When searching "baby boomer
women" online, www.BoomerWomenSpeak.com and www.nabbw.com are ranked first onmajor search engines. Why not advertise with us? Email me for advertising rates.
NEW! If you have a product for baby boomer women that you would like to see reviewed in this newsletter and on our site, please email me for details.
Boomer Women Speak Forums
July 16, 2009
Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability. ~Sam Keen I'm
the type that has to schedule my laziness, but this time of year, when
the warm weather strikes, I'm much better about accepting a slower
pace. Even as a kid, I recall making tents out of cotton sheets and
hiding away from the heat with a deck of cards or a Highlights magazine. May all of us give ourselves permission to be bit lazy and embrace a slower pace this summer.
If you have not recently visited our homepages, I recommend you check out our Boomer Mall.
In addition to regular shopping at most of the main stores across the
country, we also feature the Reverse Auction which is the latest way to
shop. People believe it will pass the success of EBay with time. It's
going gangbusters in Europe. All items in the auction are already the
lowest price you will find online. You simply purchase tickets for 80
cents. Then you see what you are interested in buying. The price is not
showing so you use a ticket to reveal the lowest selling price at the
moment. Once you see the price, you may purchase at that time, or keep
watching and try revealing the price a couple hours later. Every time
someone checks the price, the price drops! People from around the world
are bidding so the price continues to drop until someone decides to buy
it. People are saving a small fortune!
Here's a list of recent auctions to give you an idea of the savings:
Pochette Louis Vuitton Saved 87% auction completed Value: $700.00 Sold for: $87.00
AK Anne Klein Watch Saved 94% auction completed Value: $46.99 Sold for: $2.50
Apple iMac 20 inch Saved 89% auction completed Value: $1,179.00 Sold for: $124.50
KitchenAid KSM150PSER Saved 83% auction completed Value: $269.99 Sold for: $43.50
Amazon.com Gift Card Saved 88% auction completed Value: $350.00 Sold for: $40.50
Apple iMac 20 inch Saved 87% auction completed Value: $1,179.00 Sold for: $150.50
Sony PlayStation 3 80GB Saved 72% auction completed Value: $399.99 Sold for: $110.25
I hope you'll jump in and begin shopping. I almost got the Kitchen Aid in black, but I guess I was too cheap because someone got it before I made the move.
We've gotten a very nice response for our upcoming teleseminar with Kathi Casey titled, Avoiding the Physical Limitations of Past Generations - Removing, Re-training, and Relaxing!
I guess we are learning form our parents' generation and interested in
making changes with regards to our health and mental health.
testimonials like this that refresh our spirits at the NABBW and
encourage us to continue on our path of educating and empowering baby
boomer women:
NABBW is one of the few national/international organization that takes
pains to make one feel like a member of a family. Thank you to you and
your editors and staff. Best, Carolyn Howard-Johnson www.HowToDoItFrugally.com
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. We appreciate you!
Do you like to journal, or are you interested in writing your story? If so, please join Sue William Silverman in our forum community
during the month of August where she will meet us on a regular basis to
answer and all questions about writing. Her most recent book Fearless Confessions: A Writer's Guide to Memoir,
has led me to believe she is the queen of memoir wiring. Her expansive
knowledge on the subject will jazz you to write your story with
guidance, confidence and know-how. Sue is also the author of two
memoirs. Because I Remember Terror, Father, I Remember You, won the Association of Writers and Writing Programs Award Series in Creative Nonfiction. Her memoir, Love Sick: One Woman's Journey Through Sexual Addiction, was made into a Lifetime TV Original Movie. Her poetry collection is Hieroglyphics in Neon. Be sure to stop by and join the conversation.
I encourage you to become a Facebook fan of the NABBW, please click this link and
you'll see where you can do so. I'm getting my feet wet with social
networking and am enjoying it thus far. Now you can follow us on Twitter
and connect with me on LinkedIn. Blessings, Dotsie Bregel www.boomerwomenspeak.com www.nabbw.com |
PASS IT ON: We all know her. She's at midlife. She wants to take care
of herself but can't always squeeze it in because she's so busy caring
for any of the following: her husband, mother, father, children,
grandchildren, in-laws, neighbors, friends, colleagues, etc. Won't you
please help her out by sharing this newsletter and the NABBW with her?
Thank you for connecting, encouraging and supporting boomer women. May we all be enlightened, educated and empowered! __________________________________________________________________________________
TAKE TIME TO VISIT OUR SISTER SITE www.boomerwomenspeak.com
is the # 1 site on search engines for "baby boomer women." Join us in
our forums where you can share from the heart, give and receive advice,
and make new friends.
