Boomer Women's World Newsletter
November 2006
Dear Dotsie,
"Thanksgiving Day
comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man
it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will
--- Edward Sandford Martin
It is with tremendous joy that we celebrate the one year anniversary of
the NABBW.
I hope you have used your Member Directory to meet some of the inspiring
women who are embracing midlife with passion. Whether you have reinvented
yourself or are pondering doing so, reading the directory will be of value.
Learning why someone joined or what they
expect to gain through membership, often triggers
ideas for future teleseminars, articles, or member
benefits. Perhaps reading our directory will spark a
positive change for you too. I hope so.
If it does,
please email me at
and share the
little light bulb that went off for you.
On a personal note, I pray you and your loved ones
will make the most of being with family and friends
this Thanksgiving. Don't forget to count your
blessings. I recommend using a pen and paper.
Seeing your list is empowering. Also, the more you do
it, the longer your list will become. You will begin to
learn that you can give thanks in all things. It will
also make you a more positive, lighthearted person.
Boomer Women's World is adding advertising
opportunities to our newsletter. Please contact us if
you are interested in seeing your ad in this
newsletter. We have also added a Boomer Review
section where we will continue to review books,
products and services for the NABBW members.
I hope you will grab a hot/cold drink, sit back, and
reading this issue that contains all topics of interest
to baby boomer women.
Onward with grace,
Help us celebrate
our One Year
Anniversary with a
NABBW membership
rate is typically $75.00 with an annual renewal rate
of $50.00.
During November, you
can JOIN the National Association of Baby
Boomer Women (NABBW)
www.nabbw.com or
RENEW for the reduced price of
Now's the time to get in on this discount.
Don't miss out. Visit www.nabbw.com
today and take advantage of all the many
benefits offered for NABBW members including this
Anniversary rate of only $50.00!
To take advantage of this special rate, you
MUST used the link provided here www.nabbw.com/bws50.php
and receive
a FREE copy of the BABY BOOMER"S
ALMANAC, by Tim Brolus.

I continue to witness women encouraging women in
our Virtual Village every day at http://www.boomerwomenspeak.com
ubbthreads.php. Won"t you join us? The sixty-
plus forums connect, encourage and support baby
boomer women at all stages of life!
We have created a user-friendly version of
member benefits on the Members Only page at www.nabbw.com.
Check it out. Email me at
dots@boomerwomenspeak.com if you've
forgotten your
AuthorSmart.com, www.AuthorSmart.com a
clearinghouse of tools, information and education for
authors, offers all NABBW members 50% any
purchase from
their site. Visit the Members Only section at
NABBW www.nabbw.com and look
under Member Benefits, to obtain your discount
Want to send flowers to a friend, or popcorn to a
family or business? NABBW is now offering member
discounts at www.1800flowers.com and www.thepopcornfactory.com
Michelle Jakubiak, President Boschel Creative

Michelle Jakubiak is president of Boschel Creative, an
agency specializing in web design and development,
print design, and multimedia. An artist at heart, she
always wanted to be in a field where she could share
her creative talents and ideas to help others. She
also liked to be challenged, and found that with web
design, there is a lot more involved than simply
putting a picture and some text on a page.
Figuring out how users will navigate the site, who the
site should be marketed to and how, how the site
can actually help the business, how it can be found
it search engines, and making the site work on all
browsers and platforms are just some of the areas
she found needed to be answered while developing a
Before moving to Maryland, Michelle previously
worked in Chicago at one of the top five advertising
agencies in the city at that time, and was the head
of the web department. She handled web media for
many accounts, including Burger King, M&M/Mars,
Allegra, Kelloggs, and Paccar. While enjoying agency
life, she had always aspired to start her own
company for two reasons: (1) to interact with clients
in a more direct, personable manner and (2) have a
family and a business simultaneously.
Boschel Creative currently has over 100 clients and
an office in Sparks, Maryland. They not only
specialize in web sites and development, but also
multimedia, such as cd-roms and presentations; and
print design, such as brochures, direct mail, and
corporate identity packages. Michelle is a member of
On Purpose Networking, and an NABBW Associate.
Good news for you NABBW Members! She offers a
20% discount on all services for members.
Michelle truly enjoys what she does, and strives to
grow her business every day. She currently lives
with her husband and pug named Cupid, and enjoys
sports, reading, and jelly beans.
