the national magazine for women 40+. If
you're a member and still haven't registered for your FREE
subscription, please email us.
Blessings, Dotsie Bregel www.boomerwomenspeak.com www.nabbw.com |
PASS IT ON: We all know her. She's at midlife. She wants to take care
of herself but can't always squeeze it in because she's so busy caring
for any of the following: her husband, mother, father, children,
grandchildren, in-laws, neighbors, friends, colleagues, etc. Won't you
please help her out by sharing this newsletter and the NABBW with her?
Thank you for connecting, encouraging and supporting boomer women. May we all be enlightened, educated and empowered! __________________________________________________________________________________
TAKE TIME TO VISIT OUR SISTER SITE www.boomerwomenspeak.com
is the # 1 site on search engines for "baby boomer women." Join us in
our forums where you can share from the heart, give and receive advice,
and make new friends.
Sponsors of the NABBW

Featured Member

Introducing NABBW's Featured Member for March...
Inez Bracy was a teacher, she was known as the teacher to go to talk
about problems, issues and concerns because she listened. Inez asked
questions to help students, parents and colleagues tap into their inner
strength and set their own direction. She was known for practicing
confidentiality because she believed in holding sacred the bonds
created with the people who trusted her.
Little did she
know that would lead to what she's doing today. Inez' chosen career is
working with business and professional women over 50 who've enjoyed a
life of work, business and career. The women who work with Inez are
embracing the opportunity to experience a fullness of life outside of
their career. Using reflection and questioning, and other NLP
techniques, these women are tapping into their passions and creating an
extraordinary life NOW!
Inez combines more than twenty years of
experience working with others, helping them to really understand who
they are and who they intend to be. Using a unique and grounded
approach in strategic planning, motivation, negotiation and leadership
development women over 50 step confidently into the life they desire
and deserve.
As a masterful coach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Practitioner (NLP), engaging keynote speaker, trainer and seminar
presenter, Inez keeps groups enthusiastically engaged. Inez' clients
say that she provides clarity, excitement, and momentum infused with
confidence. She specializes in designing and co-designing learning that
deepens understanding and encourages people to experience life fully.
She's passionate about helping others live their best life.
Inez' signature program, Discover The Genius Within is scheduled for March 25, www.discoverthegeniuswithin.com.
This is a 4-Part, 29 Minute Series that empowers you to tap into your
innermost desires leading to creating the life you dream about.
The Fox4 Morning Blend
in Ft. Myers, FL has selected Inez as their expert Career Coach.
Inez' show is scheduled for 8 AM EST on Wednesday, and can be seen on www.fox4morningblend.com
Inez' radio show, Living Smart and Well shares tips on creating your best life and is heard around the world Monday, 12:00 noon - 1:00 PM Eastern on www.livingsmartandwell.com.
NABBW Monthly Teleseminars
two-part financial teleseminar!
BOOMER FINANCES - Making sense of it
all PART
I Register for the call!  Jennifer Campion, CRPC Financial Planning Specialist Portfolio Manager/Financial Advisor SMITH BARNEY Tuesday, March 24, 2009 3:00
p.m. EST
With over 12 years in financial planning, Jennifer Campion focuses on advising
women and small businesses in customized retirement planning and comprehensive
wealth management.
In this teleseminar, Jennifer will address issues
like being caught up in the housing crisis, or what to do when you've been laid
off from your job. Maybe you want to retire but aren't sure you can afford to do
so. All these topics, plus more will be discussed on the call. Here are a few
more questions Jennifer will cover:
Join us for this teleseminar as Jennifer walks boomers through the maze of
the finance worlds.
BOOMER FINANCES - Making sense of it
all PART II -
SESSION Tuesday, March 31,
2009 3:00 p.m. EST
Our teleseminar, Boomer Finances - Making sense of it all -
Part II, continues on Tuesday,
March 31, 2009, at 3:00 PM (EST) with a Question and Answer (Q&A) session.
