Dear Dotsie,
September 15, 2008
"The smile corrects everything. It transcends fatigue, age, flaws." by Catherine Texier About Face:Women Write What They See When They Look In The Mirror, edited by Anne Burt and Christina Baker Kline.
I just returned from a speaking engagement at a boomer expo in Mystic, Connecticut. I had great fun connecting with women as we shared stories about my Top Ten List of Baby Boomer Trends. One of the reasons I share this is that while I was traveling, I took note of pleasant people. It didn't matter what they were wearing, how tall or thin they were, or their age. What mattered most was their facial expression. The ones smiling got my attention. After reading the book mentioned in the above quote, I've been thoughtful about what women see when we look in the mirror - and why. Try to forget what negativity we've absorbed through the years with regards to what others have said about our looks and appearance. I'm convinced that during the middle years, we need to embrace ourselves, be gentle to ourselves, and love ourselves, because when we do so, we become a blessing to others - no matter what we look like. Keep smiling for the good of others and yourself!
Our big news is that Me Again™, www.meagainonline.com, has partnered with the NABBW and BWS, and is now an official sponsor! Their generous sponsorship expresses the value Me Again™ places on educating boomer women everywhere with ways to improve our health. We share that mission wholeheartedly with them.
Be sure to visit their Web site to see the additional wealth of information available such as links to articles about menopause by third-parties, an interactive symptom chart, and many other resources.
Thanks to companies like Me Again™, women no longer have to hide behind their questions regarding the sexual side effects of menopause, disruptive sleep patterns, hot flashes, mood swings and irritability. Me Again™ along with the NABBW, have joined forces to help with educational resources, and products women need to restore hormonal balance to their bodies.
To learn more about this new partnership and the benefits to you, visit Me Again™ at www.meagainonline.comand view their complete Me Again™ line which consists of four products: Daytime Symptom Relief with Probiotics, Nighttime Sleep Formula, Intimate Arousal Lubricant and Long-Lasting Vaginal Moisturizer. The new products range in price from $12.99 to $19.99 and are available at your local CVS Pharmacy.
The NABBW continues to enjoy new partnerships that bring value to our members. NABBW has partnered with one of the largest and most respected online jewelers that has served over a half million satisfied customers since 1999. Members receive 20% off at www.ice.com. Do you like jewelry? Do you like buying jewelry online? If so, it's your lucky day.
Ice.com is the trendsetter and tastemaker in the
jewelry business. Ice.com jewelry experts strive to stay ahead of style and
fashion trends to offer customers the very latest in jewelry styles in a secure
and trusted online destination. NABBW members
need to visit the Members Only page to learn their discount code.
While the NABBW is not a political association, I wanted to share the links below because I believe it was wise for the AARP to interview our candidates asking questions of interest to our generation. The interview links are: AARP interviews Senator McCain AARP interviews Senator Obama
Please make note of the Empty Nest teleseminar we're having Tuesday the 16th with expert, Natalie Caine. Natalie will offer numerous tips and suggestions for thriving during this new season in women's lives. NABBW members have received the call information. The final touches were made to the BoomerWomenSpeak.com forums. We even implemented larger font for our boomer eyes so we no longer have to squint or run for the eyeglasses. Hope to *see* you there.
And now, onward with grace!
Blessings, Dotsie Bregel www.boomerwomenspeak.com www.nabbw.com |
Boomer Women Speak Forums
Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women today!
Join Now for $75.00! The National Association of Baby Boomer Women is the only association
devoted to addressing issues concerning 38 million of the healthiest,
wealthiest, and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby
boomer women.