Sponsors of the NABBW

NABBW Featured Associate
Introducing NABBW Associate Cathy Taylor . . .
you or your loved ones involved in online dating? Do you ever worry
about their safety when they leave the house to meet someone they have
discovered online but really know nothing about?
Well now you have one less thing to worry about!
Cathy Taylor
has developed a new website service that will keep online daters safer.
As an entrepreneur and internet marketer, Cathy developed a way that
both women and men can search by their potential date's name and/or
date of birth and discover any criminal history.
Sweetheart Checks
is designed to help online daters be safer in a preventative manner.
This website provides a national criminal records search in 50 U.S.
states; including a national sex offender registry. So for a nominal
fee of $10 per name, you can find out if your potential date has a
criminal history (including felonies and misdemeanors) or has ever
registe red as a sex offender; and the search is completely anonymous.
talks about why she wanted to offer this service, "I've been involved
in background checking for almost 30 years and it is always painful to
see innocent people get taken advantage. But when it comes to online
dating, we enter into a new world born out of the World Wide Web that
can be dangerous. It just doesn't make any sense not to exercise
"And yet," she continues, "I still have women tell me
that they would be too nervous about checking up on someone. Or they
just want to 'look the other way' and pretend nothing bad could happen
to them. It's naïve and a real shame because the data is easily
available if you know where to look. With just this one simple, quick
check you can feel more confident that your date doesn't have a
criminal history and even save yourself potential heartbreak including
wasting your precious years with someone who is never going to be a
long-term relationship. "
Making public data available and
affordable is what Taylor intends to do with this new website.
The first step was to launch Sweetheartchecks.com.
Next she plans to educate women about what to look for when doing a
background check on any individual you want to meet. To begin with, she
has launched a series of articles that you can find HERE including a two-part series titled, "How to tell if Your Date is Lying, Married or Otherwise Undesirable."
and joint ventures with dating coaches and online dating websites are
being developed, and a series of new searches are planned for online
access including the ability to get marriage and divorce records
(faster than if you went to the courthouse yourself) as well as the
ability to research real property records, tax liens, judgments,
bankruptcies, address history, aliases, vehicle and aircraft ownership.
In the meantime, people can call Cathy at 949 635-4923 with any
questions about this kind of public record search.
Taylor is
long-time freelance writer and she is also developing a series of
articles that helps women in particular, listen to their intuition when
it comes to reading someone in general and specifically whether or not
they are lying. Some of this information is based on Paul Ekman's
F.A.C.E. training; who is the man behind the new television series Lie to Me. Cathy Taylor is the founder of Creative Communications specializing in internet marketing including website design and ebook publishing. Her ebook publications include www.HowtoConquermenopause.com - www.Stop-Sex-Offenders.com and www.SilentNightTreatment.com
Cathy also co-founded a public records researching company, www.Apscreen.com,
in 1980 that was the impetus for starting up her new venture. Taylor
has hundreds of publication credits and you view some of her online
articles HERE. She can be reached by phone at (949) 635-4293, or via cathy@sweetheartchecks.com or creativecommunications@cox.net.
NABBW Featured Member
Introducing NABBW Member Lillian Weber . . .
 Growing up in Manitoba, Canada, NABBW member Lillian Weber
always wanted to be a nurse. She never thought this career would change
into having her own business in her fifties. In fact, when she was
young, Lillian thought people in their fifties were old. Says Lillian, "It has been a thrilling and scary, mind building and mind exhausting experience that I will always treasure."
While nursing w as
an enjoyable career, a knee injury forced her to look at other options.
Soon she married, had a family, and sewed crafts out of old blue jeans
which led to doing alterations, and to production sewing out of her
home for a Manitoba company. Lillian discovered that it was fun fixing
fitting problems with clothes. The sewing alterations brought her into
contact with ladies who had mastectomy surgery and one woman mentioned
with such sadness in her voice that because of her mastectomy, she had
teddies hanging in her closet she could no longer wear, and clothes
with spaghetti straps, too. Lillian recommended sewing teddies and
clothes with spaghetti straps, with breast form pockets in them. A
lingerie shop owner also offered that ladies were having a hard time
finding nightwear with breast form pockets. That was a challenge that
Lillian, now 50 years old, could not turn down!
After facing
total frustration with trying to make commercial sewing patterns fit,
especially in the bust area, she bought pattern drafting books and
taught herself how to draft a pattern from scratch to individual
measurements. One aspect, how to change a sewing pattern to fit
different bust cup sizes, kept eluding her but she knew when faced with
a problem, the answer usually is found when you keep on searching. And
so she did. 
after 6 years of "schooling" in pattern drafting, marketing, running a
business, and learning about website user friendliness, JSAW Mastectomy Designs
offers ladies with mastectomies not just the average normal, small,
medium or large B and C cup-sized garment. The mastectomy sensitive
camisoles, breast cancer surgery recovery bras, and nightgowns are
custom made to individual ladies measurements and needs - combination
size or otherwise size, boomer waist or boomer hips, bust cup
size ranging from A to L, petite or long or both, high front
neckline or low, high underarm height or low, snug or tight, with one
or two breast form pockets. All these options are there with a click of
the mouse in the online store.