Because this subject is so involved, we felt it would be to your advantage to
break this teleseminar in two parts. This Q&A session is your chance
to bring your concerns and inquiries directly to the financial planning expert
from Smith Barney and
our host for this two-part teleseminar, Jennifer
Campion, CRPC, and receive the
information you need to make the crucial, midlife, and healthy financial choices
for you and your family. If you cannot be on the call but would like to
have your questions addressed, feel free to email Dotsie your question and if time allows,
Jennifer will discuss them during this Q&A one-hour session. Once the
Q&A is complete, it will be transcribed and you will be mailed an audio
link, and also a PDF (Word) document link to download and read at your
convenience. Join us for the second part of this teleseminar as Jennifer
answers our questions about boomer finances, and really does help us, "make sense of it
all." |
Member News
Allison Bottke
Spring 2010 will
see the publication of a landmark resource that addresses a challenging
situation in our society today. In an era when we are living longer, but not
necessarily healthier or happier, it's often the adult children, tending for
their aging parents, who are now suffering. We invite you to participate in the
second book of the Setting Boundaries series by completing the online Questionnaire for
Dr. Diana Kirschner,
A powerful PBS Pledge
Special, Finding Your Own
True Love is airing now through March! In this practical and
inspirational talk for Boomers, our member, renowned psychologist, Diana
Kirschner, Ph.D. Discusses how to find & date fulfilling partners and create
great relationships; plus simple steps couples can use to deepen intimacy &
create passion. Based on her best selling book, Love in 90 Days, this unique
show provides four easy-to-apply steps that can transform your life, and has
been picked up by 70+ US cities. You won't want to miss it! Click here for a list of all cities & times for
the show.
Susan Santangelo
a wife to do, when her Beloved Husband announces he's retiring, but has
no plans except to be home and underfoot 24/7? Add to that a murder
where the evidence increasingly points to the husband as chief suspect.
Check out "Retirement Can Be Murder," the first in a series of humorous mysteries for baby boomers by NABBW member Susan Santangelo, to find out what happens next!
Jan Cullinane
Jan was interviewed by Fox Orlando TV for a segment on retiring to a condo cruise ship. The interview
aired on March 3rd, and is available for viewing at www.myfoxorlando.com (then put Jan Cullinane
in the search box). If you decide to buy a ship condo from Mark, tell him Jan
Cullinane sent you!
To view the podcoast from March 3rd, Blue Ridge Regional Library, where author p.m. terrell
discussed her contemporary suspense novels, The China Conspiracy and
Exit 22, visit HERE. On March 12, Terrell visited Lake Waccamaw, NC where she gave a talk
on her historical novel,
Songbirds are
Free. March 26 finds her in Culpeper, Virginia where she will be the keynote speaker at a Virginia Tech Staff Appreciation
Day celebration. For more information, visit
Marlene Chism
March is officially Stop Your Drama Month. If
you are a manager or leader in a company you can get free resources to help you
stop workplace drama HERE. If you are a coach,
consultant or small business owner, you can use SYD Month as a vehicle to
promote your business. To get free ideas join the Facebook event "Stop Your Drama Month."
For more information email Marlene
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Carolyn Howard-Johnson will present a class on "Marketing Your Book Online"
on Saturday June 13 at 9 am. The public is welcome. Sisters in
Crime/Los Angeles and Mystery Writers of America/SoCal are joining
forces to present a new venture, the California Crime Writers
Conference, to be held June 13-14 at the Pasadena Hilton, Pasadena, CA.
For more info, click HERE!
Susan Schachterle
Wanted: women to be
interviewed for 2 upcoming books by bestselling author. Looking for women who
are leading successfully from their feminine energy, and women whose lives are
helping to change the world in powerful and positive ways. If interested please
email Susan Schachterle.
Judith Sherven, PhD
"Overcoming the
Fear of Being Fabulous" Best selling husband and wife psychology
team Judith ShervenPhD and Jim SniechowskiPhD, have created a 12-CD program -
with a special reduced price for NABBW - to
help you dig deep into the deepest source of what's holding you back, and guide
you into your personal freedom so you can live your rightfully fabulous life.
InkSpotter Publishing
is very proud to announce the release of its latest book, Backless, Strapless & Slit to the
Throat: A Femme Fatale Anthology. The collected
stories and poems tackle the film noir staple from traditional and interpretive
perspectives. Details and purchase link are online HERE!
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