Allison Bottke
For November, Boomer Women Speak forums is proud
to have Allison Bottke as our guest author.
Affectionately known as the "God Allows U-Turns
Poster Girl," Allison"s story is one of triumph over
tragedy. Allison is the Founder of
God Allows U-Turns ", an international outreach that
includes non-fiction and fiction books, tracts, logo
merchandise, a speaking ministry, and a foundation.
The cornerstone of God Allows U-Turns is a Christian
inspirational book series many are calling "the next
Chicken Soup." The God Allows U-Turns book series
is available around the world with 21 books in the U-
Turns "brand" currently available for adults, kids and
youth. Allison"s first novel (A Stitch in Time) in the
lady-lit genre released in June 2006, her second
novel (One Little Secret) will release in June 2007.
Her novels are being called: "Contemporary women"s
fiction with an attitude."
Allison will answer questions, offer advice, and
provide guidance into the world of writing, speaking,
and even living!
You can visit Allison's web
page at www.godallowsuturns.com to
learn more and purchase her books. Join us at www.boomerwomenspeak.comall
this month while Allison provides the answers to all
of your questions about the writing biz.

Coming in December!
Carroll, Bertha-Size Your Life, www.berthasize.com.
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Carolyn is a writer and publicist. Her first novel,
This is the Place, and Harkening: A
Collection of Stories Remembered are both award-
winners. Her fiction, nonfiction and poems have
appeared in national magazines, anthologies and
review journals. She speaks on writing and promotion
nationally but her favorite subject is tolerance.
(Caroylyn's photo by Uriah Carr)
Carolyn is an instructor for UCLA Extension's
Writers' Program and has shared her expertise at
venues like San Diego State's world renowned
Writers' Conference, Dayton University's Erma
Bombeck Writers' Workshop. Call to Arts! EXPO.
She was awarded Woman of the Year in
Arts and Entertainment by the California Legislature;
her home town's Character and Ethics Commission
honored for her work on promoting tolerance. The
Pasadena Weekly named her to their list of "San
Gabriel Valley women who make life happen" for
literary activism.
Carolyn's nitty-gritty how-to book, THE FRUGAL
BOOK PROMOTER reflects her interest in helping
other authors. It won USA Book News' Best
Professional Book 2004 and the Book Publicists of
Southern California's Irwin Award. Her newest book
will be released this winter. The Frugal Editor: Put
Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and
Ensure Success, will be the second in the How
To Do It Frugally series (visit her site in progress,
epress.com). Cheryl Wright of Writer2Writer.com
says, "The Frugal Editor will become a well-used
reference for writers around the world."
Carolyn's chapbook of poetry, TRACINGS, was
named to The Compulsive Readers Top 10 Best Reads
for 2004 and was given the Military Writers Society
of American Silver Award for Excellence. It is
available on Amazon.
In her adopted role of helping authors avoid the
publishing pitfalls she experienced when she returned
to writing, Carolyn founded Authors' Coalition (authorscoalitionandredenginepress.co
She edits the newsletter, "Sharing with Writers" for
that organization as well as a blog that focuses on
making a humdrum book fair into a sizzling success
Enter our November/December Writing Contest and
win great prizes!
December 31,
Entry Fee:
Baby Boomer's Almanac, by Tim Brolus
What Happens Next? A family guide to
nursing home visits and more, by Chloe
A Boomer Women Speak T-shirt
The holidays are fast
approaching. Tell us what you love or hate about the
holidays. What's your take on the holiday season?
Are you filled with love for your fellow man? Too
many relatives or do you spend this time all alone? Is
Christmas too expensive, or commercialized? Or do
you jump into the season with both shopping feet?
Do you love this season because all the family comes
home? Do you finally stop and count your blessings
or feel smothered by them? What's your holiday
story? Please read and follow the guidelines below
and good luck!
For guidelines visit us at www.boomerwomenspeak.com
On Tuesday, October 24, we were treated
to "insider" tips and also given the Magic Formula for
getting our lives organized. Regina Leeds, NABBW
Associate and "Organizational Skills"
expert, provided valuable tips on the
art of "Zen Organizing."
For those of you unable to attend,
click this link
listen in! But that's not all, look for answers to all of
your questions in Regina's November associate's
Regina Leeds,
Cornwall www.babyboomerpublishing.com
An Insider's Guide to Estate
Tuesday November 28, 2006 - 7:00 pm EST
What if . . .