Lillian's passion about JSAW Mastectomy Designs is that everyone deserves to have the opportunity to get clothes th at
fit your particular body shape, size and need. Especially the ladies
who so valiantly and courageously have fought, and are fighting, the
battle with breast cancer. To Lillian, as the founder of JSAW
Mastectomy Designs, this means providing help to individual ladies with
their mastectomy clothing challenges through custom
made-to-your-measurements-and-needs garments for a time in their lives
that is challenging and difficult.
Besides working at designing
mastectomy clothes, drafting individual sewing patterns, sewing the
clothes, learning about outsourcing work, and keeping the online store
up to date, she also teaches seminars on how to draft a sewing pattern
from scratch with your measurements using the manual she authored, How To Transform Your Body Curves Into A Sewing Pattern.
Included in the book are tips for how to take measurements and make
adaptations to the sewing pattern for a mastectomy touched body. For
more information, Email Lillian.
NABBW Monthly Teleseminars
Avoiding the Physical Limitations of Past Generations
Removing, Re-training, and Relaxing!
Thursday July 30, 2009
3:00 pm (EST)with
Kathi Casey
The NABBW is excited to have as the host of the
JULY teleseminar, Kathi
Casey, www.kathicaseypilates.com producer and
star of her own TV show, "To Your
Health." Kathi is certified in Pilates, an experienced registered Hatha
Yoga Teacher, a certified Acu-Yoga Teacher, and has taken advanced courses in
Pilates, Somatics, QiQong, Tai Partner Yoga, and Healing Touch. She has over 20
yrs experience working with special needs populations.Here are just a
few items that participants can expect to learn:
- How stress affects our health - a recently released 20 year study by Kaiser
Permanente reported that 70 - 85% of illness in America is caused by stress.
- 2 quick and easy techniques that have been proven to lower Blood Pressure.
(These can be done at the same time to save time)
- Why it's so important to start re-training your body now to regain your
youthful health. Many muscles in our bodies have forgotten how to relax due to
years of stressful living and simply need to be re-trained.
- Another easy technique that releases tension in the neck and shoulders which
anyone can do anywhere and takes very little time.
- How to remove the welcome mat for Osteoporosis from your hips.
- The 3 best exercises for improving memory and concentration.
- Why laughter really is the best medicine! Science has proven that sustained
laughter reduces 3 stress hormones in the body, releases endorphins or "feel
hormones AND gives our Immune Systems a boost! - Throw away your scales! How much we weigh is not as important as how we look
and feel. Building leaner muscle (which weighs more than fat) burns more
calories and gives us powerful long term benefits.
- Why starting small, taking baby steps and rewarding ourselves yields longer
lasting results in our fitness routines - especially if we have not worked out
regularly before.
- Meditation can be done while walking, writing, or simply counting our
breath. It's not a practice that takes years to master or is as difficult as
some think and the health benefits are enormous.
________________________________________________________________________ Virginia Ellen - Suddenly Young
Again To listen, click
HERE! To read, click HERE!
Jed Diamond - Male Menopause, Irritable Male Syndrome, and MidlifeTo listen, click HERE!To read, click HERE! |
Boomer Reviews
Reviews are a service we provide for NABBW members. Email us for details. NOTE:
Once submitted, please allow ample time for reading/reviewing. Books and other products will not be returned.
Click Book or CD Covers to read reviews

Writing Contest!

The National Association of Baby Boomer Women announces a new writing contest...
Boomer Women Speak How my Life Changed in One Moment
According to Sue William Silverman, author of Fearless Confessions: A Writer's Guide to Memoir, everyone has a story to tell. Here is your assignment from Sue in order to help you get started telling yours.
In 500 words or less, write one scene, a mini-memoir,
depicting your life-changing event. Be sure to include sensory details.
Here is an example: Think of a woman trying to write about how one
night over dinner, in an expensive restaurant, her husband announced he
was leaving her. She might describe the sound of rain pelting the
windows, the noise of the happy couples surrounding them, or maybe the
soup growing cold in the bowl. All of these details help reinforce her
feelings at this crucial junction of her life.
Now it's your
turn to write a short scene that shows your own life-changing moment.
Where did the event happen? Who were you with? How did it impact the
larger story of your life?