Featured Associates
Dr. Robin Miller and Dr. Janet Horn, www.smartwomanshealth.com, NABBW associates and medical health advisors/columnists since 2006, met on the first day of their fellowships at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1983. For three afternoons every week over the next two years, they had sour coffee, greasy food, and long chats at the hospital café. Despite their being on opposite coasts for most of their medical careers, their talks have continued for the past 25 years. Those girlfriend to girlfriend conversations between the two Baby Boomer women physicians inspired their new book The Smart Woman's Guide to Midlife and Beyond: A No-Nonsense Approach to Staying Healthy after 50, which was released September 1, 2008 by New Harbinger Publications. They know, from their own experiences and from those of their patients, what the most pressing health-related questions are at this stage of life. Their book covers the  spectrum of the maturing woman's health issues in the 21st century, focusing on the prevention of the most common diseases that occur as the body matures, and on the management of symptoms that may indicate a medical emergency. Not only are specific recommendations from the traditional medical field given, but the book also offers suggestions from the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). The authors have created a unique method, called "The 4 A's", that helps organize, simplify, and remember what is needed to stay healthy and active, and they show how to apply it to all of their recommendations throughout the book. The authors include stories about their own experiences with aging and those of their patients, as well as their personal regimens of everything from exercise and eating to skincare. A detailed suggested health maintenance schedule, a recommended reading list, and an extensive list of references are also included.  In addition, they have launched a website for the book, which includes a blog so that they can continue their chats with other women of their generation and older about health care issues. Read more about their book: www.smartwomanshealth.com or click on the book cover at left. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING ABOUT The Smart Woman's Guide to Midlife and Beyond: "I have often wished that I had a doctor in my family to ask advice. If you have shared this desire, you'll love this book. It's a practical insider's guide to what maturing women need to be thinking about, and it's written as a concerned friend would discuss it with you. Drs. Horn and Miller have superb training and years of practical experience caring for women patients. It shows on every page of this excellent book."-- The Honorable Glenda Hatchett, star of the nationally syndicated television program, " Judge Hatchett" and author of Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say!"More than no-nonsense, the authors' approach is accessible and even entertaining -- these are the doctor girlfriends you want to call because they know everything about the area of your concern - not only from practicing their profession but also from their own personal experiences."-- Robin Wolaner, founder/CEO of TeeBeeDee, an online network for people over 40, and founder of Parenting magazine
Featured Member
Teena Cahill, Psy.D. Director, Wisdom & Beyond, LLC www.teenacahill.com Dr. Teena Cahill is an internationally acclaimed speaker, educator, and comic. She is host of " Wisdom and Beyond with Dr. Teena Cahill" seen on Verizon Cable Ch.45, host of the popular international radio show, " Nurturing the Nurturers" ( www.webtalkradio.net) and author of the insightful, funny and inspiring book, " The Cahill Factor: Turning Adversity into Advantage". Teena holds a Doctorate in Psychology, Masters in Counseling and Bachelors in Education. But, as a wife, care-giver, mother, step-mother, grandmother, and member of the sandwiched generation..... she "walks the walk" as much as she "talks the talk!!!" Teena's husband, a former Marine Corps fighter pilot became disabled 16 years ago...seven years after they had married and combined kids, critters and careers! Five years ago Teena decided to take all she had learned in her life, both text book learning and real life living, and reach out to other women in the workplace who are trying to balance family and work. Teena loves to "Bust the Myth of Balance" and teaches how the better model for our lives is RESILIENCE. She shows how we are born tough with the ability to bounce back from adversity, and how it is on this platform of resilience that we build our greatest leadership! While we cannot stop change from happening ... Teena shows how we can make a choice to have a positive response, learn and grow from our tough times, and move from victim, to survivor and finally to the great leader that exists within each of us.  This year her hilarious and riveting presentations have been heard on three continents, she has spoken to people from over 50 countries and has been translated into over ten languages. At each event audiences leave laughing, learning, inspired and empowered...and asking for more! Quite often Teena makes arrangements for attendees to be guests on her radio and TV shows, and through an arrangement with her publisher (SterlingHousePublisher) books for her book signings may be purchased at a discounted price for fund-raisers. "It has been one of my proudest moments to have Dr. Teena Cahill speak at my conference. Each year we attempt to find the best and that is exactly what Teena delivers. With a humorous look at life, a distinctly unique approach to women's issues and a strong, research-oriented array of teachings, Teena is a tremendous asset to our events and one person we love to rebook." J.K."Dr. Cahill impressed us with her delivery of relevant content in an eloquent and energetic fashion. Dr. Cahill clearly understands the inner workings of the workplace. She also has an acute knowledge of the need for "balance" in our personal and professional lives." Y.C.
NABBW Contest
NABBW Monthly Teleseminars


NABBW Empty Nest Expert - Natalie Caine Empty Nest Turned Opportunity Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 3:00 pm EST
Boomer Book Reviews
Book reviews are a service we provide for NABBW members. Email us for details. NOTE:
Once submitted, please allow ample time for reading/reviewing. Books will not be returned.
Click Book Covers to read reviews
Member News
Janet Horn, MD, and Robin H. Miller, MD www.smartwomanshealth.comMedical Health Advisors for the NABBW, Janet Horn, MD, and Robin H. Miller, MD, announce the publication of their book, The Smart Woman's Guide to Midlife and Beyond: A No Nonsense Approach to Staying Healthy After 50. The coauthors have written in an informal and conversational style in hopes of avoiding the dry, technical tone of many health books. Click HERE to learn more!
Christine Kloser www.FreedomFormulaBook.comF-R-E-E Audio CD for all NABBW members! Discover the " Top 3 Ways to Consciously Capitalize on the Biggest Trend in Business Ever." This 60-minute audio program shares insights on the biggest trend of our era, and shows you how to embrace this trend to experience more purpose, passion and profit in your business. Simply visit HERE to request your F-R-E-E- CD today.
