BWS Stories - Contest Winners Contest Winners - May 2010 Writing Contest - First Place Winner!
Born to be a writer,
Barbara Hollace continues to pursue the passion that beckons her
like a siren's
song. Recent publications include stories in "Faith, Hope and Healing"
by Dr. Bernie Siegel , "A Cup of Comfort for Military Families"
edited by Colleen Sell, and The SpokeWrite Journal, Spring 2009,
Summer 2009,
and Winter 2010 issues. Currently, she is working on a novel series
featuring a
Baby Boomer woman.
May 2010 Writing Contest - First Place Winner!
Muting The Sound
Ironically, the remote control in
our house is rarely under my control. I don’t have much time for television and
on the rare occasions I do sit down and watch it, my husband is usually at the
However, the button I most
frequently use is the Mute button. My environment is filled with too much noise,
much of it that doesn’t contribute to the good of my life. There are sirens, people
arguing, garbage trucks, and loud blaring stereos.
Too often the important things in
life are covered up by the white noise that invades our space without
invitation. Modern technology gadgets are wonderful but they can cover the
heartbeat of the one I love. Intimacy often takes the backseat to the latest crisis
on Law and Order or the rapid fire indigestion that the evening news brings.
Maybe I’m just old-fashioned but
the sound of silence has great personal appeal to calm the frantic pace of a
world that picks me up and carries me along, often as an unwanted traveler.
Of the five senses, hearing brings
a third dimension to a flat picture. For example, if a fire truck is racing
down the street with its lights flashing and sirens blaring, what do I experience?
If I can only see it, my memories bring me back to the other times I saw a fire
truck and I replay that moment, but if I can see it and hear it, something
The pitch and wail of the siren
give me goose bumps and my stomach drops to my toes while a silent prayer is
uttered for those on board as well as those anticipating its arrival. I am in
the moment and my emotion is raw and unbridled.
At times the crescendo of life is
so great that I clamor for the mute button. It stifles unwanted noise but also
allows me to hear the softer sounds that are often buried in the rubble. Can you hear the wind blow or the birds sing
when man-made music is deafening your space instead of nature’s beauty?
My sister was born with a hearing
impairment. Over the years, I’ve observed what happens when there is no sound
or the fullness of life’s volume is absent. It’s true there are things that she
has missed, but in exchange, she has been given other treasures by the hand of
a loving God.
This morning I’ve chosen to use
the mute button in my life. It’s early and the apartment community lies in
silent slumber. My husband is asleep and it’s just me, the birds, and the
I am blessed in this moment of silence.