500 words or less, set a scene, using some sensory details, that
describes one life-changing moment. Think about;
- How this moment marked a turning point, a beginning or an ending;
- How you feel about that event now, reflecting back, with the advantage of hindsight;
- If
it was a sad or traumatic moment, did you overcome it and ultimately
feel empowered? Or, if it was a joyous occasion, what did you
learn from that?
Please submit your entry in the BODY OF THE EMAILto contest@nabbw.com with Confessions in the subject line. Include your name, email address, and short bio (no more than 75 words) with the email entry. Entries needing editing will not be accepted.
DEADLINE: August 31, 2009
PRIZES ARE: GRAND PRIZE - 100.00 and F-R-E-E membership or renewal in the NABBW.  FIRST RUNNER UP - An autographed copy of Fearless Confessions PLUS a copy of Sue Silverman's two memoirs. SECOND RUNNER UP - An autographed copy of Fearless Confessions
Member News
Shelley Hussey www.shelleyhussey.com Shelley Hussey, author of I'm Not OK, You're Not OK, But That's OK With God, will be speaking on the topic of book marketing to the Christian Authors Guild, Monday, July 20th at 7:00 pm. Location is the Tommy Nobis Center, 1480 Bells Ferry Road, Marietta, Georgia 30066. For more information visit HERE. Shelley's book was also the featured review this month on NABBW and the review can be read at this LINK.
Judith Sherven, PhD www.judithandjim.com www.smartweddingcouples.com Judith Sherven, PhD and her husband Jim Sniechowski, PhD have authored their 5th book - #1 bestseller, The Heart of Marketing - Love Your Customers and They Will Love You Back (Morgan James Publishing, May 2009) with 62 Free Launch Gifts still available when you get their book through this LINK.
Eileen Bodoh and
Katherine Scherer, authors of Gratitude Works www.gratitudeworks.com Eileen Bodoh and Katherine Scherer are currently writing daily
gratitudes for www.thankgodi.com. To receive
these inspirational messages, go to the website and join the community at no
Nancy Mattison www.storybookquilts.biz Name the Turtle Contest Simply click on "Name the Turtle Contest" at the top of our webpage. The contest runs through August 30th and will name [Turtle],
the theme character in the latest Storybook Quilt. Each Storybook
Quilt combines a patchwork quilt with a children's adventure story,
based on the fabrics in the quilt. So, grab a glass of lemonade, put on
your thinking cap, consult the children in your life, and help us find
a name for [Turtle]!
Gregory Anne Cox www.midlifewithavengeance.com Gregory Anne Cox, The midlife women's Lifestyle Tune Up expert just launched 3 new coaching programs. NABBW members get a 10% discount. If it's finally time to get the weight or health thing handled, head over to the program page and pick the program that's right for you.
Carolyn Howard-Johnson www.howtodoitfrugally.com Carolyn Howard-Johnson will teach "Creating a Promotion Campaign for Your Fiction or Nonfiction Book." A one-day seminar, it will meet on the UCLA campus' School of Public Affairs Building (Room 2317) Saturday, August 1, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Learn more about the class (only $125!) HERE.
p.m. terrell
Internationally acclaimed author p.m.terrell will appear at Austin Peay State University from July 23 through 25 in Clarksville, TN as part of the Clarksville Writers Conference.
She'll be speaking several times about writing historical books,
writing suspense/thrillers, and marketing and promotion. For more
details, visit HERE.
Anita Stelling
Anita Stelling, CEO of www.shopbestweddingsite.com is excited to be a part of the NABBW and the forum community at Boomer Women Speak. Her website is the only major One Stop Shop Best Wedding Site
nation-wide and world-wide. She invites you to visit her site, and to
look it over, where you will find elegant, numerous quality products
for weddings and special occasions.
EllynAnne Geisel
EllynAnne Geisel, author of The Apron Book, Apronisms, Apron Chronicles & The Kitchen Linens Book is tickled pink to be featured in the current issues of Romantic Homes and Paula Deen Cooks! To sign up for EllynAnne's newsletter, click HERE.
Lynn C. Tolson
Beyond the Tears: A True Survivor's Story by Lynn C. Tolson is required reading at Towson Universityfor the "Issues in Domestic Violence"
course. Students must write a reflection paper. One student said, "Yes,
it was required reading and everyone loved it, inspiring and
helpful. " Lynn was BWS featured author and also hosted a NABBW tele-seminar. Visit Lynn HERE.
Marlene Chism, Author of Success is a Given
Sign up for the 3 Myths and 4 Lies of Success
Relationship Builder Booklet includes free gratitude letter. You can send in the mail to a client or use as a staff development tool. For more information go HERE.
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