Cathy Holloway Hill, Life Coach www.chollowayhill.com/books.htmWill be announcing the release of her new book, " Baby Boomer's Handbook for Women." This powerful, value-packed book was designed for the demanding generation of Baby Boomers. Focusing on their unique concerns and life challenges, twenty-five life coaches and professional women together created tips, methods, and advice on how to Overcome Procrastination, Deal with Aging Parents, How to Look Terrific at Any Age, Overcome Fears & Doubts, Encore Careers, Education: It's Never Too Late, Dating After Divorce, Money & Accumulating Wealth, Power of Hope, and much more. An absolute MUST for all baby boomers! For more info, visit HERE!
Joanie Winberg www.FreshStartAfterDivorce.comJoanie Winberg of Boston, MA and June Dillinger of Honolulu, HI announce the opportunity for women and men to contribute true-life stories for the forthcoming book " The Benefit of the X, Personal Stories of Gratitude." The purpose of this book is to bring forward experiences that have transformed individual lives. These people see their divorce with the glass half full, an opportunity to start afresh while actually paying tribute to their former marriage. For more info, submission criteria, and sample stories, visit HERE! No writing experience necessary!
p.m.terrell www.pmterrell.com
Internationally acclaimed author p.m.terrell continues the book tour for her newest release, " Exit 22," with a special appearance September 18 at the Osterneck Auditorium
in Lumberton, NC. She'll be interviewed on Global Talk Radio by
publisher and host, Valerie Connelly on Tuesday, September 23 at 2:00
pm. On October 18, she travels to Waynesboro, VA for the annual Book 'Em
book festival and to the Powhatan, VA Public Library for a special
slide show presentation at 7:00 pm the same day. For more info, click HERE. Corrie Woodswww.womansfieldguide.comSay YES to you! Experience rest, relaxation, and renewal on Life Coach and author, Corrie Woods' most popular weekend retreat. Coming up November 7 -9, 2008 in the beautiful western NC mountains, it's The Savvy Savory Self-Care Retreat. Watch a retreat slide show, hear what others have to say, and get all the details HERE. Donna Setterlundwww.habitatforeducation.comWe have a national crisis in our schools and we are creating a Habitat for Education with a controlled environment where methods of teaching, and learning the educational process can thrive and be shared. We're bringing together, people, proven teaching concepts, and all the latest educational technologies in a complex designed as a destination resort, with interactive exhibits, fun activities, and real classrooms to experience teaching methods first hand. We would like to invite the participation of experienced individuals who can help establish a solid base, influence growth and lead us as executive directors. Please email Donna Setterlund for details. Donna Shepherd www.donnajshepherd.comIf in the Cincinnati-Dayton area, your invited to a Day for Writers workshop taught by Donna Shepherd, an author and speaker, and Mary Busha, a writer's coach, October 11, 8:30-3:30. These workshops, along with hands-on training, will motivate you to step up your goal of becoming a working writer and published author to the next level! Go HERE for info and to register. Donna's newest book, Dotty's Topsy Tale, is now available and encourages children to look beyond the color of a person's (or a hippo's!) skin.
Carolyn Howard-Johnson www.HowToDoItFrugally.comCarolyn Howard-Johnson has opened a new, easy, and inexpensive approach to a speakers' bureau with Authors' Coalition, the organization she founded. You can find it HERE. You can also find the speakers already signed including Carolyn, Cynthia Brian and Joyce Faulkner HERE. If you'd like to speak to Carolyn personally about it, send her an e-mail with SPEAKERS BUREAU in the subject line. Shoshana Shambergwww.aotss.comAbilities provides a variety of health and wellness programs, trainings, and services for people who are struggling with functional limitations, age related decline or who want to stay healthy and stress free. Brain Gym, Vision Training and Irlen Color Overlays for Reading and Writing problems (as well as migraines and memory issues), and special education interventions. See our website for details or please email us. Next training Sept 21-22 in Phoenix, MD - Awakening the Senses- Brain Gym and other Sensory Motor Activities on a Shoestring Budget.
Jan Cullinanewww.thenewretirement.net
Jan Cullinane was interviewed Wednesday, August 27th on Woman Talk Live (WVIE 1370 Baltimore), at www.v1370.com. The podcast of the show will be available on www.WomanTalkLive.com in the near future.
PASS IT ON: We all know her. She's at midlife. She wants to take care of herself but can't always squeeze it in because she's so busy caring for any of the following: her husband, mother, father, children, grandchildren, in-laws, neighbors, friends, colleagues, etc. Won't you please help her out by sharing this newsletter and the NABBW with her?
Thank you for connecting, encouraging and supporting boomer women. May we all be enlightened, educated and empowered!
www.boomerwomenspeak.com is the # 1 site on search engines for "baby boomer women." Join us in our forums where you can share from the heart, give and receive advice, and make new friends.
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