I wasn't sure where to post this but I know for sure I've been blessed and experienced joy! I've not talked about it too much here but, friends, I've never been so poor in my entire life (I know I've mentioned that)! After leaving my job in August and trying to get a struggling new business off the ground, there's been barely enough to cover my bills and buy some groceries. There has not been a day go by since Thanksgiving that I haven't cried and prayed fervently. I didn't really want to put any lights or decorations up but realizing my hubby's own family pain, we decided to do this for us. But there's been enough sadness to dampen the spirit. Fast forward to last evening. I'm sitting by the fire waiting for my husband to arrive home from work. Once again, I was crying and praying for a miracle. I have 2 little grandchildren and that's all I wanted...was to give them something from "Mimi." The snow was falling and I was also praying for his safety on the roads (he was an hour and a half late and hadn't called). Finally, I saw the headlights coming up the driveway. I wiped my tears said an audible "thank you, Lord" and went to the door. Getting out of his car he said "Honey, Christmas is here!" I walked out into the snow without my coat to see his car packed with huge bags. The first thing I saw was two cuddly stuffed ponies spilling out of one. Well....the tears were back and I'm asking him "HOW??" We stood in the snow hugging and I couldn't contain my excitement and joy! No, we can't afford it really but he had gone shopping and taken care of everyone in MY family! We went out again and got a few more things, too. On the way home in the snowy streets I finally saw the beauty in the lights and we both wanted to hear Christmas music (the first time this season!) I thought this was so very selfless of him, especially in his sadness. We came home and just smiled. I had started making my own cards the other day and gave up yesterday, putting everything back where I store them (materials, paper, stamps). Today I go buy my boomer sisters their cards for the exchange and they'll be going out soon! Just wanted to share how my upside-down world turned right-side up...and the very power of prayer and learning patience. The timing is always right!! Will post a new pic of the grandbabies on the grandchildren forum. Wow, my heart is so light this morning...finally!!
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane ~ Jimmy Buffett