You've just
inherited a large sum
of money. Now what?
Your spouse or "partner" has passed away. What or
who is entitled to share in the remaining estate?
What about step-children or other living relatives?
Mark Cornwall's mission is to help
educate baby boomers about estate planning
they visit an attorney.
As Mark says, practically no one outside of CPAs,
financial consultants, or attorneys, has been taught
anything about death or inheritance. He's here to
change that by giving you, in layman's terms, the
knowledge you need to talk to an attorney about
planning and managing your estate.
According to Mark, these are a few reasons people
finally do something about estate planning:
- A loved one dies and you're going to receive an
inheritance. You realize you don't know how the
death and inheritance system works.
- Old friends have died recently and for the first
time you realize your own mortality.
- You want to learn how to distribute, or preserve
your property for your heirs without them paying the
46% estate tax.
- You prefer the privacy of crafting your own
estate plan and then communicating those ideas to
family members and professionals.
- You would like the peace of mind that comes with
putting your spouse at ease and your estate in
Join us on Tuesday,November 28 at 7:00 pm to find
out more including the four kinds of "Trust" that will
be used to fit 99% of all family estate plans,
regardless of size or how "blended and extended"
your family may be.
We are happy to review member"s books, products
and services. This is a service that is FREE of
CHARGE to NABBW members. Please email us if you
are interested in seeing a review of your book,
product, or service. NOTE: Once
your book has been submitted, please allow ample
time for the book to be read and reviewed. Books
and products sent for reviews will not be
Put Old on Hold
By Barbara Morris, R.Ph., Pharmacist and Author
Reviewed by Patti Hill, www.pattiswriting.com
Put Old on Hold is serious reading
material for
who is passionate about living a full and meaningful
life. Barbara has given us a blueprint to longevity;
laced with humor, practicality, medical reasoning and
a healthy dose of reality.
Put Old on Hold is a well balanced
medical information, real life applications, refreshing
looks at how we currently think/should think and
humor; any serious pursuer of agelessness will find
answers here. Barbara"s fresh perspective on living
will make anyone think twice before "settling" into
If you are looking for a way to reclaim your youth,
gain energy, mental clarity and health; you will find
practical strategies to do just that within these
pages. Don"t spend your senior years in a chair when
you can actually live! A must read for every Boomer
Woman that desires to embrace the next season of
life; not with grace and decorum but with boldness,
spunk and daring.
The Smart Couple"s Guide to the Wedding of Your
Dreams: Planning Together for Less Stress and
By Judith Sherven, Ph. D & James Sniechowski,
Reviewed by Lynn C. Tolson,www.beyondthetears.com
As relationship trainers, motivational speakers, and
workshop leaders, the authors of this book have
credentials. Drs. Sherven & Sniechowski wrote Be
Loved for Who You Really Are (St. Martin"s Press,
2003), The New Intimacy (Health
Communications, 1997), and Opening to Love 365
Days a Year (Health Communications, 2000).
Married since 1988, they also have the personal
experience of marriage longevity in the difficult-to-
navigate labyrinth of relationships. Their co-authored
book, The Smart Couple"s Guide has
personality as well as practical advice.
Divided into fifteen chapters, Drs. Sherven &
Sniechowski thoroughly discuss aspects of the
wedding plan. The authors offer true-life cases from
hundreds of couples as examples of those who chose
to plan their wedding together. These examples are
used in a variety of settings: from "Popping the
Question" to "To Change Names, or Not." Dispersed
throughout the book are insights from the authors"
own co-created wedding. The authors even research
the history behind wedding customs, yet empower
the wedding couples to co-create their specific style
of wedding according to the themes and traditions of
their own choosing.
The Smart Couple"s Guide . . . is not
a wedding planner, but a useful source of
suggestions that illustrate how a couple can plan
their wedding (and marriage) together. The authors
state: "By living out your commitment as a couple
throughout the planning process, you will experience
new possibilities and new levels of awareness." Pre-
marital relationship building skills is a main theme of
the book; the authors cite values such as honesty
and integrity as the foundation of the wedding, not
the number of tiers on the cake or names on the
invitations. To strengthen those skills, the authors
give the reader questionnaires regarding "The Ten
Key Issues of Married Life" and "Financial
Whether it is the reader"s first or fourth marriage,
whether the reader is age thirty or seventy, The
Smart Couples Guide to the Wedding of Your Dreams
is a must-read prior to the "big day." After all, the
wedding day is a step into the maze of marriage. This
book will steer the reader by offering clarity and
reality to the couple as they journey together.
that ridiculous blue sky
By Monica B. Morris, Author and former professor
Reviewed by Patti Hill, www.pattiswriting.com
"that ridiculous
blue sky" was an absolute pleasure to read!
