Dotsie Bregel is the Founder of the National Association of Baby Boomer Women,, and, the # 1 sites on major engines for “baby boomer women.” Both sites offer the media and others a single-stop source for information about the healthiest, wealthiest, and best educated group of women to reach midlife.
Widely acclaimed as the voice of today’s Baby Boomer women, Dotsie Bregel is a writer, speaker, and expert on all issues concerning her generation of women. She is the go-to person for those interested in learning more about women born between 1946 and 1964. Dotsie is passionate about giving women a voice, and educating and empowering her generation of women.
Learn how Dotsie’s midlife crisis became her midlife passion.
Following her mom’s death and with the empty nest staring her in the face, Dotsie struggled with this question: What do I want to be when I grow up? She was a 44-year-old baby boomer asking herself the same question as her three, teenaged children. She loved being a mom who stayed home to make a difference, but shortly they'd all be in college and she’d be out of a job.
Dotsie found herself on the brink of a midlife crisis. For the first time in a long time, she was without direction and in danger of losing her purpose. Not willing to settle for anything less than a joyful and purposeful life, Dotsie did what she always did in crisis. She went inward.
After much soul-searching, prayer and conversations with those she cared about most, she had an epiphany. What gave her life the most meaning was her connections with other women. She also realized that not all women have the support system she had. They devoted their lives to their children, work and partnerships, sometimes neglecting themselves in the process. At mid-life, many of these women were lost. In transition, like herself, they had forgotten who they were and had begun to question the direction their lives were taking them.
With the launch of, Dotsie began her journey of uniting, encouraging, and supporting boomer women on a daily basis. Within the walls of her community forum, members help one another resolve life’s conflicts with creativity, kindness, and inclusion no longer having to live in exclusion and silence.
Bregel monitors more than 60 forums that gather together women from across the states and other countries to discuss emotions and issues that bond them into a generation. They chat about their health concerns, changing career paths and empty nest blues, giving empathy and inspiration that nurtures and strengthens their individual and collective souls. Bregel uses her ever-expanding knowledge of her generation and the network of people she has built to guide and inform the writers that share their thoughts around the clock in cyberspace.
Bregel credits the popularity of her BoomerWomenSpeak site to the fact that it collects a wide expanse of opinions on boomer related topics. “It’s not like Ann Landers, where it is just her opinion. At BWS you’ll hear from women who have walked in your shoes, or who are compassionate souls wanting to help” Bregel said. “We welcome everyone…there are no red pens to judge your writing skills and even lurkers can learn from the discussions if they’re too shy to participate.”
In 2005, Bregel formed the National Association of Baby Boomer Women, developing an abundant membership package that includes an electronic resource library with more than 50 teleseminars on relevant topics spanning from facelifts, eldercare support, boomerangs, grand parenting tips and menopause health to financial advice, entrepreneurship tactics, publishing guidance and even direction on finding midlife purpose. She also offers a caring panel of experts that enlighten and encourage women to grow stronger and more knowledgeable about the challenges they face as they age and seek to rearrange their lives. The association promotes a sense of belonging and offers promotional opportunities, discounts on coaching, travel, skin care and more, plus networking on a personal and professional level.
Along this journey, Bregel has become a sought after expert on Boomer women’s issues, publishing newsletters and stories about her experiences, offering her insights on national television shows and radio broadcasts and speaking at seminars and trade shows that focus on her generation of women. She is known for her genuine warmth and endless generosity which embraces, soothes and heals the women she touches. She is praised for introducing strangers, transforming their separate existences into meaningful friendships that support and inspire.
Bregel is living the adventure that she aims to inspire in others. She has re-invented herself, having humbly nurtured her own family to now successfully nurturing thousands of fellow women of her generation.
Since the launch of BWS and the NABWW, Dotsie has been mentioned in Time magazine and AARP Bulletin along with dozens of other newspapers and magazines across the nation. She has appeared on The Early Show (CBS) with Dave Price, the Retirement Living channel, and ABC’s internet show, Top Priority. She has also helped connect women for a segment of the NBC Nightly News. Additionally, Dotsie is a frequent guest on radio talk shows. She writes for blogs, magazines and Web sites. She lives in Baltimore, Maryland with her husband and an occasional boomerang child. You may contact her at
A portion of this bio is credited to Diane Hunt who wrote the article Dotsie Bregel – The Voice of Her Generation to Speak in Mystic for a Special to the Westerly Sun.