It proved to hold my interest from its opening pages.
I found myself thinking about the latest twist while
at work; I had to discipline myself to finish my tasks
before returning to the developing plot. I thought I
knew where the story was going, but was pleasantly
surprised when it didn't!
For any woman who thinks she needs romance to
live, for any woman trying to find her way in a new
world, for any woman who needs to laugh at her own
insecurities, for any woman learning to trust her
instincts, for any woman striving to develop courage-
-this book will allow you to explore the inadequacies
of your own life through the language of story. You'll
find your own deepest thoughts reflected through
the characters; and, perhaps, discover something
new and revolutionary for your own journey.
"that ridiculous blue sky" could very
well become one of those favorite books you return
to again and again; one of those faithful companions
that curl up with you in your favorite chair on lazy
afternoons. Between its pages you will find; rest,
excitement, hope, fear, courage, commitment,
friendship, love and self discovery. A true gem.
By Barbara E. Friesner
Last month you were
about to find out what your aging loved ones truly
want for the third half of their lives (using the
form, "What Do I Want For the 3rd " of My Life"
that you downloaded from the Newsletter page of my
website www.AgeWiseLiving.com.
The next step, then is to look at what they wrote
and figure out what their responses mean. The
easiest way to explain how to do this is by using an
actual example.
Continue reading at this link:
Menopause and Muscular
Weakness: Prevention
By Cathy Taylor
Menopause and muscular
weakness is an inescapable fact of every aging
woman"s life and dealing with the accompanying
symptoms is an achievable goal through proper
health management. Menopause and the problems
that come along with it is largely dependant upon a
woman"s genetic make-up, but equally responsible is
the way she has led her life.
Her lifestyle, family history and the amount of
exercise, diet balance and emotional well being she
has maintained, are all contributing factors that
determine her possible menopausal issues.
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/cathytaylor
What Your Childhood
Entrepreneur Can Teach You
By Jennifer Kalita
Financial guru Suze Orman
taught us to look at our first "money memory" from
childhood to help us understand how we view and
handle money in our adult lives. Now, let"s take a
look at your "childhood entrepreneur" memory, and
get a sense of what your now-boomer self can learn
from her inner entrepreneur.
The more successful business owners I talk to, the
more I see clear evidence of an entrepreneurial spirit
as far back as elementary school. Rather than a
simple stroll down memory lane, there is something to
learn from looking back as you continue moving
Continue reading at this link:
Answers from Teleseminar
"Get Organized"
By Regina Leeds

I wish to thank all the ladies who came to my
seminar last month. I am deeply sorry that my cough
cut the event short before I could directly respond
to your questions. Here are the answers to the first
two questions that were asked. I'll answer the
others in next month's column.
- Can you please give us the Magic Formula one more
The Magic Formula is simple yet powerful:
- Eliminate
- Categorize
- Organize
These 3 steps will enable you to organize absolutely
anything from projects at work or school, to your
closets, kitchen and garage.
Continue reading at this link:
A Good Look in the
By Prill Boyle
When did aging become
such a sin?
Everywhere we look"magazines, movies, TV,
billboards"we see airbrushed images of gorgeous,
wrinkle-free women who appear to be in their
twenties, even when they"re considerably older.
These women are held up as our cultural ideal, as if
adhering to this rigid and unattainable (at least for
ninety-five percent of the population) standard of
beauty ensures that we"ll feel fulfilled.
But as social anthropologist Kate Fox argues, we
don"t just equate this distorted vision of beauty with
fulfillment. We equate it with goodness, holding
onto "an irrational but deep-seated belief that
physically attractive people possess other desirable
characteristics such as intelligence, competence,
social skills, confidence "even moral virtue."
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/
By Nan S. Russell
In the Black Hills of South
Dakota, carved in granite, the six-story faces of
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham
Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt create a grand
impression viewed from a distant, or standing on the
national monument's viewing terrace. Visiting Mount
Rushmore on vacation, I found the documentary of
its making fascinating. Weeks later, one story stayed
with me.
It turns out the sculptor, Gutzon Borglum, planned to
have the figure of Thomas Jefferson on George
Washington's right. But after painstakingly carving a
portion of the massive face, Borglum reached such
poor quality granite that he could not complete the
stone portrait the way he desired. So, he decided to
blast away the carved face he had worked months to
create, starting again in a new location.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
The Royal Mile
By Georgia Richardson
In Edinburgh,
Scotland nestled between two castles, is a road
called, "The Royal Mile." In Alabama, I also have
a, "Royal Mile" and was determined to walk it every
day. Being royally fluffy, and with the holidays
nipping at the heels of my walking shoes, the time to
get in shape was now or never. I also knew with my
personality, I had to ban every excuse imaginable
from my mind. No more Ms. Nice Gal . . . I said to
myself, "I"m fluffy; therefore I"ll walk." It was that
I take it back because nothing, nothing is
ever simple
with da Queen here. Nada.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
Spiritual X-Ray
By Donna Shepherd
The good man brings good
things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the
evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in
his heart.Luke 6:45 NIV
Several years ago, my son fell on his arm while
skating. From the outside, his arm looked fine, but his
cries of pain told a different story. When the doctor
held the x-ray up to the light, even my untrained
eyes could see the jagged edge of his small bone
sticking out.
I can still hear my brave little soldier's cry of "Ow-ow-
ouch!" when the doctor needed to 'set' the bone
back into place. They had ushered this nervous Mom
out of the room for the procedure, and when I came
back in, I saw my baby's freckles standing out in
stark contrast to his paler than usual complexion.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
"Suffering From The Love
By Judith Sherven, Ph.D. & James Sniechowski,
If you feel held back,
stuck in a rut, blocked from the love and success
you want, and you don"t" know why " you are under
the spell of what we call The Love Grip.
When we"re too young to know the
difference, we unwittingly give our innate love and
loyalty to our parents and larger family, culture,
neighborhood and church and thereby internalize
their all too often limited and negative judgments of
who we are.
Because we are largely unformed, we
readily and without question believe what we are told
about our lack of value, our incompetence, and our
tiny place in the world.
Then, in order to keep that primary and
primitive love in place, we call it The Love Grip, we
have no choice but to stay true to that negation of
our magnificence.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
By Karen Baar
I"ve been
thinking a lot about resilience. Why? As I"ve told my
friends, it feels as if my life has imploded. A stark
description, but that is how it feels. The much-
dreaded crisis with my aging parents has come to
pass. My mother had a stroke and entered a nursing
home; my father is in shock. They live 100 miles
away so I"ve been making weekly treks to see them;
everyday, it seems, I"m on the phone with my dad
(of course), but also with social workers and doctors.
I myself was sick for a couple of weeks and a work
project fell through. And just when I needed it most,
my six-months-long relationship with a lovely,
nurturing man ended.
Enough, I thought. Then last night, after a difficult
day visiting my parents I got the call so many women
in midlife fear: An old friend who told me she has
breast cancer.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
Holiday Health Plan
By Mary Pearsall
The holidays
are right around the corner, but that doesn't have to
mean disaster for your health and fitness program.
With a pen, paper and about a half hour of "thinking
time," you can create a simple wellness (sanity) plan
that will help you stay balanced, healthy and active
through the holiday season.
To begin, determine the time frame (e.g., six weeks)
when your schedule is most likely to be interrupted.
Then write down the challenges you anticipate, such
as "Aunt Jane's fudge," or "won't be able to do my
walk because it will be 20 below zero at my in-laws
house in Alaska."
Finally, write down your objectives for this time
period. Include a minimum number of workouts for
each week, basic eating guidelines and special goals
(perhaps "volunteer at the homeless shelter"). Just
taking the time to anticipate challenges and plan
objectives will help you make better choices and feel
more in control of your circumstances.
Continue reading at this link: http://nabbw.com/columns/
By Karen Stephen, Ph.D.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or
PTSD is one of the anxiety disorders that
can be experienced by anyone. It is experienced by
almost everyone who has experienced some type of
severe psychic or physical trauma. That trauma may
have occurred in childhood with symptoms appearing
decades after the original traumatic event. Or it may
occur during their adult years.
Psychic trauma occurs whenever we feel
that our very lives are threatened. In some cases,
that is exactly what has happened. For example, a
near-death experience from a terrible auto accident,
a physical assault, or a war trauma where massive
physical injuries have occurred. Other times, we
have experienced a moment when we thought our life
would end"a near plane crash, having a gun muzzle
put to our head, being told as a child that we would
be killed if we told the "secret".
Continue reading at this link:
A Fling in the Land of the
By Carol Sorgen
Given that one
of my all-time favorite movies is "Brigadoon," and one
of my favorite television programs, "Highlander""the
story of the immortal "Duncan MacLeod of the clan
MacLeod""it was surprising that I had never made it
to Scotland before, a lack in my travels that I had
been intending to remedy as soon as possible. So
when my friends said they were going to Edinburgh
to visit their son who was spending a semester
abroad, and suggested I join them, it didn"t take
much to convince me to take them up on their
Continue reading at this link:
Choosing the Ideal
Retirement Location
By Jan Cullinane
If you"re
thinking about relocating after you retire, what
characteristics should you look for in a new
community? Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all
answer to this question, but there are some general
guidelines. Where to Retire magazine surveyed its
subscribers and asked them to list what they felt
was most important in choosing an ideal retirement
location . . .
Continue reading at this link:
Seasonal Skin
By Janet Horn, M.D.
With the coming of
colder weather, your wardrobe is not the only thing
you should be adjusting. You may already have
experienced the need to change more than just
summer linens to wool sweaters. So what am I
talking about already? Your skincare
This may seem obvious to you. Colder weather
causes the skin to dry out more, right? Of course.
But you may have also noticed that as you"ve gotten
older, your skin feels drier than it used to " and all
year long. That"s definitely not just your imagination,
but a fact of what happens as skin ages and the
body loses estrogen.
In the uppermost layer of the skin, the epidermis, lies
the stratum corneum which is made up of cells called
keratinocytes, which mature and change their
properties as we age.
Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/janethorn.h
Prill Boyle
www.prillboyle.com/ Need
inspiration? Visit Prill Boyle's new blog to read
some more defying-gravity stories. She'll be posting
entries at least once a week.defyinggravitynow.blogspot.com
Georgia Richardson, Queen Jaw
www.queenjawjaw.com/ Da
Queen has been picked up by a new national
magazine called BOOMER. The first issue will debut
January 1, 2007. Her column, The Queen of
Experiences, can be found on the very last
Says da Queen, " FINALLY! I get to have the
last word!"
Margo Morado
The Nia Technique was created by baby boomers
Debbie Rosas and Carlos Rosas. It has been around
for over twenty years and is taught all over the
Dr. Karen Stephen, aka Doctor Flamingo
Dr.Karen Stephen's is gearing up for a short flight
from her current condo to a delightful cottage next
to her daughter and future son-in-law. As she
prepares ahead for her retirement years, she has
chosen to downsize, to find a living situation that will
fit into her retirement financial plans, and one that
puts her close to loved ones. In the meantime, check
out the new bargain basement price on her novel at
Janice Taylor
Our Lady of Weight Loss
Our Lady of Weight Loss: Miraculous and Motivational
Musings from the Patron Saint of Permanent Fat
Removal by boomer, Janice Taylor, recently hit the
shelves with amazing grace. Taylor "brings
originality, humor and creativity to the world of
weight loss. She is the first to make weight loss fun
and the first to use creativity as a tool to tap into
your 'thinner core.' "
Also, The Transition Network (TTN) invites you to
join Janice on Dec 2, at 1:00 pm at the Harlem Tea
Room, 1793A Madison Ave. at 118th St., as she
shares her strategies, secrets and tells how she
utilized weight loss as a tool for reinvention and
Judith Sherven, PhD
Get Your Free 365-Day Inspirational Love Gift from
NABBW Relationship Expert Judith Sherven, PhD
Just go to:
Dr. Betsie H. Poinsett
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist - Publicist
Past Life Regressions - Weddings - Relationship
Indigo Children - House/Business Blessings -
I'm very happy to announce the launch of my new
web site! Please visit me at Click here: Hypnosis for Change
and let me know how you like it!
Pat LaPointe
Director of WomensVoices: An Enrichment Center for
Today's Midlife Woman
Pat is looking for women age 50-65 to participate
in a project/publication which focuses on the past
experiences, wisdom gained and future goals of
midlife women. If interested in completing a survey,
please contact Pat at
Jennifer Campion
Financial Planning Specialist
Portfolio Manager/Financial Consultant
Do you run your business as a one woman show? Are
you looking for ways to reduce your taxes? Consider
The Solo 401(k) Plan which will allow you to sock
away more than $40,000 per year.
or 800.638.7560 ext 3431
Patrika Vaughn
Always wanted to write?
Need help?
Visit your Author's Advocate, Patrika
Vaughn, at www.acappela.com, for
whatever help you need.
Pamela D. Blair
I've just released a 45 minute audio CD
entitled "Inspirations for the Next Fifty Years" based
on The Next Fifty Years: A Guide for Women at
Midlife and Beyond. The CD contains uplifting
thoughts and guidance for the woman over 50 and
includes a heartwarming visualization to help the
listener to feel connected to other women. It also
provides inspiration and ideas to help you discover
new meaning and purpose at midlife and beyond.
Order info: www.pamblair.com
Nancy Mills
Nancy Mills, the founder of Spirited Woman hosts the
Spirited Woman Circle, an "up close & personal"
conversation series with famous women, such as
author Janet Fitch ("White Oleander" was an Oprah
pick), author/actress Fannie Flagg ("Fried Green
Tomatoes"), and more. The exclusive series, available
only through Spirited Woman, is now offered in a
limited edition Special Holiday CD Package. Nancy
invites you to listen to FREE audio samples of her
inspirational guests at:
Kathleen Gage
Discover Insider Secrets to Making Money with the
Featuring Bestselling Author Kathleen Gage.
November 15, 2006 - 6 PM - MST
Kathy Walsh
Night sweats keeping you from a restful sleep?
Wicking sleepwear is designed to keep you warm, yet
dry, to provide relief from night sweats caused by
menopause, hot flashes, cancer treatments and
other health issues. Save $5 off any order of $30 or
more with coupon code "welcome" at www.RickandJune.com
Jane Carroll
Loving Life Radio Show with host Jane Carroll is
dedicated to helping you find happiness wherever
you are along life"s journey. Filled with great guests
and fun anecdotes from Jane"s book Bertha-Size
Your Life!, the show can be heard Tuesday"s
8:00 pm EST and Wednesday"s 3:00 pm EST, and
anytime via the archives, beginning mid-November on
By, For and About Women Radio. Contact
info@berthasize.com for sponsorship information.
Meredith Karen Laskow, poet and jewelry
Thanksgiving is a special time to reflect on our
blessings -- not that we need a special time, but
every "excuse" to offer our blessings brings more love
into this world.
Robin C. Westmiller
Author of "Blood Tastes Lousy With
How I rescued my father from greedy cousins,
thieving attorneys and the Florida Guardianship
System. This story of determination, fortitude and of
victory, inspired Robin C. Westmiller to form the the
National Association To Stop Guardian Abuse
For information on the National Association to Stop
Guardian Abuse, please go to www.stopguardianabuse.org
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
For writers, contests can be more than a pat on the
back. Use them to promote, to further a career, to
brand your name. A new audio "CONTEST FACTS:
will make a difference in your writing career. Go:
Elinor Stutz
On a scale of 1-10, how nice are you in the
workplace " and do you believe you are where you
need to be? The article by Andrea Sachs of TIME
Magazine, talks about this very subject and suggests
that our member, Elinor Stutz, got it right.
Based on her corporate experience, Elinor
wrote "Nice Girls DO Get The Sale: Relationship
Building That Gets Results". The stories will have
you laughing out loud and the book filled with tips will
become your reference guide for building
business. www.smoothsale.net/products.shtml
THANK YOU! to the following for sharing information about
Eveline Maedel, Creativity and
for her FREE one hour Art Guidance coaching session.
One hour with Evie allowed me to gain insight for an
issue that's been dancing through my mind for
months. I am now ready to begin working on that
issue after careful thought and direction.
Angel Brown
for featuring Dotsie on her Web site. (Scroll down the
page to read)
is the
# 1 site on search engines for "baby boomer
women." Join us
in our forums where you can share from the heart,
give and
receive advice, and make new friends.
Feel free to forward this
friends, family and colleagues.
Please email dots@nabbw.com if you no
want to receive this publication.
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